Li Shimin

Chapter 674 Fire and Thunder Come to the World?

Chapter 674 Fire and Thunder Come to the World?

Instead, the four gates of Pyongyang City have been tightly closed.

In desperation, he could only return to the camp.

Afterwards, Li Xuan took Xue Rengui and others to make several traps with bombs around the camp.

Leaving a team of night watch soldiers, everyone began to fall asleep!
All night.

The next day, early in the morning.

Drums and thunder.

The army slowly came out of the camp.

Li Xuan, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others stood at the forefront.

"I didn't expect that this Goguryeo royal city is so low?"

Li Xuan sneered as he looked at the Goguryeo Royal City, which was at most only half the height of Chang'an City Wall.

"Chairman, besides the Tang Dynasty, there is such a tall city, it is already very good!"

Cheng Zhijie grinned and laughed.

"No matter what, blow it up today!"

Li Xuan said coldly, at this time, these city walls, except for Chang'an City, are probably built with rammed earth in the middle and surrounded by bricks on both sides.

If it is serious bombing, a few bombs will blow up a gap.

But if it is placed under the city gate...

Li Xuan rubbed his chin subconsciously, wondering if this door can withstand a bomb!
Just as Li Xuan was thinking, the two large wooden doors at the gate of Pyongyang city were slowly opened.

Then, a group of soldiers and horses filed out from inside.

The first general, with golden light on his body, looks like a shining golden man.

Li Xuan took a look, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Who is this person who wears armor made of gold?"

On the side, Li Ji thought about it for a while, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly: "Back to the chief manager, it is said that in Goguryeo, there was a powerful official who was capable of both literature and martial arts.

He was also the leader of the Shunnu tribe among the five tribes of Goguryeo. Not only did he control more than half of the generals in Goguryeo, he was also the prime minister of Goguryeo.Moreover, this person wears five precious swords at all times, and all the dignitaries in Goguryeo dare not look directly at this person.

Even, seeing this person, some dignitaries were so frightened that they fell to the ground and saluted!When going in and out of the palace, the prince will always follow him, even Gao Jianwu, the Rongliu Wang, can't afford to provoke this person! "

"I didn't expect to be a national thief of Goguryeo!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan chuckled lightly.

"Today, this king will take care of Gao Jianwu and get rid of the country's thieves!"

On the side, Cheng Zhijie and Li Ji nodded in agreement.

"This time, Goguryeo is able to unite with Tubo and other countries to conquer our Tang Dynasty, and this thief has made a lot of effort!"

"Send the order, catapults, arrow bombs, and prepare for hand throwing bombs!"

Li Xuan said coldly.

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Cheng Zhijie and Li Ji all responded in unison.

Immediately, military orders were passed down one after another.

Suddenly, Li Xuan suddenly saw that Yuan Gai Suwen, who was on the opposite side, walked out of the army formation and walked towards them by himself.

In fact, under the sun's rays, this person's whole body is even more golden, and it is impossible for people not to pay attention.

When Yuan Gai Su Wen walked a hundred steps in front of Li Xuan, he stopped.

"I don't know who is His Royal Highness King Jin of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Find me?"

Hearing the name-calling, Li Xuan was taken aback.

At this time, Zheng Fu behind him had already handed over a big iron horn.

"My lord, this thief probably wants to call you a general!"

"Want to challenge me one-on-one?"

Now, Li Xuan understood.

Putting the iron horn to his mouth, he shouted directly: "This is the king. What do you, a Goguryeo thief, want to do with this king? Don't you want to dedicate all your belongings to this king to beg for my forgiveness?"

The voice was so loud that all the soldiers of the two armies could hear it clearly.

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen's face darkened.

"Er Datang broke his promise and indulged all the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty to lead private soldiers to attack my Goguryeo city, what face do you have to accuse me?
Today, my lord heard that you are a person who has been dead for more than ten years, and you can still climb out of the coffin again.

My lord just wants to see for himself whether you are a human or a ghost.

Then, twist off your head and use it as a chamber pot for my lord! "

Saying that, Yuan Gai Suwen smiled ferociously, "You bastard, how dare you fight me?"

"What's the benefit of fighting with you?"

Li Xuan smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help but startled.

He never expected that when the two armies were fighting against each other, he would still insult the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty like this, and this son was still so timid!
"Mice, you are as timid as a mouse, what qualifications do you have to lead the army..."

"Okay, stop nagging, what is this king's status, and what is your status as a national thief hozen? If you want to invite this king to fight with you, you will not get any benefits. It is really more shameful than being a national thief!"

As he spoke, Li Xuan waved his hand.

"Today, this king will let you wait for the hozen to taste the fire and thunder from the sky!"

Not waiting for Yuan Gai Suwen's reaction.

Li Xuan shouted again: "Hand bombs, arrow bombs, and catapults, let me release them at the same time!"


Hearing this, Xue Rengui, Li Chongyi and others who had already prepared gave orders directly.

First, small black iron balls were thrown directly at Yuan Gai Su Wen.

Immediately afterwards, there were overwhelming arrows.

After that, there are a lot of big iron balls emitting green smoke.

"With these little tricks, you still want to attack my Goguryeo King City..."

A trace of contempt flashed across Yuan Gai Suwen's face.

At the same time, ordered: "Royal!"

After that wave of arrow rain fell, he shouted: "Kill..."



However, as soon as the words fell, before Yuan Gai Suwen could react, he saw clusters of flames suddenly appearing from the army he brought out, and then those soldiers flew up directly.

At the same time, a deafening sound came over.

Then, on the city wall, the flames were even greater.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the city wall was directly blown down and shortened a lot.

The soldiers above also flew down directly.

Although I couldn't see the scene inside the city, but listening to its voice, it was obviously more tragic than outside the city.

"Fire and Thunder Come to the World?"

Yuan Gai Suwen thought of the two defeated generals who had been chopped off by him, and muttered to himself, his face full of shock.

And after such a short period of time, whether it was the Goguryeo soldiers outside the city, or the Goguryeo soldiers on the city walls and inside the city, more than half of them were killed or injured.

Those who survived by chance have already been scared to death.

Thinking of the rumors in the army, everyone's liver and gallbladder were torn, and they began to flee in all directions.

"Crash again so soon?"

Seeing that the Goguryeo soldiers had already begun to be defeated after only one round of bombing, a trace of helplessness flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.

However, he was not in a daze and ordered directly.

"The whole army is attacking, and no hozen with iron armor on its body is allowed to let go."

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

"Quickly guard the four city gates. Anyone who dares to escape Goguryeo hozen will blow them to death!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

"Blow open the city gate and bomb all the way in!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

"Where is Yuangai Suwen? Catch this person. This person is definitely the biggest rich man in Goguryeo!"

"Yes, Chief..."

A series of military orders were issued, and the [-] army quickly moved.

Even Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie each led an army and charged into the city.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, took Xue Rengui, Zheng Fu and other personal guards, and chased after Yuan Gai Su Wen in the direction where Yuan Gai Su Wen was escaping.

Such a dazzling pair of golden armor weighed at least more than 50 jin. Li Xuan felt that no matter what, he couldn't let it go!

(End of this chapter)

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