Li Shimin

Chapter 668

Chapter 668
"Thank you Xuan Ba!"

Subconsciously, Li Shimin thanked Li Xuan directly.

On the side, Li Chengqian and Li Ji were subconsciously surprised.

And Li Xuan didn't expect Li Shimin's reaction to be so big.

Seeing this, Li Shimin also reacted.

Smiling embarrassingly, he really wanted to destroy Goguryeo!

Immediately, he continued to ask: "Xuanba, how many soldiers and bombs will be needed to destroy the thief country of Goguryeo?"

"Is Your Majesty ready to take over Goguryeo in an all-round way?"

Li Xuan asked back.

"If Koguryo is captured, there will be at least more than 300 million more people. Does Your Majesty have enough officials to manage these captives?"

Seeing Li Xuan's confident appearance, Li Shimin was not annoyed, and laughed directly.


"Xuanba, didn't you suggest a few years ago that I allow those aristocratic families to establish kings and establish kingdoms outside the Tang Dynasty?"

"Don't say 3 million, even if it is more than 600 million, those aristocratic families can swallow it! Besides, in the past few years, although there have not been a few more Confucian scholars, there are many There are tens of thousands of literate people!"

"So it is!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but nodded slightly.


The water of the Tang family is really too deep.

Even now, Li Xuan felt that he hadn't figured out those aristocratic families.

"Your Majesty, [-] soldiers are enough. Bombs... naturally, the more the better!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin was startled, and then spoke slowly.

"So, don't worry, Xuan Ba, there are at least more than 70 catties of explosives stored in the warehouse of the Military Weapons Supervision! And this winter, the Shaofu Supervision has also smelted millions of catties of steel. Within half a month of recruiting soldiers , I can make you tens of thousands of bombs, [-] arrow bombs, and [-] hand-throwing bombs. There are not many muskets in stock, so I can only give you [-] pieces!"

"If that's the case, then give me half of the explosives and bombs!" Li Xuan said.


Li Shimin nodded.

"Also, the Thunder Army will follow me!" Li Xuan asked again.


In fact, there was no need for Li Xuan to ask for it. Among the [-] troops that followed Li Xuan to Goguryeo, there would definitely be Thunder Army accompanying him.

Afterwards, after discussing it again, the lineup of the army going to Goguryeo was decided.

Li Xuan was the Chief Chief, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie were Deputy Chiefs, accompanied by a [-]-strong Thunder Army.

In addition, the School of Medicine and the Imperial Medical Office sent [-] doctors, accompanied by [-] medical apprentices.

Thousands of four-wheeled carriages first transported food and luggage, as well as bombs, to Qingzhou.


Li Xuan and his family sat around the dining table on the first floor. There were five dishes and one soup on the dining table, as well as steamed sweet potatoes and pumpkins!

After eating the staple food, everyone held half a piece of sweet potato in their hands and gnawed on it with relish.

"Mi'er, Ziyun, in a few days, I will go to Goguryeo again. It may take three or four months, or half a year."

Li Xuan said slowly, "However, before you give birth, I will definitely come back!"

Cui Mi paused, and said slowly: "Your Majesty is going to fight for the Great Tang, and I am very supportive!"


Li Xuan was surprised, "You already know?"

"All the foreign and small countries around the Great Tang dare to invade our Great Tang territory together. The entire Chang'an City already knows about such a major event!"

Cui Mi said.

"Mi'er, don't worry, the number of troops going out this time is small, and the battlefield is still on the territory of Goguryeo and Baekje. I will never go into battle to kill the enemy lightly."

Li Xuan chuckled lightly, "I will definitely let this thief from Goguryeo see the power of the bomb?

Let them know that in the face of absolute firepower, only relying on cold weapons and numbers is useless! "

"Sanlang is brave, and he will repel the Goguryeo army!"

Cui Mi said slowly.

Although all Tang people called Goguryeo a barbarian hozen, no one dared to underestimate Goguryeo.

The most painful price for underestimating Goguryeo is the three scenes shown to everyone by Emperor Sui Yang of the previous dynasty?

But this time, even though it was all the vassal states around Datang, they all united and raised their troops together to attack Datang.

However, only the country of Koguryo is the one that everyone in Datang pays attention to.

Goguryeo has more than 300 million citizens and more than 30 troops!
As for Tubo, although it is very powerful to annex the surrounding small tribal countries, it already has a population of nearly more than 80.

However, those landlords and nobles have already indulged in the enjoyment of various extravagant accessories such as Tang baijiu, glass, dried vegetables, and dried salted fish.

Yaks are raised on all pastures throughout the country.

I am afraid that there are not many war horses left that can be used for war!

Even Cui Mi can see this.


Li Xuan couldn't help being startled again, "Mi'er really don't need to worry about me, don't look at Goguryeo's population, but now Goguryeo's army is weak, don't you see that even Li Ke can lead troops and lay down eight cities in Goguryeo, Have [-] soldiers."

Hearing this, Cui Mi's expression eased a little.

The next day.

In the Great Dynasty, after Fang Xuanling announced the joint invasion of the Tang Dynasty by small countries such as Tubo, Goguryeo, Baekje, and Tuyuhun.

It is rare to see that all the courtiers firmly support the challenge.

In the past, the families who opposed the war the most would be the most active.

A series of edicts were issued to the states and cities on the border of the Tang Dynasty.

This time, the most pleasant surprise to the civil and military officials of Datang is that Datang paved three concrete roads, from Chang'an City to Qingzhou, from Chang'an City to Shuozhou, and from Chang'an City to Lingzhou, just in time to deal with this time. The allied forces of the vassal states fought.

In the past, it would have taken a month's journey to arrive in less than ten days.

The entire frontier of the Tang Dynasty was filled with chills.

The most important battlefield is Goguryeo.

Qingzhou Seaport.

An army of 200, more than [-] large ships, docked at Qingzhou Harbor.

After Li Xuan boarded the ship, all the generals and captains went to the commander's account one after another.

A huge map stands in the handsome tent.

"General Manager, now the entire Goguryeo has gathered [-] soldiers, stationed in Xincheng and Momi, and about [-] soldiers in Nangou Mountain and Wugu. Obviously, they want to take the opportunity to take back King Wu and Hedong. Waiting for the few cities that the aristocratic family attacked.

In the seaport of Pingran, there are also [-] navies and hundreds of ships waiting in full battle. "

"Also, Baekje also sent [-] troops, but Baekje is a small country and doesn't have that many seagoing ships. I'm afraid it can only transport [-] sailors at a time!..."

Cheng Duanbo was also recruited into the army, and explained in detail to Li Xuan, Li Ji and others.

"Hey, Goguryeo has only sent so few troops, and they are still so scattered?"

After listening, Li Xuan couldn't help but sneered, his face full of disdain.

But Cheng Duanbo and other generals and lieutenants subconsciously twitched the corners of their mouths.

300,000 troops!

Where is missing?

Li Xuan didn't seem to see the expressions of the people in the tent, but continued: "They really look down on me!"

"How many soldiers and horses are there in the cities of Li Ke and those aristocratic families in Hedong?"

"Returning to Chief Manager, the King of Wu and several aristocratic families in Hedong currently have thirteen cities, namely Anshi, Liaodong, Lishan, Baiyan... and other cities, with a total of about [-] soldiers and horses!"

Cheng Duanbo hurriedly reported.


Li Xuan's expression relaxed, "There are so many of them, enough to withstand the more than [-] Goguryeo soldiers for a while!"

"May I ask what is the chief executive's ingenious plan?"

Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie, Li Ji and others in the tent couldn't help but look forward to it.


(End of this chapter)

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