Li Shimin

Chapter 677 Honored King Gao Jianwu

Chapter 677 Honored King Gao Jianwu
"Listen, people at the city gate, your Goguryeo opponent Lu Yuangai Suwen has been captured by this king, and you all surrender quickly, or this king will cut him off and make his head into a chamber pot!"

Li Xuan shouted directly.

Yuan Gai Suwen: "..."

Everyone in the palace regarded him as an enemy bandit, and using him to threaten the palace guards, wouldn't they sincerely want his life?

Do you speak?
As expected, after Li Xuan finished speaking, all the guards at the gate of the palace remained silent, and no one made a sound.If you look carefully, you can find that there is still a glimmer of expectation in the eyes of those guards.

"Tsk tsk!"

Li Xuan turned his head and glanced at Yuan Gai Suwen, whose face was completely dark, and sneered, "Sure enough, you are a big country thief, and even these palace guards want you to die!"

Then, without waiting for Yuan Gai Su Wen to speak, he raised his head and shouted at the gate of the Goguryeo Palace again: "Since you want this king to kill Yuan Gai Su Wen so much, let Gao Jian Wu come out quickly, Otherwise, this king will let Yuan Gai Suwen go, and give him another thousand soldiers to attack your palace!"


At this moment, Yuan Gai Suwen and all the Goguryeo soldiers on the palace wall couldn't help being startled.

Soon, Yuan Gai Suwen looked at Li Xuan expectantly.

And a guard of the palace, with a flash of panic in his eyes, shouted at Li Xuan, "Please wait a moment, His Royal Highness King Jin of the Tang Dynasty, I will report to my king right away!"

Immediately, he hurried to the palace.

Li Xuan glanced at Yuan Gai Suwen with a half-smile, "Look, this is what this country thief thinks in the eyes of all the guards in the Goguryeo palace!"

Then, he told Li Chongyi who was behind him: "Get ready fifty arrow bombs and fifty hand-throwing bombs. If Gao Jianwu still doesn't know what to do, there is no need to keep this palace, just blow it up!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Chongyi hastily clapped his hands in response.

On the side, Yuan Gai Suwen, Cheng Zhijie and others all looked excited.

Especially Yuan Gai Suwen stared closely at Li Chongyi and the others.I saw hundreds of soldiers, each of them took out an arrow or a black iron pillar in the shape of a mallet.

These should be the 'magic weapon' for this King Jin of the Tang Dynasty to summon Huolei!
Li Xuan saw Yuan Gai Suwen's small actions and didn't pay attention to them.

Anyway, after the battle in Goguryeo, the arrow bombs and hand-throwing bombs will surely be known to the world.

He also needs to deter this thief!
Less than a stick of incense time.

Goguryeo was crowned king, so Gao Jianwu ran over with his princes in a hurry.

Lie down on the city gate, stretched out his head, and carefully looked at Li Xuan and the others below.

"Little Wang Gao Jianwu has met His Royal Highness King Jin of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Hey, your little Goguryeo king sees my Highness King Jin of the Tang Dynasty, why don't you hurry up to meet me?"

Li Chongyi directly shouted angrily.

Down below, all the Tang soldiers were also glaring.

The status of the prince of the Tang Dynasty is much more noble than the status of the mere king of Goguryeo.

Rongliu Wang Gao Jianwu's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly shouted in a trembling voice: "His Royal Highness King Jin of the Tang Dynasty, please forgive Xiao Wang for being rude. It's not that Xiao Wang won't go down to meet His Royal Highness Jin, it's because His Highness Jin has already entered the little king's palace. In addition, and arrest Xiao Wang's big opponent Lu Yuan Gai Su Wen, Xiao Wang really dare not go down!"


Li Xuan snorted coldly, held up the iron horn and shouted: "Gao Jianwu, you don't have to make noise, if you don't come down, do you think that the gate of your palace is taller and stronger than the outer city wall?
Or, do you think that you are more brave than the thief Yuan Gai Suwen? "

Hearing this, the expressions of Gao Jianwu and the princes beside him changed drastically.

"If you don't open the gate of the palace, this king will directly attack it. By that time, I will not guarantee what will happen to this palace that you worked so hard to build!"

Li Xuan said coldly.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, Xiao Wang has always regarded the Great Tang as a kingdom of heaven, and the emperor of the Great Tang as his father. I don't know why the Great Tang treats Xiao Wang like this?" Gao Jianwu said with a miserable face.

"Do you regard the Great Tang as the kingdom of heaven?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help chuckling, "Your Majesty the Tang knows your loyalty, and learned that your royal power in Goguryeo was taken away by Gao Jianwu, and even joined forces with Tubo, These barbarian hozens like Tuyuhun are facing our Tang Dynasty swordsman, so I sent this king to lead an army to rescue you, King Rongliu of Goguryeo, and put things right!"

"Xiao Wang thanks the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty for his great kindness!"

Gao Jianwu was full of gratitude, and he cupped his hands and bowed to the east three times.

"It's just that His Royal Highness Prince Jin is full of murderous intent, and Xiao Wang is extremely panicked..."

Down below, Li Xuan's eyes turned cold, and he no longer had the patience to interrupt Gao Jianwu's words.

"You don't want to be forced, this king sees that you are the king of a country after all, and you were forced into this appearance by a powerful minister, to give you some face, to play with you for a while, do you really think that this Wang is so easy to talk to?"

"Open the city gate quickly, or else I will directly order an attack to enter, and then I will not talk nicely to you!"

Gao Jianwu and the princes beside him couldn't help but tremble.

Even Yuan Gai Suwen was taken aback, he didn't expect the Great Tang Jin King beside him to be so moody!
"Report to His Royal Highness King Jin, can Xiao Wang tell His Highness King Jin..." Gao Jianwu said submissively.

Li Xuan was cold, "You guys think you are Xie Baoqing from Heiyunzhai? What qualifications do you have to negotiate with this king? Even my [-] army can't resist, and you dare to unite with those small countries to attack Datang?
This king will ask you again, can you open the city gate? "

"Open, open..."

Although Gao Jianwu is a capricious villain, he still has his eyesight.

Feeling that Li Xuan was about to order a strong attack, he quickly shouted.

"His Royal Highness King Jin please wait a moment, Xiao Wang will go down to greet him in person!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Jianwu hurried down with the two princes.

Soon, with a heavy creaking sound, the two heavy gates of the royal city slowly opened.

Gao Jianwu came out with a look of panic on his face, leading several princes.

Walking in front of Li Xuan, Gao Jianwu bowed his hands directly.

"King of Goguryeo Rongliu Gao Jianwu brought his dog Gao Huanquan to meet His Royal Highness King Jin of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Hmph, it would be nice to come down early, why let the king waste so many tongues?"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, then walked in directly.

"You have been captured by this king, and now you will follow behind me obediently. If you dare to make any changes, this king will cut off your head and make a chamber pot for Yuan Gai Suwen!"

Behind him, Yuan Gai Suwen, Gao Jianwu and others were startled.

However, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others had already rushed into the palace with a group of soldiers.

"His Royal Highness, this?..."

Seeing this, Gao Jianwu's face changed slightly.


Li Xuan glanced at Gao Jianwu, and sneered, "You and your princes have already been captured by this king. Now, in order to prevent the guards in your palace from making trouble and causing you to be beheaded by this king, is this not possible?"

Gao Jianwu felt anxious, he had never seen such a straightforward and shameless person.

However, who made him unable to resist, he could only nod with humiliation.


(End of this chapter)

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