Li Shimin

Chapter 682 The Second Collapse of the Goguryeo Army

If the Tang army in the city takes the opportunity to go out of the city to attack them, there are only those camps where they were stationed nearby. Those fences and carriages can help them resist the Tang army's charge!

On the city wall, seeing the Goguryeo soldiers retreating, Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, whose faces were already pale, breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing on the city wall, watching the Tang army massacre their soldiers like this, even if they have already been hard-hearted, they still find it difficult to accept.

As for Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others, as well as the [-] Tang troops, after the first wave of arrow bombs were fired, their eyes widened and their hearts were shocked.

This is the first time they stand so high and watch the power of the bomb exploded among the enemy from such a close range!

"The chief executive is mighty!"

"Hiss...the bomb is so powerful? This time, it will definitely take down Goguryeo without losing a single soldier!"

"Hahaha, after that, the old man led troops out again. He only needs to carry [-] bombs, [-] arrow bombs, and [-] hands-throwing bombs. No matter how big the country is, this general can blow it into ruins!"

After seeing all the Goguryeo soldiers retreating in embarrassment, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, and the other generals and lieutenants were shocked, but also overjoyed.

Even Cheng Zhijie was so excited that he wanted to jump down and fight hard.

On the other side, seeing the Goguryeo soldiers retreating under the city, Li Xuan felt a little relieved, and then a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"Pass down the order, all the soldiers used on the city wall will go out of the city, and the whole army will attack!"


The orderly beside him responded, turned around and began to shout.

"The commander-in-chief has ordered that all soldiers in the city leave the city and attack with the whole army!"

"The chief executive has orders..."

At the same time, there was a sound of war drums spreading around.

After a while, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, Xue Rengui and others on the other four city gates also received orders.

Li Xuan ordered Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others to plant bombs under the Goguryeo soldier camps, and Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and the generals also knew about it.

After seeing the scene of the explosion outside the city, he immediately understood Li Xuan's order.

All of them were excited and their blood boiled.

Immediately, they summoned their respective soldiers and assembled out of the city.

"Do you two want to follow along?"

As all the soldiers on the city wall retreated, Li Xuan turned his head and asked Yuan Gai Su Wen and Gao Jian Wu.


"His Royal Highness King Jin?"

Both of them were still a little puzzled.

"My king said that this time, I will wipe out all the Goguryeo generals and dignitaries who are loyal to you!"

Li Xuan laughed lightly, then said slowly: "So, there are bombs waiting for them under the camp where they are stationed, don't you guys go to see them off?"

"Speaking of which, they are able to come, and you have the greatest credit!"

Both Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help being startled, and their faces were filled with fear.

"His Royal Highness, under the camp of those soldiers, is there still that kind of fire mine buried?"


Li Xuan nodded, then straightened his face, and said directly: "Forget it, you two don't need to think too much, just follow me to have a look and you will know!"

After finishing speaking, he went down.

Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen looked at Li Xuan's back and couldn't help but go limp.

Goguryeo is completely over!
Within a month, 300,000 troops were directly lost, even if this would release the two of them, Goguryeo would be completely over!
However, driven by the team of personal guards behind them, the two subconsciously followed slowly.

What if those soldiers did not return to the camp, but broke up and fled in all directions?
However, the extravagant hopes of the two of them will definitely come to nothing.

Behind the buttocks, a murderous Tang army followed closely. No matter how stupid the Goguryeo soldiers were, they would gather as many soldiers as possible, and then sneaked into the camp, ready to hold on.

After all, they connected to the soldiers and horses guarding the camp, and there were at least more than [-] soldiers and horses in their hands.

In the city, there are at most [-] Tang troops.

As long as they survive this wave of Tang army's charge, or take the opportunity to boost the morale of the army, find an opportunity to surround all the Tang army who are leaving the city, or directly fight back?

Even if they are attacked by fire and thunder under the city, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses at any time, this time is worth it!

Thinking about it, the Goguryeo generals who entered the camp could not help but narrow their eyes slightly.

At the same time, a group of generals also spontaneously gathered in the big tent.

"Everyone, I saw Your Excellency Dongfang at the gate of Beicheng!"

"What? Did you really meet His Excellency Dongfang?"

"How is your Excellency Dongfang?"


Immediately, all the generals, who were originally depressed, were overjoyed and asked hurriedly.

"Master Dongfang is well!"

A gleam of relief flashed in the eyes of the strong and strong man sitting in the first place.

Immediately, there was a look of resentment.

"Not only the general saw it, but all the soldiers who followed me to attack the city also saw it.

Your Excellency Dongfang, together with King Rongliu, was coerced by the nasty Tang army and guarded the city wall above the south gate, so that the general dared not use the catapult for fear of accidentally injuring you, Your Excellency Dongfang! "

"Sinister and cunning Tang Jun!"

"He even summoned fire and thunder to bomb us!"

"In this battle, we lost half of our soldiers directly, and more than half of the remaining soldiers were also frightened by the fire and thunder and lost their courage!"

"Everyone, the Tang army has followed us and arrived a thousand steps away from our camp! Judging from the meaning, he will definitely take advantage of this to attack our camp..."

"What kind of good strategy do you guys have..."

"I'm waiting for the army's morale to slacken..."


at the same time.

Li Xuan brought more than 7000 soldiers from the gate of the North City to the Goguryeo army camp outside the North City [-] paces away, and after setting up the formation, he directly asked the messengers to wave the banner.

After receiving the news, Sergeant Lei Ting, who had been waiting in the woods all night, directly ignited the pinch of fuses in front of him.

With a burst of '呲呲' sound.

After a long while, under a tent in the deepest camp of Goguryeo soldiers, a fire flashed.

With a loud bang of 'boom'.

The tent flew directly into the air.

Hearing this familiar voice, the soldiers in the depths of the camp exploded like frightened birds.

All the soldiers jumped out of the tent, shouting "fire thunder is coming", and ran outside.

It's just that these soldiers haven't run out of the tents yet, and the tents of the entire camp also began to fly towards the sky one by one.

In a few breaths, the entire camp was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames and roaring noises.

And the big tent where all the generals gathered was directly blown to pieces by several bombs.

Outside the camp, after seeing all the bombs go off, Li Xuan ordered the whole army to cover up and kill them.

However, instead of entering the camp, they just guarded outside the camp, and any Goguryeo soldiers who dared to rush out would kill them directly.

Under the city wall, it was blasted by an inexplicable 'fire and thunder'.

Now, after finally escaping back to the camp, they hadn't rested for a while, when these strange 'fire thunders' followed.

No matter how strong the psychological quality of the Goguryeo soldiers were, they were frightened out of their wits. After surviving, they ran around like headless chickens in the camp!
After half an hour of slashing and noise, the Goguryeo camp slowly quieted down!

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