Li Shimin

Chapter 683 The War Is Over

Half of the 7000 Goguryeo soldiers who retreated in this camp died from bomb explosions, a small half died from trampling on each other, and a small half were more than [-] Tang soldiers who were besieged outside the camp when they rushed out of the camp , smashed the shield, and then slashed again, and fell limply to the ground.

Around the fence of the entire camp, there are piles of corpses of Goguryeo soldiers!
Standing outside the camp, looking at the deadly Goguryeo camp, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally sent all these soldiers away!"

Meanwhile, Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu, who were beside them, were silent.

But if you look carefully, you can see that his whole body is trembling slightly, and his eyes are also full of despair and regret.

It was they who personally summoned these Goguryeo sons who were loyal to them outside the city of Pyongyang, and then watched these Goguryeo sons with their own eyes being blown to death in front of them by one after another.

In this way, as the butcher prince in front of him said, they sent away their last ray of hope!
In this battle, Li Xuan did not order the prisoners to be kept.

Only dead enemies are the best enemies!

"You will collect all the swords, guns and weapons of these Goguryeo soldiers. As for the corpses of these Goguryeo soldiers, you don't need to pay attention to them first. After lunch, [-] laborers will be pulled out in Pyongyang City and let them dig them outside the city. A few big pits buried these Goguryeo soldiers!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

This time, I saw with my own eyes that the 200,000 Goguryeo army was so easily wiped out in the hands of [-] soldiers like myself, and apart from a few unlucky ones, no manpower was lost.

These soldiers, for Li Xuan, have risen to worship.

Although they did what Li Xuan said before, they were just following the military order of Li Xuan, the chief commander.

Now, even if Li Xuan is not the chief executive, they will listen.

Similarly, the Goguryeo soldier camps outside the other three gates of Pyongyang City are also in the same situation.

What's more, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie did even better than Li Xuan.

After the camp was chaotic, he directly ordered the outermost fences and tents of the camp to be ignited, and those camps were all engulfed in flames.

The only thing in common is that none of the Goguryeo soldiers who fled into the camp survived.

Next, a group of soldiers will clean up the battlefield.

Make up the knife and pick up the weapon.

And these are not Li Xuan's jobs.

Therefore, Li Xuan took Yuan Gai Suwen, Gao Jianwu and others around the city of Pyongyang.

Sure enough, this was also the case outside the other three city gates.

Then, after returning to the palace, it was time for lunch.

From the time the first bomb went off to the end of the last bomb, it took less than two hours.

In this way, 200,000 Goguryeo troops were sent away outside the Goguryeo city. The efficiency was so high that Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others couldn't help but think of what Li Xuan said.

With the advent of bombs, the form of war has changed, and it is no longer possible to win by relying on a large number of people!
After lunch.

Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi, Xue Rengui and others led a group of soldiers, recruited [-] young and strong men from Pyongyang city, took iron catalpas one by one, and went out of the city.

Regarding this, although the common people in Pyongyang were a little terrified, they were not that afraid, and even looked forward to it.

After all, after these Tang troops occupied Pyongyang, they just took away some iron objects from their homes.As for the brutality of burning, killing and looting that they were most afraid of, it didn't happen.

Even the women in their family were not robbed by Tang Jun!

Moreover, they also wanted to know which side the Great Tang army was fighting against in the morning.

In the morning, they heard the thunderous sound of the two 'Fire and Thunder'.

At this time, they all still remembered that the last time there was a sound of "fire and thunder" outside the city, it was the time when the Tang Army defeated Lu Yuangai Suwen's army.

And that time, Tang Jun seemed to have just released a 'Fire Thunder'!
And early this morning, it was released twice directly.

Even, they were placed outside the four gates of the entire city of Pyongyang.

Then this time, how many troops are there outside?

The curiosity of these people, after leaving the city gate, completely turned into fear!

There are even some Goguryeo people who just left the gate of the city, their legs began to feel weak, and they vomited while leaning on the wall.

Outside the city is a hell on earth, a strong smell of blood directly penetrates their noses, and broken limbs and broken arms, as well as various colorful intestines and heads, are scattered around.

Those corpses were covered with flies and some unknown small flying insects.

As for the sky, it is full of various vultures and birds.

Seeing the common people and Tang Jun on the ground, those vultures and birds were not afraid, they were still hovering in the sky!
"These corpses are all the rescue troops summoned by Yuangai Suwen and Rongliu Wang Gao Jianwu from various cities in Goguryeo!"

Seeing the unbearable look in the eyes of the Goguryeo people, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi, who had already been instructed by Li Xuan, directly held a big loudspeaker and explained loudly.

"This time, a total of more than 20 troops came. However, our Great Tang army is extremely brave, and these troops have not been able to defeat the fire and thunder of our Datang army. Therefore, they were defeated this time, and they were all blown by fire and thunder. into such a tragedy."

"My Royal Highness, King Jin of the Tang Dynasty, admires the loyalty, patriotism, and loyalty of these soldiers. I can't bear that these soldiers will be exposed to the sun after they die, and they will be abused by flies, vultures and other animals. My people, give these loyal people a lavish burial!"

"This time, it's still the same as in the past. The weapons and armor in the hands of these soldiers are all the spoils of my Tang Dynasty. Wait, I can only bury these corpses..."

Following the explanations of Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi and others.

The people of Goguryeo had a scene in their hearts.

The soldiers lying on the ground were all rescue soldiers summoned by their rivals Lu Yuangai Suwen and Rongliu Wang Gao Jianwu for their own selfishness.

It's just that these poor soldiers didn't know the bravery of Datang. Even an army of 200,000 failed to defeat Datang's tens of thousands of troops and was directly blown to death outside the city.

But the King Jin of the Tang Dynasty was kind and wanted them to give these loyal people a lavish burial!

With such a comparison, the image of Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu in the hearts of these common people suddenly dropped a lot.

The biggest culprit this time, Li Xuan, king of Tang and Jin, was favored by some Goguryeo people.

After all, no one would think that these soldiers were actually summoned by King Jin of the Tang Dynasty!
Although some people would doubt it, the three of them became tigers!
In these Goguryeo people, they dug and buried the corpses outside the city, and it took less than two days to return to the city.

Everyone in the entire city of Pyongyang knew the reason for the loud rumble outside the city that morning.

Datang's 200,000 troops actually used "Huo Lei" to blow up [-] troops outside the city.

As for the [-] troops of the Tang Dynasty, it seems that there have been no casualties.

At the same time, the cause of the disaster was also spread in Pyongyang.

The images of Yuangai Suwen and Gao Jianwu began to plummet under the mutual crusade among the people in Pyongyang.


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