Li Shimin

Chapter 679 Go plant more bombs!

Chapter 679 Go plant more bombs!

Hearing this, the eyes of Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others couldn't help but flashed with excitement.

As for Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, they suddenly raised their heads and looked at Li Xuan in disbelief.

If they could really send messengers to the generals of the major tribes in Goguryeo, within a month, hundreds of thousands of troops would come to rescue them.

Thinking about it, both of them couldn't help getting a little excited.

However, he still couldn't believe it.

"What is the meaning of His Royal Highness King Jin?"

"I just want you to send messengers to go outside to find someone to rescue the soldiers."

Li Xuan looked at Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen with a half-smile, "You two are the king of Goguryeo and the great rival Lu, you must have a lot of loyal soldiers in your hands.

I want you to call those people back. If they can beat me, then even if I failed to conquer Goguryeo this time, I will let you go.

However, if those people can't beat this king...then, this king will kill them all.As for the two of you, there are no more loyal people outside, so they will not have any crooked thoughts, so let's go to Chang'an City obediently! "

Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu: "..."

Is it really okay to speak so bluntly?

"Why, you don't want to?"

Seeing these two people ignoring him, Li Xuan couldn't help frowning slightly.

"I would like to follow His Royal Highness King Jin's orders!"

Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen nodded quickly in response.

In this desperate situation, the King Jin can still leave them with a hope of escape, so they need to seize it fiercely.

As for whether their loyal ministers will be defeated or killed when they come back this time, it is naturally out of their consideration.Moreover, even if they don't write letters, they still believe that Datang, the king of Jin, will not let those generals go easily!

In this case, it is better to give them a glimmer of hope!
Therefore, after lunch, Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu sat at a desk and began to write letters.

Once written, there are hundreds of sheets.

Anyway, the generals or officials who they thought had a glimmer of hope wrote a letter to him.

For two days in a row, hundreds of fast horses rode out from Pyongyang City and headed towards the surrounding area of ​​Goguryeo.

"Boss, do you want me to lead people and plant bombs around Pyongyang?"

Standing on the top of the city, when the last messenger drove out of Pyongyang, Li Chongyi and Xue Rengui were eager to try for two days.

Li Xuan shook his head slowly, "Don't worry, send someone first to search the homes of the rich and powerful in Pyongyang City. Except for kitchen knives and iron tools used for plowing, you can't own any iron objects!"

"Yes, Chief Manager."

The two responded quickly.

What happened next was the business that Li Chongyi, Xue Rengui, and Cheng Chusi and the guards were most familiar with!
search home!

What surprised Li Xuan was that Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, and other generals were also very proficient in this kind of business.

For five full days, [-] soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty, except for [-] soldiers who will need to guard the city and guard the royal palace and Yuan Gai Su Wen and other important mansions.

The other [-] Tang troops, led by Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, Li Chongyi and others, searched from house to house.

Anywhere, there will be 'two dogs'!
Goguryeo is a hodgepodge country, in which there are not only Han people, Goguryeo people, but also Turkic people, Xianbei people, Mahan people, Huiji people, Mohe people, and Fuyu people.

Therefore, the next day when Li Xuan and others came in, some Han Chinese, Ma Han, and Fuyu people came to vote!

Five days of precise search, plus a large-scale search, tens of thousands of houses in the entire city of Pyongyang have been thoroughly searched.

In addition to kitchen knives and sickles, hoes, shovels, rakes, shovels and other iron objects, even the iron pieces on the carriage were removed.

"Report to Chief Manager, in the past few days, a total of more than 300 million catties of iron!"

Li Chongyi held a ledger and reported to Li Xuan, Li Ji and others with an excited face.

"This time we can forge five or six giant steel ships!"

Li Xuan's face was also full of joy, "Xue Rengui, quickly bring ten thousand soldiers and horses, and send these iron objects to Yashan Harbor, and ask Cheng Duanbo to wait for 10,000 people to send these iron objects to Qingzhou Harbor!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Xue Rengui quickly cupped his fists to accept the order.

"Also, you can directly recruit a group of Goguryeo soldiers and civilians in Pyongyang City to serve as hard labor, and they will transport them, and you can just escort them!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

"If someone escapes, he will be killed directly, without mercy!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Xue Rengui took the order to go down.

Afterwards, Li Xuan turned his head again and looked at Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi who were beside him.

"In the past few days, you have taken advantage of the morning and evening to go out of the city and plant a large number of bombs in various places suitable for camping outside the city, and then plant bombs five hundred steps away from the four city gates; then , and in these places, bombs are also planted..."

Li Xuan explained to Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi all the places where the bombs needed to be planted.

Hearing this, the more they listened, the brighter their eyes became.

"Don't worry, Chief Manager, we will definitely arrange those Goguryeo hozen properly!"

"Go ahead, draw a few more leads!"

Li Xuan nodded.

"Don't worry, Chief Manager!"

The two agreed, and ran out with excitement on their faces, and began to gather a group of songs.

At the same time, in all the big cities of Koguryo, Xincheng, Ganwu, domestic and other cities, more than a hundred generals in control of military power, such as Xisa, Chulu Jinzhi, or Taishou, also received Yuangai Suwen and others one after another. Gao Jianwu's distress letter.

A few days later, armies with various banners came out from the cities and headed towards Pyongyang City mightily.

Of course, there were also some messengers of Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu who disappeared without a trace after entering some cities.

And on the sea, a fleet of hundreds of large ships pulled a ship full of various iron objects and ironware, and several ships of gold, and headed for Qingzhou Port.

After a huge steel ship led by the leader was moored in Qingzhou Harbor, two soldiers with three small flags on their backs jumped off the big ship first, got on their horses, and headed for Chang'an.

Subsequent fleets arriving at Qingzhou Seaport will berth at the port of the shipyard one by one.

Then, groups of soldiers, like ants, worked hard to carry boxes of wooden boxes down from the boat.

The current Qingzhou Shipyard is dozens of times larger than before.

In contrast, there are several times more craftsmen in the shipyard.

As boxes of wooden boxes were transported into those huge cement warehouses, several old men and a group of middle-aged craftsmen came in to open a box soon.

Grabbing it casually, he grabbed an iron knife or iron sheet and tapped it lightly a few times.

A look of excitement immediately flashed across his face, "These are high-quality iron objects. Put them back in the steel-making furnace for calcination, and when they come out, they will be good steel, which can be directly used to build large ships!"

As they said that, the group of people walked quickly around several large warehouses.

The look of excitement on his face was even more intense.

"His Royal Highness King Jin actually brought back so much good iron from Goguryeo. It is my great fortune! If there is 500,000 catties of pig iron, you can directly build a giant steel ship!"

Several old craftsmen headed by them looked at the boxes of iron objects with anticipation on their faces.


(End of this chapter)

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