Li Shimin

Chapter 673 The Army Arrives Outside Pyongyang

Chapter 673 The Army Arrives Outside Pyongyang
This was the first time that Li Xuan led an army to formally attack a city like this. Therefore, in some aspects, it was necessary to ask these two experienced generals of the Tang Dynasty for advice.

As for Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie, after listening to Li Xuan's words.

I was startled for a moment, and then I was suddenly startled and reacted.

It seems that although His Royal Highness Prince Jin had a fierce reputation and killed countless enemies before, it seems that he has never served as a commander. He led an army to attack cities and lands.

That is to say, kill but don't bury!
Therefore, at this meeting, they also understood why His Majesty specially sent the two of them here.

A warrior, a wise general.

However, even though they were acting as lieutenants for the King of Jin, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie were also very active.

Especially, after seeing the power of arrow bombs and hand-thrown bombs in the morning.

I am even more interested in the kind of bomb that is twice as big as a hand-thrown bomb.

Even at this moment, the whole body is still boiling with enthusiasm. This kind of powerful bomb is the weapon used by these generals.

Therefore, for this siege, the catapults must be prepared, and there will be more.

Because the bombs should be thrown at the same time, the overwhelming kind, the power is the greatest, and it can also be the most shocking.

Coincidentally, there are still some catapults prepared by the Goguryeo soldiers in Yashan Harbor.

The tools for making catapults are also very complete.

With an order, the army began to cut down trees and began to build catapults.

In addition, Cheng Zhijie and Li Ji also explained to Li Xuan in detail the various siege equipment they needed to lead troops to attack the city, and the things that need to be paid attention to in the siege.

Li Xuan thought about each of them one by one.

In the end, he discovered that there were only a few things that needed his attention.

Nothing else, especially those siege equipment that needs to be prepared, is needed.

He was not prepared to use his life to attack by force.

As long as there is enough firepower, the city of Pyongyang can be razed to the ground.

"You only need to build enough catapults, as well as trench bridges, shovel carts, nest carts, etc., to supply soldiers to shoot arrows!"

Finally, Li Xuan concluded: "As for the rear? We are carrying a large number of bombs and muskets, and we are not afraid of the Goguryeo hozen encircling us from behind. Therefore, we only need to send some scouts!"

"In addition, we need to leave a partial division in the harbor to guard the fleet. In case a large fleet comes to attack and loses the enemy, we can take the four steel giant ships and lead the fleet to escape."

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Cheng Zhijie, Li Ji, and several generals in the commander's tent responded in unison.

at the same time.

Those Goguryeo cities around Pyongyang City also received rescue letters from Pyongyang City.

The people of Tang actually captured Yashan Harbor and approached Wangcheng?
While they couldn't believe it, they were also full of fear and didn't dare to delay at all.

The families of more than half of their officials are all in the royal city.

Moreover, it was Quangai Suwen and Rongliu Wang who gave the order together.

Therefore, no matter it was the Sasa, Chulu Jinzhi, Taishou or Zai of each city, they all summoned the defenders of each city, and went to Pyongyang City wearing stars and moons.

Two days later.

Li Xuan then received the report from the scouts.

A total of nine armies entered the city of Pyongyang.

"Report to the chief executive, the minimum number of people is [-], and the maximum number is [-], totaling more than [-] people!"

The scouts sent by Li Xuan to investigate the situation around Pyongyang City reported to Li Xuan.

"Among them, at least half of the Goguryeo soldiers are armed with iron knives, and another [-]% of the soldiers are wearing iron armor!"

"Only two percent?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Hearing this, a trace of strangeness flashed in the scout's eyes.

"From now on, all of these will belong to my Datang!"

Li Xuan said with some regret.

The scout was startled, and then regretted.

"You can find out, how many defenders are there in Pyongyang?"

Li Xuan asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there should be [-] defenders in Pyongyang City!"

The scout hurriedly reported.

Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.

"So, there are only [-] soldiers in Pyongyang?"

"Boss, there should be so many!"

Li Ji said.


Li Xuan was a little puzzled.

"General Manager, generally the number of siege troops is more than twice that of the defenders, and it is possible to capture the city!" Li Ji explained.

The scout also quickly said: "Report to the chief executive, there is no sign of reinforcements around Pyongyang City!"

"Short-sighted Goguryeo hozen!"

Li Xuan complained bitterly.

Afterwards, he ordered: "The whole army will be dispatched, and we will try to reach the city of Pyongyang before dark!"

"Before dark?"

Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others were startled again.

"It just so happened that the army had a good rest overnight, and the attack will start early tomorrow morning!"

Li Xuan said calmly.

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Everyone stood up and took orders.

Half an hour later, the army set off.

Pyongyang City.

After the nearest Nine Cities soldiers entered the city, Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu felt relaxed for a while.

Although these [-] soldiers had been traveling all night, they were exhausted for two days and two nights, and they fell asleep after entering the city.

However, it is always their pawns.

Even if the Tang Dynasty's [-] troops came to attack, they still had the confidence to defend.

You know, generally attacking a city does not require more than twice the number of people, and after the city is ready, there is basically no possibility of success!
Now, Yuan Gai Suwen is still looking forward to what the Tang army will bring.

Until the evening hours.

It was getting dark, and only came in to report in a hurry.

"My lord, the army of the Tang army has appeared outside the east city!"

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen was overjoyed and asked hastily.

"how many people?"

"Master, there are 40,000 people in total!"

The scout replied.

"forty thousand?"

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen and the generals below were all in shock.

"forty thousand?"

"Returning to my lord, the villain checked very carefully, and the Tang army didn't have any intention of covering up, it is indeed [-] Tang army!" The scout hurriedly replied.

"It's only [-]!"

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help feeling angry.

"Arrogance, there are only [-] soldiers, and they dare to attack my Goguryeo royal city!"

"Exactly, my lord, that King Jin of the Tang Dynasty is extremely arrogant. You don't need your lord to step out, the last general can lead the troops of your army and capture that King Jin of the Tang Dynasty under your lord's feet!"

"My lord, shall we take the initiative to attack, and take advantage of the fact that the Tang army has not set up camp and has yet to gain a firm foothold, our army will directly attack and annihilate the Tang army outside the city in one fell swoop?"

All the generals of Goguryeo were also full of resentment.

From their point of view, the actions of King Jin of the Great Tang Dynasty were not only arrogant, but also a contempt and insult to them.


Yuan Gai Suwen snorted coldly and said, "There is no need to do that!"

"It took the Tang army two days to arrive at Wangcheng from Yashan Harbor, sixty miles away. In this way, they must have taken precautions.

Tonight, there is no need to attack the camp.

Tomorrow, my lord will personally lead the army out of the city, and I will cut off the head of King Jin with my own hands and make it into a chamber pot! "

"Follow your orders!"

Seeing Yuan Gai Suwen getting angry, all the generals couldn't help expressing their expressions, and hurriedly bowed their hands in response.

And in Li Xuan's barracks.

After the army arrived outside Pyongyang.

Set up camp ten miles away from Pyongyang City. Standing in front of the camp, you can see the soldiers on the Pyongyang City Wall.

The attitude can be described as extremely arrogant.

Unfortunately, Cheng Zhijie waited for half an hour with Cheng Chusi, Xue Rengui and others, but still did not see any movement in Pyongyang.

(End of this chapter)

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