Li Shimin

Chapter 667 Goguryeo should be destroyed

Chapter 667 Goguryeo should be destroyed
All the ministers were subconsciously silent.

These barbarian hozen specially chose this time, so they came prepared!

The matter of spring plowing will inevitably be delayed!

"Your Majesty, give my old Cheng an army of [-], and I, Lao Cheng, will lead the troops to attack those hozen's hometown. This time, how much losses these hozens have caused my Tang Dynasty, my old Cheng will make up for it from them!"

Cheng Zhijie said angrily.

"Exactly, even if Your Majesty does not cultivate a few acres of land, we, the Tang Dynasty, only need to send a fleet to bring back enough grain from Wa Kingdom or Linyi."

Fang Xuanling also thought of something, and his face brightened, "My Tang Dynasty is not short of food now."

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and the others' eyes lit up.

"That's right, my Tang Dynasty has no shortage of food!"

"According to the grain produced in Linyi, plus the taxes from the Wa Kingdom, it is enough to support the [-] young and strong in the Tang Dynasty to fight abroad for a year."

"In addition, those aristocratic families are now very supportive of the imperial court, and they have more than enough food and grass for an army of [-]!"

"So, send troops?"

"Your Majesty, we must send troops!"

"Your Majesty, for barbarian hozens like Tubo and Tuyuhun, it only takes [-] troops to join the frontier army, and they can be stopped outside the border of our Tang Dynasty for a month or two!"

"As for small countries such as Goguryeo and Baekje, with an army of [-], the joint frontier army can also block them from the border of our Tang Dynasty!"

"The barbarian tribes like Tiele, Huihe, Mohe, and Shiwei also need [-] troops!"

"Where did this [-] army come from?"

"It's only [-] troops. Shunzhou, Yuzhou, Huazhou, Changzhou, Dingxiang, Yunzhong and other Zhechong government soldiers add up, and if you recruit some from anywhere, you can still get together!"

"As long as the spring plowing is over, my Tang Dynasty can recruit another [-] troops to wipe out these barbarian hozens one by one!"

"Hmph, the barbarian hozen dared to invade our Great Tang Kingdom without any reason, it is really reckless!"

After the most worrying thing is resolved.

Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others immediately relaxed.

"These barbarian hozens may never have imagined that our Tang Dynasty can supply a hundred thousand troops at any time!"

"Haha, you old man, don't talk about those barbarian hozens. If Fang Xiang hadn't mentioned it, would you have imagined that my Tang Dynasty can send out a hundred thousand troops to fight everywhere at any time without worrying about lack of food and grass?"


Cheng Zhijie, Li Jing, Hou Junji and others all burst into laughter.

"Let's come out in accordance with this matter and that charter first, read this matter tomorrow morning, and then start preparing for the dispatch of troops!"

Li Shimin said.

Money is confidence!

Now, when he sent troops again, Li Shimin felt confident enough!
Hearing this, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui responded one after another.

After a few people went out, the small countries such as Tubo, Tuyuhun, and Goguryeo were ready to unite and wanted to invade the Tang Dynasty, so it began to spread among the noble families in Chang'an City.

Immediately, all the family officials and family stewards were subconsciously worried.

Especially those big aristocratic families who have already occupied the lower cities of Tuyuhun, Goguryeo, and Baekje.

They are more anxious.

No matter how many aristocratic families there are in the Tang Dynasty, it is naive to think that those Goguryeo, Tubo and other vassal states are weak.But they will never think so.

They are well aware of the strength of these barbarian hozens.

Moreover, no matter what, as long as there is a war, the cities of their families will bear the brunt.

Once Datang doesn't deal with it well, the hard work of these aristocratic families in the past few years will be in vain!
After half an hour.

Li Shimin has brought Li Chengqian, Li Ji and others to Lijiazhuang.


After listening to Li Shimin's words, Li Xuan smiled lightly.

"Xuanba isn't worried at all?"

Seeing this, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of Li Shimin and Li Ji.

That was the coalition forces of Tubo, Tuyuhun, Goguryeo, Baekje, and more than a dozen large barbarian tribes.

No matter how small these vassal states are, if they are united, the army will be at least 800,000 or more!

"Isn't Your Majesty not worried at all?"

Li Xuan grinned and explained: "Three or four years ago, if so many vassal states united, even if our Tang Dynasty repelled the coalition forces of these vassal states, we would have suffered heavy losses.

But now, even if they come ten times more, it will still have no effect on me, Datang! "


Hearing this, Li Shimin and Li Ji were startled.

Immediately, Li Shimin and Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, and they asked expectantly, "Xuanba, do you have a good plan?"

In fact, regardless of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others, when they were in Liangyi Hall, they all looked relaxed.

However, in the face of the attack of a group of vassal states, they are all ready, and the [-] troops recruited will suffer heavy losses.

After all, that was all the armies in Tubo, Tuyuhun, Goguryeo, and Baekje.

No matter how well-equipped the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were, the number of enemy troops they faced was several times or even ten times higher.

"Has Your Majesty forgotten the bomb?"

Seeing Li Shimin's expression, Li Xuan could guess what.


Sure enough, as soon as Li Xuan's words came out, Li Shimin and Li Ji were both surprised and puzzled.


Li Xuan couldn't help chuckling, "Your Majesty, Cao Guogong, you may not know what the appearance of the bomb means for the army to fight!"


Li Shimin didn't care about anything at this time, and asked directly with a curious face.

"Too many people are useless!"

Li Xuan shook his head lightly, with a complacent expression on his face.

"The number of people is useless?"

Li Shimin, Li Ji and others were shocked again.

"Your Majesty, Cao Guogong, you have all seen it. As long as there are enough bombs and the method is used correctly, half of an iron mine can be mined in two months. If it is used on flat ground, it will be used against 50,000 enemy troops, and so on." How do you feel?" Li Xuan said.

Hearing this, Li Shimin and Li Ji's eyes widened instantly.

He had already imagined in his mind the scene where the fifty thousand troops were instantly blown to pieces.

Subconsciously shuddered.

"There are no bones left!"

"Well, the soil fell down, and it can also help bury them all!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly.

"What if there are 100,000 people?"

Li Shimin and Li Ji were startled again.

Immediately, he took a cold breath.

"As long as the bombs made by His Majesty are enough, don't worry about how many enemy troops come, they will all come here to send heads!"

Seeing that these people finally understood, a slight smile appeared on Li Xuan's face.

"Your Majesty, as long as there are enough bombs, [-] troops are enough to face Tubo and Tuyuhun! Of course, you can also attack all the way up, and by the way, completely include the small country of Tuyuhun in my Tang territory, and then wipe out Tubo! "

Li Shimin and Li Ji didn't feel that Li Xuan was talking big.

All this is possible as long as there are enough bombs.

In particular, the bombs of the Military Supervisory Committee seem to have been piled up in five large warehouses under his own behest!
Li Shimin felt a surge of excitement in his heart, and subconsciously trembled.

Staring at Li Xuan closely, "Xuanba, can you command the army?"


Li Xuan was startled, and subconsciously looked at Li Shimin.

"Goguryeo is a country of thieves, it should be destroyed!"

Li Shimin said slowly.

"If that's the case, then it will be destroyed!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly and said softly.


 Let’s make two changes today, I moved house, I found someone in the afternoon, I want to move the network cable, it turns out that there is no network cable to relocate in this building...

  Then something happened at home

  Tomorrow I will go back to my hometown to do farm work~~
  At least half a month. . .

  I can only code at night and become two more people~~~
(End of this chapter)

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