Li Shimin

Chapter 672 Chief Manager, I'll post it soon!

Chapter 672 Chief Manager, I'll post it soon!
Pyongyang City!
As the royal city of Goguryeo, His Majesty has as many as 300,000 subjects in the city.

On weekdays, the gates of Pyongyang City are often full of vehicles and horses, and the city is bustling with pedestrians, which is very prosperous.

But, it was ten o'clock in the afternoon.

There was a sudden riot at the gate of the peaceful and prosperous Pyongyang city.

At the gate of the city, a group of Goguryeo soldiers looked panicked, shouting towards the gate, while looking into the distance warily.

The people who were still walking slowly, suddenly rushed into the gate of the city.

A moment later, a group of defeated soldiers whose bodies were scorched black and even bloodstained faintly ran over staggeringly.

Seeing a group of Koguryo soldiers on the city gate, they were all overjoyed.

"The Tang people are attacking!"

"The Tang people are attacking, I'm going to meet my big opponent Lu!"

"Quickly open the gate of the city and let me wait in. I have something important to do to meet my great opponent Lu..."


After a stick of incense.

The gates on all four sides of the entire city of Pyongyang were tightly closed, and the entire gate was filled with groups of soldiers, all of whom looked into the distance warily.

In the city, pedestrians looked panic-stricken.

More than half of the people living in Pyongyang can be said to be real Goguryeo people, that is, the earliest Goguryeo five tribes.

Therefore, after the defeated army of more than 1000 ran into the city, these Goguryeo people also got the news.

It seemed that King Jin of the Tang Dynasty, who had been dead for many years and then climbed out of the coffin, came to fight with [-] demon soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

Even, the scariest thing is that the Great Tang King Jin is still a real devil, who will summon fire and thunder from the sky to bomb them!

Although some Goguryeo people didn't believe this, all Goguryeo people were panicked because of rumors, for fear that the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty would attack with a large army.

You know, Pyongyang is only more than 60 miles away from Yasan.

As long as that King Jin is not stupid, he will definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

In the city of Pyongyang, there are now only [-] elite soldiers, who cannot resist the [-] Great Tang army at all.

And on the other side.

In the east of the city, there is a mansion that is half smaller than the Goguryeo Palace, but its luxury is no less than that of the palace.

A tall and handsome middle-aged man with a neat beard and a well-shaped beard, a gold-decorated costume, and two exquisite sabers on his waist.

At this moment, looking at the two generals kneeling below, they were furious.

"Trash, what a bunch of trash!"

"A total of 1000 soldiers and horses, sufficient food and supplies, and excellent equipment. Facing the [-] Tang army, they didn't even resist for half a day. They just fled back to me with more than [-] people. What's the use of waiting?"

"Hmph, what a disgrace to Dongfang...!"

Hearing this, the two blood-stained generals below were all panic-stricken, begging for mercy repeatedly.

"My lord, forgive me, my lord, I've already made preparations two days ago. How could I have imagined that the Tang army would have fire and thunder to help me? If I didn't notice for a while, half of the army would be blown to death!"

"That's right, my lord, I have never seen it before. There is actually a large army that can summon Huo Lei. When a fire thunder comes down, all the brothers around are directly burnt and blackened, or have their arms and legs broken. We are waiting for you!" There is no resistance at all..."

The more he listened, the colder Yuan Gai Suwen's expression became.

"If you dare to talk nonsense and shake the morale of the army, my lord will tear you into pieces!"

"That's [-] children, how many of them are from our Eastern tribe? You are the sinners of our Eastern tribe!"

The earliest Goguryeo was composed of five tribes, generally named after the five directions of east, west, south, north, and inner, and the Shunnu tribe where Yuangai Suwen was located was the east.

Yuangai Suwen is the tribal leader of the Shunnu tribe, that is, the Eastern Lord.

The reason why he was able to become Goguryeo's big opponent, that is, the prime minister, who controlled Goguryeo's military and political affairs, and even suppressed Goguryeo King Rongliu, most of the confidence came from the Shunnu tribe.

But now, the [-] Shun slave army that he painstakingly arranged in Yashan Harbor, which is the closest to Goguryeo, was wiped out by the same number of Tang troops in such a silent manner.

Hearing this news, Yuan Gai Suwen felt extremely distressed.

At the same time, there was another burst of rage.

In the hands of Tang Jun, when did he suffer such a big loss?
Without the [-] confidants, Yuan Gai Suwen could imagine that the man on the throne in the neighboring kingdom would start to be dishonest again.

"Come on, quickly dispatch scouts to the surrounding cities to send messages, so that each city's Xisa and Luqin branches will quickly lead troops to guard the royal city!"

Cursing, Yuan Gai Suwen still lost his mind, but ordered to the generals in front of him.

"Yes, my lord!"

All the generals quickly saluted and responded.

"Wait, follow my lord into the palace and meet the king!"

Afterwards, Yuan Gai Suwen shouted to the two defeated generals and a group of generals in front of him.


As a series of fast riders galloped out of the gates of Pyongyang City, the expressions of pedestrians and common people in the city became even more panicked.

They seem to have seen that there are already [-] ferocious Tang troops outside the city, gradually approaching.


Yashan Harbor.

With a large army, Li Xuan was still leveling the entire harbor without haste.

"Report to the chief executive, this time I will send it!"

Just when Li Xuan took Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie to drink tea on the ship.

Cheng Duanbo, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others ran in with expressions of money fans.

"Oh? How many good items were seized this time?"

Li Xuan asked curiously.

"Back to the king, there is a full [-] shi of grain!"

Cheng Duanbo grinned and shouted loudly.

"Fifty thousand stone?"

Li Xuan, Cheng Zhijie and others were shocked.

"In this way, our army will have more than one month's rations!"


Cheng Duanbo cupped his hands slightly, and reported again: "There are still a hundred large ships and two thousand horses.

In addition, there are [-] intact bows and arrows and [-] arrows.As for weapons such as knives and guns, there are also a total of [-] pieces.

Even the catapults, there are still fifty intact..."

After listening, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie stood up straight away with surprise on their faces.

"How can there be so many weapons and ordnance?"

"Reporting to the two generals, this time we waited for the army to bomb quickly, and the Goguryeo soldiers were killed before they could react.

As for the remaining Goguryeo hozen, they couldn't escape, and no one would think about destroying these weapons! "

Reported by Cheng Duanbo.

"I see!"

After listening, Li Xuan nodded slightly, "This time, our army has been dispatched!"


At this moment, another school lieutenant walked in quickly.

"Report to the chief executive, and hundreds of fast horses galloped out of Pyongyang City towards the surrounding Goguryeo city."

"Very good!"

Li Xuan's face was happy again, "I didn't expect the execution efficiency of these Goguryeo nobles to be quite high!"

As he said that, Li Xuan's expression turned cold.

"Let me keep an eye on these cities around Goguryeo. When they send troops, they must report back to me accurately!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The school captain responded and ran out quickly.

Inside the handsome account.

Li Xuan stared at the map in front of him again, and murmured.

"Cao Guogong, Su Guogong, tell me, after the reinforcements from Goguryeo City have entered Pyongyang City, how should we attack?"

"Lure those Goguryeo hozens out, and use two waves of arrow bombs?"

"Or, directly use a hundred catapults to rain fire and thunder on the city of Pyongyang?"


(End of this chapter)

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