Li Shimin

Chapter 670 Harbor Hell

Chapter 670 Harbor Hell
Hearing this, the visitor held his breath for a while, and wanted to say something, but he stopped abruptly when he noticed Cheng Chusi's eyes that were about to eat people.

Immediately, he headed straight up, with his nostrils facing the sky, and said arrogantly: "I came here on the order of my great general Shi, and I advise Tang not to hit a stone with an egg. Hurry up and return my Goguryeo city, and then salute and apologize to me Goguryeo." .

Otherwise, after my Goguryeo army joins forces with Tubo, Tuyuhun, Baekje and other countries to enter the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty will never have a chance to surrender! "


Around, Li Xuan, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi, Xue Rengui and others couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at this person with the expression of looking at an idiot.

They really have never seen such an arrogant person!
"This king knows that you have a disease in your brain, so I will forgive your arrogant words this time."

After a long while, Li Xuancai sighed softly, and said, "Now, hurry back, and when you return to the harbor, this king will let you see it with your own eyes. What is hell?"


The Goguryeo envoy was taken aback.


Li Xuan nodded slightly, then motioned to the guards on the side, and hurriedly pulled this person away.

However, when the two personal guards carried this person away, Li Xuan did not forget to tell this person: "You only have a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, the king will send troops to the port of Yashan for you Goguryeo soldiers, show me the first floor of hell, let's go to the sea of ​​fire!"

Seeing the small boat sailing towards Yashan Harbor, Li Xuan also ordered: "All ships press on, and the four steel giant ships spread out. Wait until the harbor is within the range of arrow bombs and musket guns. , everyone fired two rounds of arrow bombs towards the harbor.

In the first round, we must blow up those catapults and heavy crossbows that pose the greatest threat to our Datang fleet.

The second round was aimed at the place where the Goguryeo soldiers were most concentrated, and washed this king again! "

"Afterwards, the hand-throwing soldiers stood at the bow and freely threw a round of hand-throwing bombs."

"In this way, according to the ratio of Goguryeo soldiers, at least half of the Goguryeo soldiers can be killed. Then, a musketeer soldier, two shield bearers, a group of three, landed, and carried out the final cleaning. If there are still Goguryeo soldiers resisting, Kill directly!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After listening, Xue Rengui, Cheng Chusi, and Li Chongyi went down to make arrangements.

As for Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie, they stood aside and watched.

This time, it seems that there is a feeling of training the next generation.

Of course, there is another aspect, it seems that Xue Rengui and Li Chongyi are indeed more talented than the two of them in terms of bombs and muskets.

Soon, just as the Goguryeo envoy's boat had just arrived at the harbor.

The Datang fleet also approached the harbor.

In this regard, all the soldiers of Goguryeo also noticed something was wrong.

However, it was just a precaution.

At this moment, all the Goguryeo generals looked curiously at the envoy who was getting off the boat and walking up.


Suddenly, a huge drum sounded, followed by a shrill horn sound.

The soldiers and generals of Goguryeo suddenly changed their expressions and looked towards the Datang fleet.

Arrows raining all over the sky... No, it was arrows raining blue smoke all over the sky, flying directly towards them.

"Raise your shield!"

A general shouted loudly, and the surrounding guards all raised their round shields to protect the Goguryeo generals in the middle.

Soon, the Goguryeo generals heard the sound of arrows hitting the iron shield.

Hearing this, all the Goguryeo generals couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile on their faces.

"It's just that, just raining arrows, you want to capture our harbor?..."



Suddenly, the Goguryeo general who was being protected by an iron shield seemed to hear thunder.

It's just that it was sunny just now, how could there be thunder?
Could it be that King Jin angered the heavens again?

I'm going to chop again...


All the Goguryeo generals looked solemn, pulled away the shields of the soldiers behind them, and looked towards the harbor.

The harbor was full of flames, and the catapults, heavy crossbows, and even many soldiers that he valued the most flew directly into the sky with loud roars.

These heavenly thunders are coming to strike them?
Thinking about it, a group of Goguryeo generals suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind them.

There was a roar in my ears!

The familiar scenery in front of him is gradually becoming blurred.


"That King Jin is indeed a devil crawling out of hell, and he can summon heavenly thunder..."

On the edge of the harbor, the Goguryeo envoy who had just climbed ashore saw a scene he would never forget before reporting to his general about the appearance of the Great Tang Jin King.

Behind them, the Datang fleet just shot a round of arrows at their harbor.

The harbor, which was as strong as a copper wall and an iron wall built by them, began to catch fire everywhere, and was struck by thunder and fire everywhere.

Their catapults were directly smashed and scattered in all directions; a heavy crossbow was directly blown up in place, and its parts were scattered all over the place; moreover, their general...


After seeing the situation of his own general, the Goguryeo envoy's eyes widened and his canthus cracked.

The great general of his family was sent flying out by the fire and lightning, and fell to the ground, motionless.

Subconsciously, he ran towards the figure on the ground.

However, before he could reach his general, he felt a huge force coming up from under him.

Then, with a sharp pain, he seemed to feel that his whole body was torn apart, and flew away in all directions, gradually falling into darkness!

At this time, for Goguryeo soldiers, the port is a hell on earth.

As long as an arrow or a small black iron ball falls, after a few breaths, there will be a roaring sound.

Then, the flames splattered, and all the soldiers who were within the range of the flames either flew into the sky, and after falling, their hands and feet were broken, or they fell to the ground without moving.

Therefore, whenever they saw falling arrows or small iron balls, all Goguryeo soldiers shouted in horror and hid far away.

However, there were arrows and small iron balls everywhere, and they had nowhere to hide.

The entire harbor was in chaos.

All the Goguryeo soldiers were panic-stricken at this moment, thinking that it was thunder from heaven to help Datang and attack them.

Especially after the group of Goguryeo generals were all killed, no one stood up to stabilize the morale of the army, and all the soldiers ran around in horror.

Even some Goguryeo soldiers jumped into the sea in a panic.

on board.

Seeing the situation on the harbor, Li Xuan, Li Ji and others were shocked.

Li Xuan did not expect that these Goguryeo soldiers were so fragile.

But Li Ji didn't expect that these arrow bombs and hand-throwing bombs could exert such great power in the face of these troops!

"After these two rounds, at least [-] Goguryeo troops will be killed or killed!"

"Don't worry, Chief Manager, these Goguryeo soldiers have already bombed the camp, and they have completely lost their will to fight. As long as I, Da Tang Erlang, catch up, none of the Goguryeo soldiers will escape!"

Both Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie were full of confidence.

"Order the whole army to attack!"

Li Xuan ordered.


(End of this chapter)

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