Li Shimin

Chapter 669 The Arrogant Goguryeo General

Chapter 669 The Arrogant Goguryeo General
"We are waiting for an army of [-], with sufficient ammunition and momentum like a rainbow, and we are so close to Pyongyang City!"

Li Xuan pointed with his finger that the bay is only seventy li away from Pyongyang, and said: "However, the hozens of Goguryeo dared to put fifty thousand soldiers and horses in this Yashan seaport, they really don't take this king seriously! "

"The chief executive is going to attack Pyongyang?"

Li Ji said in surprise.

Hearing this, all the generals and lieutenants on the side were shocked.

Immediately, they all beamed with joy.

This fierce style of play is just to their liking.

"A mere [-] soldiers and horses are placed here, isn't it just shouting at the king to let the king fight in?"

Li Xuan sneered.

Li Ji opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

If someone dared to utter wild words, Li Ji would just snort coldly and refuse to answer.

But now, after seeing the power of bombs, Li Ji could only remain silent because he was still the king of Jin who was carrying a bomb of hundreds of thousands of catties.

This plan is really possible to succeed.

Moreover, even if they lost Pyongyang and could not attack Pyongyang in the end, Gao Jianwu would definitely be able to fall from the bed in the middle of the night, fled overnight, and came out to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao.

"In this way, instead of going to Shicheng and Xuecheng, the army will go straight to Yashan!"

Li Xuan ordered directly.


Hearing this, all the generals bowed their hands solemnly and saluted.

Immediately, some generals went out to deliver orders.

In the big tent, Li Xuan stared at the map for a while, then shouted again: "Duke Cao, Duke Su! Xue Rengui, Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi..."

"Master Chief!"

All the people quickly looked at Li Xuan.

"I'm waiting for the fleet to be so large, I'm afraid I will be discovered by Goguryeo soldiers before I enter Yashan."

Li Xuan said: "So, although the Goguryeo soldiers will be on guard, these Goguryeo hozens have never seen bombs or muskets.

Therefore, this time, the Thunder Army was the main force. First, they bombed the entire port of Yasanji. Before these Goguryeo hozens could react, they tried their best to keep the [-] Goguryeo army at the port. "

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Xue Rengui, Li Chongyi, and Cheng Chusi immediately clapped their hands together with joy on their faces.

"Okay, let's go get ready!"

Li Xuan waved his hand, then sat in front of the map and began to watch it seriously.

The fleet flying the Datang dragon flag headed directly for Goguryeo and Pyongyang.

The army had just walked for a day, and it was more than 200 miles away from Yashan Harbor, and it was already spotted by Goguryeo's scout ships.

Immediately, these small and light scouting ships all turned around one after another and headed towards Yashan quickly.

Datang's army actually came towards Pyongyang.

When these small boats sent the news back to Yashan Harbor, the entire Yashan Harbor was filled with excitement.

They never thought that this Tang army would not go to the cities of Licheng and Jili, but rely on the city to block their main force of Goguryeo.

He rushed towards Yashan?

"Could it be that these Tang troops are also partial divisions?"

Half an hour later, Yashan's Koguryo soldiers also saw the huge fleet emerging from the sea level.

"No way!"

A Goguryeo soldier shook his head solemnly and said.

"According to the news, Datang only sent an army of [-] for spring plowing. With so many ships, they must be the army of Datang!"

"Hmph, I'm waiting here with [-] troops. Could it be that they think that with their [-] troops, they can break through my [-] troops and then attack Pyongyang?"

"It's too arrogant!"

"The leader of the Tang Dynasty this time is the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty, the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty who attacked Xiabeisha City, Shicheng City and Xuecheng City with only a thousand Tang troops!"

"It turned out to be this person!"

"I heard that this man was so powerful when he was in the previous dynasty. There were already tens of thousands of people who died under his hammer! Because the killing was too brutal, he angered the heavens. After he killed again, he returned to the city. At that time, he was directly struck to death by fire and thunder from the sky!

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the Great Tang King Jin climbed out of the sarcophagus again! "

"What, this person actually crawled out of the coffin?"

Hearing the chief general's words, all the Goguryeo soldiers around were shocked, and some couldn't believe it.

"So, you must not be careless!"

"Don't worry, general, we will wait for an army of [-], and we will never take the initiative to attack. We will stick to Yashan Harbor. Even though the King of Tang and Jin has great abilities, he will never attack!"


All the generals also had cold faces.

"Our army is defending the harbor to the core. We have prepared catapults, heavy crossbows and other weapons on the coast. Let's see what the king of Jin is capable of breaking through our Yashan harbor!"

For the Tang army with only [-] soldiers and horses, the generals in Yashan Harbor, although their mouths were full of murderous intent, no one took it to heart.

In their minds, without a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, plus a month's time, Datang would never want to break through the harbor they had already prepared.

Even, none of the generals proposed or sent soldiers to report to Pyongyang City, which is only more than 60 miles away from Yasan.

By the time Li Xuan's army arrived at Yashan, it was already getting dark.

Li Xuan ordered the fleet to berth and take precautions.

Then, to the astonishment of all the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, the Goguryeo soldiers at Yashan Harbor on the opposite side were very good.

Not a single ship came to harass them.

In this way, the night was passed peacefully.

After Li Xuan got up, his personal guards got up and reported.

There is an abnormal behavior in the harbor opposite.

Li Xuan quickly picked up the clairvoyance and looked towards Yashan Harbor.

Well, a tall catapult and those huge heavy crossbows were placed on the harbor in a daze without any protective measures.

And on the harbor, there was actually a group of generals in full armor, all looking at them curiously.

"Boss, these Goguryeo hozen are too arrogant!"

"Exactly, my army is overwhelming the border, and they don't even have any sense of urgency!"

Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi were full of resentment.


At this time, Li Xuan suddenly saw a small boat coming towards them from the Koguryo harbor.

Soon, they arrived under Li Xuan's ship.

The personal guard put down the hanging basket and pulled up a Goguryeo general.

After the personal guards brought this person in front of Li Xuan, this person stared at Li Xuan and looked him up and down, with a haughty expression on his face, he didn't take Li Xuan seriously at all.


"When you see the chief executive, how dare you be rude?"

Seeing this, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi immediately reprimanded them angrily.

Unexpectedly, this person just glanced at Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi indifferently, and then bowed his hands slightly to Li Xuan to salute.

However, there was still no respect on his face.

"Are you the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty who climbed out of the coffin?"

"I didn't expect you to look so young?"

"Have you ever been to Tang's hell, how is it there?"

Li Xuan: "..."

This is the battlefield!
Is this person insane?

Afterwards, he breathed out lightly and asked, "Who are you and why did you come here?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, this person recalled that he didn't seem to introduce himself.

"I am Goguryeo General Shi..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Xuan waved his hand directly, interrupting his words.

"Okay, you should be an envoy of Goguryeo, so tell me, why are you here looking for the king?"


(End of this chapter)

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