Li Shimin

Chapter 676 Inside the Pyongyang City

Chapter 676 Inside the Pyongyang City
Li Xuan nodded secretly gratified in his heart, and then gave orders to Cheng Chusi and Xue Rengui.

"Xue Rengui, Cheng Chusi, clean up this house, anyone who dares to resist or who is carrying a weapon will be hacked to death!"

"Dare you thief!"

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Su Wen hurriedly raised his head, and shouted angrily at Li Xuan.

However, to Yuan Gai Suwen's horror, the two generals of the Tang Dynasty ignored him and rushed towards his back house with a team of soldiers.

And that King Jin of Tang Dynasty didn't even look at him.

"Li Xuanba, since my lord has already become your defeated general, why do you want to humiliate me like this?"

Yuan Gai Su Wen was anxious, and quickly shouted angrily at Li Xuan's back.

"Yes, you are still lying here!"

Hearing Yuan Gai Suwen's shout, Li Xuan seemed to have just reacted.

He stopped, turned his head to look at Yuan Gai Suwen, and ordered to the guards on the left and right: "Tie up this officer and take him behind you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, all the guards clapped their hands in response.

Immediately, the four personal guards directly lifted Yuan Gai Suwen up.

Then, go up to the front two guards, tie Yuan Gai Suwen's hands with ropes, and then use two thick ropes to jump Yuan Gai Suwen's feet to the ropes.

In this way, Yuan Gai Suwen can only go forward with only one person pulling in front, and there is no possibility of escaping at all.

Li Xuan and others rushed straight into Yuangai Suwen's back house. At this time, Cheng Chusi, Xue Rengui and others had already driven all the family members and servants of Yuangai Suwen's residence into the courtyard .

Along the way, without taking a few steps, you can see a few corpses.

Regarding this, Li Xuan's expression remained unchanged.

In this world, as long as they are rich and powerful, no one is innocent.

There are even some human lives in the hands of those weak women.

"Yuan Gai Suwen, tell them to be obedient, otherwise don't blame the king's soldiers for not being sympathetic!"

Looking at those family members and servants who were still somewhat treacherous, Li Xuan turned his head and gave orders to Yuan Gai Suwen behind him.

In fact, there was no need for Yuan Gai Su Wen to speak. These family members and servants all stared wide-eyed with disbelief after seeing the embarrassed and sluggish Yuan Gai Su Wen dragged behind Li Xuan.

"My lord,"

Yuan Gai Su Wen's face was completely dark.

However, this time, Li Xuan didn't pay attention to Yuan Gai Suwen, who was full of resentment behind him, but walked directly towards the two piles of property found by Xue Rengui, Cheng Chusi and others.

A pile is full of gold and silver jewelry, all kinds of precious wood and medicinal materials.

There are also a bunch of ironware and some armored swords.

Moreover, in the small courtyard of the surrounding rooms, there are soldiers carrying boxes one by one.

Li Xuan glanced at it roughly, at least a hundred boxes could fit in it.

It is dozens of times more than the wealth of the largest dignitary in the Wa Kingdom, Soga Ezo Mansion.

"Sure enough, he deserves to be the biggest national thief in Goguryeo, and he has a lot of property in his family!"

Li Xuan chuckled lightly, then walked out.

Cheng Chusi and Xue Rengui, these two bastards, have already accumulated a lot of experience in the Wa Kingdom.

Therefore, Li Xuan was not worried at all about their looting Yuan Gai Su Wen's mansion.

Behind him, Zheng Fu dragged Yuan Gai Suwen and followed behind.

For this, Yuan Gai Suwen was full of resentment, but at the moment he was controlled by others, and he was also frightened by Li Xuan's terrifying power, so he didn't dare to have any wrong thoughts.

At this moment, the entire city of Pyongyang has already been occupied by the Tang army.

All the people and dignitaries in the city hid in their homes and closed the doors and windows tightly.

Therefore, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie gathered the soldiers together and ordered that no intrusion be made against the houses with closed doors and windows.

Instead, lead troops first to occupy the palace in Pyongyang, as well as grain depots and major forging workshops.

Fortunately, most of the layout of Pyongyang City was built according to Chang'an City.

It is very easy to occupy these important places.

When Li Xuan came to the grain depot, Li Ji had already led people to count the grain stored in the grain depot.

"Report to the chief executive, there is a total of 500,000 shi of grain stored in Pyongyang!"

"500,000 stone?"

Li Xuan's face brightened, "These grains are enough for my army to feed for a year!"

"The chief manager is wise!"

Li Ji quickly praised.

"How much iron is there in the forge?"

Li Xuan asked again.

"Return to the chief manager, one hundred thousand catties of pig iron, and fifty thousand catties of wrought iron!"

Li Ji reported again.

"Why is that so little?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan frowned slightly.

"Back to the chief executive, the forges of Goguryeo are spread all over the major cities of Goguryeo. The forges in Pyongyang can only represent Pyongyang and the surrounding cities!"

Li Ji explained.

"So, hurry up and completely occupy the entire Pyongyang City, and then report victory to Chang'an City!"

Li Xuan nodded lightly, "At this moment, the Tang Dynasty should have finished the spring plowing. Just in time, you can ask Your Majesty to send some soldiers and officials over, or if there are families and dignitaries who want Pyongyang City, they can pay for it or use steel and grain. , Tian Mu to buy Pyongyang City!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Li Ji nodded directly.

Yuan Gai Suwen behind him listened with resentment.

"What does Prince Jin mean by this?"

"As soon as you become a prisoner, just shut up quietly for me!"

Li Xuan glared at Yuan Gai Suwen coldly, "If someone wants to bid for you, this king will also give you to that person. If you refuse to accept, first break free from the rope, if you can't break free, just obediently be a good one captive!"

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen was startled, his face full of anger.

However, seeing Li Xuan's eyes, Yuan Gai Suwen hesitated directly.

"Did King Rongliu catch him?"

Li Xuan asked Li Ji again.

"Reporting to the chief executive, we are only surrounded by the palace, and have not entered the palace yet!"

Li Ji replied.

"Have you entered yet?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan frowned and thought for a moment, then looked at Yuan Gai Suwen.

"You are the biggest national thief in Goguryeo, is there a way to make the gate of the palace open automatically?"

"My lord is only against Lu, not the King Rongliu!"

Yuan Gai Suwen said directly.

"Hey, he's still the biggest national thief in Goguryeo. He controls more than half of the military power in Goguryeo. He can't even get in the military power of the palace. It's really shameful. Sowo Ezo, the national thief of the Japanese country, can directly abolish the king of the Japanese country and establish a new king. You... oh..."

As he said that, Li Xuan sneered twice with a face full of disdain.

"Let's go, follow me to meet that Gao Jianwu, if I dare not open the door, I will blow up his palace!"

"The chief executive is mighty!"

All the soldiers were excited.

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen also had a look of curiosity on his face.

He faintly felt that the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty could control that strange fire and thunder at will.

So, without Zheng Fu dragging him, he subconsciously followed Li Xuan and walked towards the palace.

The royal palace of Goguryeo was also built in the middle of Pyongyang City.

The gate of the palace was already full of soldiers.

All Goguryeo soldiers stared at the Tang army below with a full face of alertness, but no one dared to shoot the first arrow without authorization.

It wasn't until Li Xuan and others arrived that there was a commotion among the Goguryeo soldiers on the gate of the palace.

Because, they saw that the figure they were most afraid of was dragged by Tang Bing with a rope like a domestic animal and came over!


(End of this chapter)

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