Li Shimin

Chapter 680 The Army Gathered Outside Pyongyang

Chapter 680 The Army Gathered Outside Pyongyang
On the side, Cheng Duanbo, who was in charge of escorting these iron objects, couldn't help but chuckled. We were all acquaintances, and our words were not polite.

"500,000 catties? The old masters have underestimated His Royal Highness King Jin. Among the hundreds of large ships this time, there are more than 50 large ships, which are filled with these iron objects. There are more than 300 million catties in total!"

"more than 300 million catties?"

In an instant, all the craftsmen couldn't help being shocked, and their eyes widened.

"Is there so much pig iron in Goguryeo?"

"Naturally, these pig irons were found by His Highness King Jin from a city in Pyongyang. After His Highness King Jin conquered the entire Goguryeo, there will be tens of millions of iron objects sent to you.

By then, there will be no more iron shortages in the shipyard! "

Hearing this, the eyes of all the craftsmen flashed, and their faces were full of excitement.

"Please rest assured, His Highness King Jin, no matter how many iron objects come in, as long as they come to the shipyard, even if I wait for my life, I will turn those iron objects into steel and use them to build a giant steel ship!"

"Hahaha, just a few old craftsmen can do their best. I believe that during this trip to Goguryeo, His Royal Highness King Jin will definitely bring back all the iron objects of Goguryeo!"

Cheng Duanbo laughed loudly.

Seeing this, although the group of craftsmen did not understand why the captain of Qingzhou Zhechong Prefecture was so confident, they all laughed when they thought that more than 300 million ironware would enter the shipyard for them to build giant steel ships .

a few days later.

In Chang'an City, Li Shimin also received good news.

After reading it carefully from beginning to end, I was overjoyed.

"Okay, okay, Xuan Ba ​​did not disappoint me!"

Below, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others looked at Li Shimin curiously.

Although Li Shimin handed the memorial letter in his hand to Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others.

"Let's see, Xuanba led the army and directly wiped out the [-] troops in Yashan Harbor in Goguryeo, and captured countless grains and hundreds of ships, large and small.

Then, after resting for a few days, they went directly to the city of Pyongyang. When the Goguryeo opponent Lu Yuangai Suwen led his troops out of the city to face off, he threw bombs and arrow bombs with his hands again, and a catapult dropped bombs. Defeat the [-] troops in Pyongyang.

Yuangai Suwen and Goguryeo Rongliu Wang Gao Jianwu were captured alive, and more than 300 million catties of iron, 500,000 shi of grain, and tens of thousands of catties of gold were seized from Pyongyang City..."

"more than 300 million catties of iron?"

The eyes of Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others suddenly widened.

"I didn't expect that Goguryeo has so much iron!"

"Yes, this is just an iron object in a city in Pyongyang City. If the entire Goguryeo is attacked by Xuanba..."

As he said that, Li Shimin was also shocked,

That is just the country of Goguryeo, which is enough to supply the consumption of Qingzhou Shipyard for several years!
As for the tens of thousands of catties of gold, they were out of sight of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others.

I'm afraid that in the entire Tang Dynasty, only Li Xuan would regard gold as so important!

After some shock, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others also came back to their senses.

"Xuan Ba ​​wants us to arrange for those nobles from the aristocratic families to lead people to take over Pyongyang City. Regarding this, who do you think should be sent to take over?"

"Your Majesty, I think it's either the clan, or the five families that have quota this year!"

Fang Xuanling said directly.

But Changsun Wuji frowned slightly, "Your Majesty, I feel that Pyongyang City is the royal city of Goguryeo, and one city can hold up to ten Goguryeo cities, so it is appropriate to send a prince or county king.

As for those aristocratic families, the price they offered was too small, and they were not worthy of occupying this city! "


Hearing this, Li Shimin also nodded slightly.

"It's just that you love, who among the clansmen thinks it's more appropriate to manage Pyongyang City?"


Immediately, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others couldn't help but stare blankly, and remained silent.

At this time, among the clan, there were only a few princes with good abilities.

However, none of them are suitable for release.

As for the princes of the Supreme Emperor, or the princes of His Majesty, they were either young or stubborn. It seemed that apart from the prince, only King Wu remained.

But the king of Wu had already led troops and laid down several cities in Goguryeo!
After thinking for a moment, Li Shimin couldn't help sighing.

"For this matter, you first go to the Ministry of Officials to ask for officials, and I will discuss with the Supreme Emperor for a while!"



at the same time.

In Goguryeo, outside Pyongyang.

It also began to station a large army one after another.

"Report to the chief executive, now, 90,000 people have come from outside the city!"

Xue Rengui reported.

"But there are other soldiers and horses?"

Li Xuan turned his head directly, and asked Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen who were beside him.

"Back to His Royal Highness King Jin, there are more than 50 troops in Goguryeo, and there should be other troops on the way!"

Yuan Gai Suwen said hastily.

Hearing this, Li Xuan nodded slowly.

After that, he looked at Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others.

"No matter how they shout, there is no need to go out of town!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi and the others hurriedly clapped their hands together.

However, Li Xuan obviously thought too much.

The [-] soldiers and horses outside the city only surrounded the entire city of Pyongyang after they set up their camps.

It seems that they are also waiting for something.

So, more than ten days later.

Outside Pyongyang, more than [-] soldiers and horses came again.

At this time, the entire Pyongyang city was covered in darkness, and the Goguryeo army could not be seen at a glance.

"Did they send someone to call for battle?"

Standing at the head of Beicheng, Li Xuan looked at the invisible tent outside the city, and asked in a low voice.

"Go back to the chief manager, no enemy generals have come to call for battle yet!"

A school lieutenant hurriedly handed over his hand to report.

Li Xuan nodded slightly, "It's been so long, they should come, and they should all come. If someone comes to call for battle, you will stand directly at the top of the city and shout to them, telling them to come and surrender, but there is no need to go out of the city !"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

The captain responded directly.

Soon, this general order spread throughout the four gates of Pyongyang City.

After noon, the Goguryeo enemy troops at the four city gates, as if they had already discussed it, came out together to call for battle.

In this regard, the generals of the four city gates closed the gates tightly, and took out a huge iron horn, telling the Goguryeo soldiers under the gates to bind their hands and kneel in front of the gates to beg for surrender!

These words directly made those Goguryeo soldiers who came to rescue Yuan Gai Su Wen and Gao Jian Wu feel angry!

So, they gathered together at night.

200,000 troops have gathered outside the city, but there seems to be only [-] troops inside the city.

There is no need to discuss strategies at all, all the troops can attack the city from the surrounding walls of Pyongyang City at the same time early tomorrow morning.

However, they didn't know that when they were discussing, hundreds of figures quietly slipped down from the wall of Pyongyang City.

After landing, it disappeared into the night directly through the shadow.

Regarding this, those Goguryeo soldiers were silently unaware.

Early the next morning.

A group of Goguryeo soldiers shouted for a while as usual, and then threatened for a while.

The generals and lieutenants who had already been instructed by Li Xuan on the city wall all stood firm on the city wall, and they didn't even bother to shoot an arrow except for scolding each other with big iron horns!
Seeing this, the Goguryeo army felt anxious again, and directly ordered to start attacking the city!

(End of this chapter)

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