Li Shimin

Chapter 671 Wait until they are fully prepared before attacking

Chapter 671 Wait until they are fully prepared before attacking

A soldier responded and hurried down to deliver the order.

Soon, with the sound of horrific horns, large ships began to dock.

All the soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty raised their shields with ferocious faces, held steel knives and muskets, and rushed towards the panicked Goguryeo soldiers.

At this time, all the Goguryeo soldiers had already been frightened by the fire and thunder "summoned" by those soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who rushed up were pleasantly surprised to find that these Goguryeo hozens, facing their steel knives, not only dared not resist, but even ran.

The real one knife is as easy as cutting vegetables!
From the start of the attack to the end, it took less than an hour!

The entire Yashan Harbor is full of blood, and there are charred corpses everywhere!

The various defensive weapons such as catapults and heavy crossbows that the Goguryeo General Shi painstakingly built were all destroyed by arrow bombs.

"Report to the chief executive, the entire 20,000 Goguryeo army in Yashan Harbor was thrown by our army's arrow bombs and hand bombs, directly killing more than 2000 people, beheading [-], and capturing [-] Goguryeo hozens, and more than The [-] Goguryeo hozens probably ran away ahead of time when they saw something bad was going on!"

Xue Rengui, Cheng Duanbo and other school lieutenant generals, after cleaning up the entire harbor, reported to Li Xuan with joyful faces.

Especially Cheng Duanbo and other veterans who have fought many battles have never fought such an easy war.

With just one round of arrow bombs, the [-] troops on the opposite side were completely demoralized!

After approaching, another round of bombs was thrown, and half of the enemy troops were directly killed or injured.


Li Xuan nodded lightly!

"Don't pay attention to those escaped hozens! Let me send some soldiers first to rescue the food and grass of these Goguryeo soldiers! I don't know which prodigal sons are shooting arrows at the Goguryeo grain and grass warehouse. At least half of them will be burned in one blow. food!"

Beside them, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie looked at the bombed and battered granaries in front of them with distressed faces.

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Xue Rengui responded quickly, and hurriedly summoned a group of soldiers to rescue the granary.

"General Manager, we are waiting to capture Yasan Harbor so quickly, presumably the Goguryeo nobles in Pyongyang will not receive the news so quickly.

Why don't I take advantage of this opportunity and take Pyongyang in one fell swoop! "

After a while, Li Ji still couldn't hold back, and suggested to Li Xuan.

"Don't worry!"

Li Xuan chuckled, and said: "This king wants to wait until the two thousand Goguryeo deserters have entered Pyongyang before attacking Pyongyang!"

"Dare to ask the chief executive, why is this?"

Both Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie were in a hurry.

According to their understanding, before the nobles of Goguryeo in Pyongyang could react, the army set out directly to pursue the victory.

The Goguryeo nobles in Pyongyang have not yet prepared, and the surrounding cities have not yet reacted.

With the power of arrow bombs and muskets, Pyongyang can be broken in one fell swoop!
"How many arrow bombs and hand bombs were consumed this time?"

Li Xuan asked.

Li Ji was stunned, but he still replied: "Back to the chief manager, there are two rounds of arrow bombs fired this time, each round with 10,000 arrow bombs, a total of [-] taels thousand arrow bombs.

In addition, there are [-] hand-throwing rounds in total. "

"How many arrow bombs and hand bombs are left in my army?"

Li Xuan asked again.

"Back to the chief manager, there are 130,000, [-] arrow bombs and [-] hand bombs left. As for the remaining [-] bombs, the musket ammunition has not been counted, but there should be [-] more!"

Li Ji reported in detail.

"So, what is my army afraid of?"

Li Xuan smiled lightly.


Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie still had doubts in their eyes.

"Cao Guogong and Su Guogong know why our army can kill so many Goguryeo hozens this time with only two rounds of arrow bombs and one round of hand bombs?"

"They weren't prepared?"

"These hozens are so arrogant that the sky will destroy them!"

Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie both sneered.


Li Xuan slowly shook his head, "These Goguryeo hozen have set up so many catapults and heavy crossbows, and every soldier still has a shield in their hands!

This is enough to show that they are ready! "

"The chief executive's intention?"

Now, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others finally heard something in Li Xuan's words.

Li Xuan didn't hold back, and said directly: "It's because they have already made sufficient preparations!"


Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others were shocked.

"Our army has not yet approached, and their [-] troops have already begun to wait in the harbor.

If I was just a simple arrow, I'm afraid I really won't be able to attack, as soon as I get close, I will be shot back.

But, we are arrow bombs, even if they all hold their shields, they didn't expect that after the arrows go down, the most powerful one is the bomb behind, and the power of the bomb will be so great? "

Li Xuan explained with a smile on his face: "So, they behave like this, it's as if they are standing neatly, and let my army blow them up with arrow bombs!

They are not dead, it is unacceptable!
Even if they are not fully prepared, or if they stand more sparsely, the results of our army will not be so great! "

"The chief executive wants to gather these Goguryeo hozens, make full preparations, and then blow up again?"

Now, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and the others all reacted.


Li Xuan smiled lightly and nodded, "Goguryeo has too many people and too many soldiers. If we bomb them city by city, I will carry twice as many bombs later, and they will still be able to blow them up.

The only way to destroy them is to let them gather by themselves, and then line up and let me wait for the army to bomb them! "

"After all, when there are enough bombs, no matter how many people there are, it won't help at all. Moreover, maybe they will be shocked when the bomb goes off, or they will be like today's situation, panicked, crowded and trampled on each other, and You can save some bombs!"

Following Li Xuan's slow description, the eyes of Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others opened wider and wider.

The expression on his face became more and more weird.

In the end, all the people bowed their hands to Li Xuan with admiration.

"The chief executive is resourceful!"

"With the chief manager here, these Goguryeo hozens will turn into flesh and blood one by one, and water this piece of land!"

"Okay, okay, everyone first clean up the entire Yashan Harbor, especially the bomb-laden ships, and must be strictly guarded to prevent accidents."

Li Xuan waved his hand casually, and continued: "Then, everyone should take a good rest, my army should have three days left. After three days, all the Goguryeo cities around Pyongyang City should lead troops to guard the royal city.

At that time, it is time for you to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds! "

"Follow the Commander's order!"

All the soldiers bowed their hands to Li Xuan with joyful faces.

Killing the enemy and doing meritorious service, and it is still the same today. First, the entire Goguryeo army was blown to pieces, and then they raised their knives to slaughter the Goguryeo hozen who had no resistance.

All soldiers love such an easy feat!


(End of this chapter)

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