Li Shimin

Chapter 678 I Don't Bully You

Chapter 678 I Don't Bully You
"It's all at the will of His Royal Highness King Jin!"


After the words fell, there was a loud thunder from the front.

Faintly, there were some screams.

Li Xuan, Gao Jianwu and others couldn't help but change slightly.

As for Li Chongyi, who had been following Li Xuan all the time, he directly drew out his steel knife, and half of the guards directly took out their hands and threw bombs or arrow bombs.

They could naturally hear that the loud noise was the sound of a hand-throwing bomb exploding.

Soon, a few people bypassed a hall, and saw a hall behind, half of which was blown down directly.

Surrounding them lay more than a dozen Goguryeo soldiers screaming.

As for farther away, there were a group of Goguryeo soldiers holding steel knives and arrows, staring at Li Ji and the others in front of them warily, none of them dared to step forward.

Seeing this, Li Xuan turned his head and looked at Gao Jianwu who had an ugly face behind him.

"You don't think stupidly that if this king dares to come into your palace, he can be captured by you?"

"His Royal Highness Jin Wang forgives the sin, the Tang army is extremely powerful, Xiao Wang will not have delusional thoughts!"

"Then why don't you quickly let your guards put down their weapons and surrender?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but glared at Gao Jianwu again, and said, "Otherwise, there wouldn't be a single casualty of these soldiers brought by this king, but none of your soldiers would survive. The most regrettable thing is that your palace, It will definitely be blown to pieces!"

Hearing this, Gao Jianwu took a look at the bombed-out palace, and thought of the loud noise outside the city just now when he was inside the palace, he couldn't help but feel despair in his heart.

However, he still didn't forget Li Xuan's words, and quickly shouted to the surrounding guards: "You all put down your weapons and surrender to the Tang army! In this way, everyone can survive!"

It was said that more than half of the palace guards had already lost their fighting spirit and dropped their weapons one after another.

There is also a small group of guards, whose faces are still full of unwillingness.

However, looking around, he found that all the soldiers around him had put down their weapons, so they could only slowly throw away their weapons.

Li Xuan just sneered at this.

"Gao Jianwu, I didn't expect these guards of yours to be very loyal to you!"

Hearing this, Gao Jianwu's face froze, and he smiled mischievously.

"The big guys quickly take control of the Goguryeo Palace, and then you can start cooking!"

Li Xuan shouted to the surrounding soldiers.

"The chief manager is wise!"

All the soldiers looked happy and shouted at Li Xuan.

As for Gao Jianwu, Yuan Gai Suwen and others, their faces froze.

Only then did they realize that it was still morning.

And the [-] soldiers and horses in their city, relying on the tall and strong city, failed to withstand a wave of attacks from the [-] Tang army!
Thinking about it, Gao Jianwu couldn't help but cast a contemptuous glance at Yuan Gai Suwen.

Seeing this, Yuan Gai Su Wen felt angry.

What can he do?
The overwhelming fire and thunder was thrown at the army he led, killing at least [-] soldiers in one wave.

Who can resist this weapon?
"Okay, you two don't cross your eyes here, go directly to your main hall, after tossing all morning, this king can just rest for a while!" Li Xuan said.

In an instant, Gao Jianwu regained his smile, and said to Li Xuan courteously.

"Yes, Your Highness King Jin please!"

Behind him, Yuan Gai Su Wen flashed contempt in his eyes.

However, when Li Xuan's eyes swept across, a smile suddenly returned to his face.

After half an hour.

Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others also came to Gao Jianwu's main hall.

Li Xuan, Gao Jianwu, Yuan Gai Suwen and others sat directly on a large sofa, which was a huge sofa that Li Xuan specially asked those craftsmen to build in Chang'an City.

It should be regarded as a six-seater sofa, which is just right for a hall like Gao Jianwu.

"How is it? The life of the little king of the Wa Kingdom and the minister of the Wa Kingdom, Suwo Eizo, in Chang'an City, this king has already explained clearly to you, what's your opinion?"

Under Gao Jianwu's distressed eyes, Li Xuan asked while drinking hot tea.

"Back to His Royal Highness Jin, I wonder if this matter is the intention of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, or just His Royal Highness Jin?"

Gao Jianwu hurriedly asked cautiously, while keeping his eyes fixed on the teacup in Li Xuan's hand.

"Okay, isn't it just a little Longjing tea? These are all roasted from the king's tea house, and only you, the ignorant King of Goguryeo, drink this stuff, and the king only drinks Dahongpao!"

Really couldn't stand Gao Jianwu's eyes, Li Xuan couldn't help but took another gulp, and said with contempt on his face.

Hearing this, Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen's expressions froze again.

In the mouths of those merchants, isn't this Longjing tea the peerless fairy tea that only the Duke of the Tang Dynasty and His Majesty the Tang Dynasty can drink?
One tael of Longjing tea cost them five thousand guan!

"What if it's His Majesty's intention? So what if it's just the king's intention?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but sneered, "Now you are the king's captives, and this is Goguryeo, not Tang Dynasty, let alone Chang'an city!"

Hearing this, the faces of Goguryeo and Yuan Gai Suwen froze immediately.

They heard Li Xuan's words, no matter who meant it, anyway, their current lives are still in the hands of the great Tang Jin Wang in front of them!
Immediately, the two couldn't help feeling a little headache.

In the past, no matter whether they met the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty or the aristocratic families, everyone was polite.

Unlike the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty in front of him, he is completely banditry!Not only shameless but also tyrannical, they will kill people if they disagree, even if one of them is the king of Goguryeo and the other is Goguryeo's big opponent Lu!
"His Royal Highness, what will happen to Goguryeo?"

Thinking about it, Gao Jianwu couldn't help thinking of something, and quickly asked again.

After all the royal families and dignitaries in Goguryeo entered the Tang Dynasty, how would the Tang Dynasty govern a country as big as Goguryeo?

Li Xuan couldn't help but glanced at Gao Jianwu in surprise.

"Don't worry, Goguryeo is so close to the Tang Dynasty, and my Tang Dynasty still has so many aristocratic families and dignitaries. If you send out [-]% of the aristocratic families at will, why worry about no one governing the little Goguryeo?"

As he said that, Li Xuan couldn't help thinking of something, and said again: "Speaking of which, this king still saved your two lives this time!"


Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help but be puzzled.

"If you two go on like this, you, King Rongliu, will definitely want to control the military power and political power of Goguryeo.

And you, Yuan Gai Suwen, would want to completely depose King Rongliu.

In this way, in the end, after the two of you have accumulated your strength, there will be a duel.

At that time, one of you will definitely be defeated by the other, and that person's ending will be very miserable.

The most likely thing is to be dismembered by the opponent, hacked into pieces, and then the head will be made into a chamber pot, which will be used by the opponent for a lifetime..."

Hearing this, Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help being speechless.

However, neither of them disagreed.

The hatred between them is much deeper than what Li Xuan said!
"Huh? Why, do you still want to have a little fantasy?"

After a long while, seeing that the two were still silent, Li Xuan frowned slightly subconsciously.

"Since this is the case, this king will not bully you, you can write a letter to the generals outside, asking them to lead troops to rescue you!
This king currently only has [-] soldiers and horses... No, there are only [-] outside the city. I don't know how many troops you Goguryeo generals can bring, can you rescue you? "

(End of this chapter)

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