Li Shimin

Chapter 681 Goguryeo Army Sieges the City!

"Report to the chief officer, the enemy army outside the city has begun to call for battle!"

As usual, Li Xuan woke up naturally after falling asleep, and just had breakfast with Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others.

After leaving the palace, soldiers on the city wall rushed to Li Xuan and reported loudly.

"Is this the beginning of the brawl?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan, Cheng Zhijie and others were startled.

"Why did these Goguryeo soldiers get up so early? Or, did they not have breakfast?"

Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie and Li Ji couldn't help feeling helpless.

Even Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu who were behind were also surprised.

This is a big battle!
And, there are 200,000 troops staring at you outside the city!

Who have you ever seen fight that can be as leisurely as you?

After sleeping late in the palace of King Rongliu, not to mention waking up, and having to eat a sumptuous breakfast, he wandered towards the city wall like this?

However, when the 200,000 Goguryeo army outside the city began to call for battle, Cheng Zhijie, Li Ji and others subconsciously flashed a trace of worry in their eyes.

There are only [-] troops on the four walls now!

I don't know how powerful the bomb planted by His Royal Highness Prince Jin can be?

"Su Guogong, Cao Guogong, and we will each guard a city, using the sound of bombs as a sign, this battle will directly keep the 200,000 troops here!"

Li Xuan said to Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie who were on the side, and then walked quickly towards the city wall with Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu behind him.

Saying no worries would be a lie!
After all, there were 200,000 troops outside the city this time.

However, Li Xuan also wanted to gamble!
This time, Li Xuan directly buried the remaining more than 80,000 bombs and [-] hand bombs, and let Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi bury them in the ground.

He didn't believe that with so many bombs, facing the piles of Goguryeo soldiers standing neatly together on the ground, wouldn't they be able to kill a hundred thousand?
"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Cheng Zhijie and Li Ji quickly responded and ran towards the city wall.

When they came to the city wall, there were already shouts outside the city.

The black and black Goguryeo soldiers rushed up the city wall one by one.

Standing on the city wall and looking down, it is very spectacular.

There are countless Goguryeo soldiers, holding all kinds of weapons, trying to rush over to kill you. If you are a timid person, your whole body will go limp from fright.

However, most of the soldiers who came with Li Xuan this time were veterans who met with the Turkic conquest, and they were all expressionless about the following scene.

Only Li Xuan, seeing this, was breathless!
"See Chief Steward!"

Seeing Li Xuan coming up, the defenders of the city relaxed their hearts, and hurriedly bowed their hands to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then asked a little puzzled: "Why did they start attacking the city?"

Pianjiang smiled, he couldn't say that they kept insulting those Goguryeo soldiers, making Goguryeo outside the city angry?

"never mind!"

Li Xuan waved his hand casually, and then ordered: "When these Goguryeo soldiers have all rushed to the city wall, launch arrow bombs and send them to heaven!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Hearing this, all the soldiers on the city wall were full of excitement.

They naturally knew what the "God" mentioned by the chief executive was referring to.

Meanwhile, Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, who were at the side, also vaguely guessed something, with a bit of unbearable and anticipation on their faces.

On the city wall, all the soldiers hid behind the battlements, staring closely at the Goguryeo soldiers rushing towards them.

At the same time, the arrow bomb in his hand was already on the bowstring!

A thousand steps, for these soldiers, is just a few words, and they rushed under the city wall.


When Goguryeo soldiers began to build ladders on the city wall, Li Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted directly.

"Fire arrow bombs!"

"The chief executive has an order to launch arrow bombs!"

"Grand Commander Order..."

Soon, there were messengers who spread Li Xuan's words throughout the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rapid sound of war drums!
Inexplicably, Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten.

Immediately, I saw a large group of arrows with green smoke shooting from the hands of Tang Jun on the city wall to the bottom of the city wall!

With a loud noise, the arrows falling in the crowd of Goguryeo soldiers splashed in all directions, and the surrounding Goguryeo soldiers flew directly outward.

Afterwards, all the arrows shot down also began to explode.

The Goguryeo soldiers who rushed under the city wall were blown away one by one, screaming again and again!
There were even thousands of arrow bombs shot directly into the bodies of Goguryeo soldiers.

As the bombs on the arrows exploded, those Goguryeo soldiers exploded into a cloud of blood, directly bloodied the faces of the surrounding Goguryeo soldiers!

Immediately, the Goguryeo soldiers who were still alive looked terrified, looking at the fellow countrymen and brothers who were still eating in the same pot in the morning, but at this moment their bodies were blown into pieces, and they were still stained with these fellow countrymen. Intestines, or broken arms and legs, can't help but burst into tears.

However, the tragic situation of those soldiers made the living Goguryeo soldiers tear their hearts apart.

Seeing the arrows exploding all around, some timid soldiers lay on the ground with their heads in their arms, crying bitterly.

When they fought in the past, at most they faced some huge fireballs or rolling stones.

Unlike now, it is directly fire and thunder, and if it touches it, it will be blown to pieces!
There are also some Goguryeo soldiers whose fierceness in their hearts was directly aroused, rushing towards the city wall with bloodshot eyes.

However, he was blown away before he even took a few steps!
"Fire Thunder!"

"This is Fire Thunder..."

Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu's eyes widened instantly, their faces full of shock.

It turned out that the fire mine they were looking forward to was the arrows in the hands of these Tang soldiers, which exploded.

It's just that they haven't waited for the two to recover.



With louder thunderclaps.

They saw that further away, at the foot of the densely packed army formation, explosions began to explode.

The tens of thousands of troops standing neatly on it, like small clods of soil, were directly blown up and scattered in all directions.

First one place, and soon the whole land, as if they were about to be blown away.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that the entire outside of Pyongyang was bombed by such fire and mines.

The earth shakes and the mountains shake, destroying the world!
Standing on the city wall, Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen didn't know whether they were frightened by the power of the bombs, or they felt sorry for the dead soldiers, or they simply couldn't stand steadily, their faces were pale, and they also shook a few times.

And in such a short while, the place where the 200,000 army stood outside the city was already riddled with holes. At least more than [-] soldiers were separated from their hands and feet, and fell to the ground screaming.

More soldiers were charred in front, lying on the ground, motionless.

After a group of soldiers came back to their senses, they looked at the screaming comrades around them, full of horror, shouted, and ran away in all directions.

Even some Goguryeo generals were full of fear, and retreated in a panic after gathering some soldiers.

This time, they retreated to their camp.

This wave of fire and thunder attacks caught them off guard and lost at least half of their troops.


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