Li Shimin

Chapter 675

Chapter 675
Every famous general seems to be developing in all directions, otherwise he would not have survived to the end, nor would he have made great achievements and be recorded in the annals of history.

For example, the golden figure in the distance not only has explosive force, but also has first-class escape skills.

Following the blasted city gate, Yuan Gai Suwen fled all the way into the city.

Turn left and turn right, erratic.

There are quite a lot of chivalry skills.

It's a pity that Yuan Gai Suwen forgot that he was wearing a golden armor, and he was an extremely conspicuous existence wherever he fled.

Finally, it took half an hour to let the whole city of Pyongyang know that after their god of war was chased by the Tang army and fled all over the city, Yuan Gai Suwen fled into a grand and luxurious mansion out of breath.

"My lord, this mansion is as big as your mansion in Chang'an City!"

Standing outside the mansion, Xue Rengui said with a look of surprise.

"How can a barbarian hozen's mansion be compared with the king's mansion?"

Zheng Fu looked contemptuous.

However, this time, Li Xuan has already taken the lead to go in.

At the same time, his expression was not that anxious.

Now that Yuan Gai Suwen had fled back to his lair in the end, he would not escape easily again.

Moreover, there is already a team of personal guards surrounding the mansion.

Looking at the scene in the courtyard, Xue Rengui nodded subconsciously, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Exactly, among so many windows in this thief's mansion, there are only two windows, which are made of glass!"

"After all, it is an uncivilized hozen. No matter how luxurious and luxurious the mansion is built, the background seems to be very different..."

"Hmph, you are too deceitful!"

At this moment, that Yuan Gai Suwen who fled all the way back unexpectedly came back again.

Behind him were hundreds of guards.

All of them were in full armor, staring at Li Xuan and the others with a murderous look.

"Hey, you little country thief Hozen doesn't cover his face and runs around like a dog. How come you have the courage to appear in front of this king? Could it be that you thought there were more than 200 guards behind you?"

Behind him, Cheng Chusi said with a look of disdain.

"Hey, you thief, you dare to be so arrogant when you enter my lord's mansion?"

Yuan Gai Suwen looked resentful, "My lord was outside the city, I didn't notice for a while, and I was plotted by you. Now, you followed my lord and ran around the city for half an hour. Let's see how much energy you have left for the thief?
This time, my lord will definitely cut off your heads and make them into chamber pots for me! "

Hearing this, Li Xuan was immediately disgusted.

"Whether you are disgusting or not, you know about the chamber pot. You don't know how to sleep with the chamber pot at night, you bastard!"

"Damn things!"

With a groan, Yuan Gai Su Wen pulled out the precious saber in his hand and pointed it at Li Xuan and the others.

"You picky bastard, if you immediately kowtow to my lord to admit your mistake, my lord might not punish you because of your status as the younger brother of the Great Tang Emperor.

If you dare to show my lord the quickness of the tongue again, I will definitely cut you into pieces to solve my heart's troubles! "


Immediately, the sound of swords being unsheathed also came from the hands of the guards behind Yuan Gai Suwen.

"Your [-] troops were killed by this king with [-] to [-] at once, and now you only rely on your two to three hundred personal guards?"

Li Xuan sneered, his face full of disdain.

"My lord was defeated outside the city, it was plotted against by you, an insidious villain!"

Yuan Gai Suwen's expression changed, and his face was filled with resentment.

"And now, if you dare to follow me to my lord's house, you will never escape!"

As he said that, Yuan Gai Suwen charged directly towards Li Xuan.

"Hand throw bombs!"

Seeing this, Li Xuan directly raised the steel shield in his hand, facing Yuan Gai Su Wen who rushed up.

At the same time, he also held a steel knife in his hand, and slashed at Yuan Gai Suwen's arm holding the knife.

Behind him, following Li Xuan's order, the outermost guards stepped forward and raised their knives for protection.

The guard inside took out his hand and threw the bomb, ignited it, and threw it directly at the surrounding crowd.

At the same time, he also threw it out to the outside.

Yuan Gai Su Wen didn't pay much attention to Li Xuan's words.

On the contrary, Yuan Gai Suwen was full of excitement when Li Xuan dared to charge towards him.

The thin King Jin of the Tang Dynasty in front of him is really looking for death.

This time, with one strike of his knife, he could chop down the thief to the ground.

Then, with one more blow, his head can be chopped off!

No, he can't be hacked to death, there are [-] Tang troops outside, burning, killing and looting in the royal city, he still needs to threaten those Tang troops with this thief!

Thinking about it, the sinister look in Yuan Gai Suwen's eyes faded instantly.

However, when the said Zhongbao knife hit the steel shield in Li Xuan's hand, his eyes widened instantly, his face was full of horror, and he looked at Li Xuan in disbelief.

He could feel that what he chopped was not a steel shield, but a rock mountain.

This thief is even stronger than him!
As Yuan Gai Suwen thought, the steel shield in Li Xuan's hand had already hit his steel knife against his body.

Then, with a muffled sound, Yuan Gai Suwen only felt a pain in his chest, and then he flew backward.

Along the way, he knocked down dozens of guards before he fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the guards who were about to charge up were all shocked.

You know, ever since they followed Yuan Gai Suwen, the eastern lord in Goguryeo, he has always been invincible and invincible, like a god of war.

Unexpectedly, even this thin Tang Jin Wang Yidun couldn't catch it now.


Yuan Gai Suwen raised his hand, pointing at Li Xuan with hatred on his face.

He felt that he was deceived by the thief in front of him again.


Suddenly, a roar sounded in Yuan Gai Suwen's ears, and the outstretched hand was slapped back fiercely by a strong force.

Yuan Gai Suwen only felt deaf in both ears, humming.

Before he could react, he faintly heard another burst of familiar screams.

Looking up, his personal guards were blown up into the sky by the strange fire and thunder.

with a snap.

A severed hand slapped directly on his face.

Yuan Gai Suwen could still clearly see the squirming muscles and bones on this arm!

Immediately, his body was heavy, and Yuan Gai Suwen could tell by feeling that it should be his bodyguards who were protecting him with their bodies.

Yuan Gai Su Wen was full of despair, since the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty could still summon this kind of strange fire and thunder, his personal guards must not be spared.

Moreover, when he raised his head a little, he could still see that King Jin of the Great Tang Dynasty, under the protection of a group of soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty, had a smug expression on his face.

Turning his head to look again, his most proud courtyard wall has been blasted to pieces by fire and mines before it can play a role.

Yuan Gai Su Wen let out a long sigh, closed his eyes helplessly, and lay paralyzed on the ground.


It's all over!

Coincidentally, the explosion in the entire courtyard gradually stopped.

Most of the more than 200 personal guards that Yuan Gai Suwen summoned were directly killed by the bomb.

The rest, regardless of whether they were disabled or unscathed, were already full of fear, their livers were torn apart, looking at Li Xuan and the others, it was like looking at a group of demons.

Therefore, Xue Rengui and the others are still one knife at a time!

Soon, in the entire courtyard, only Yuan Gai Suwen, who was pressed down by four or five big men, was still panting.

Li Xuan raised his head and looked around, the guards he brought, except for a few careless ones who were hacked by Yuan Gai Suwen's guards, the others were not injured.


(End of this chapter)

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