Li Shimin

Chapter 685

On the other side, after Li Xuan left the palace, he brought Zheng Fu and a few personal guards along, and started wandering aimlessly throughout the entire Pyongyang city.

As for Li Yuanjing who came to take over Pyongyang City, Li Xuan was not worried at all.

Not to mention Li Yuanjing's own ability is extraordinary, and there are many subordinates under his command.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of troops guarding the city, and the Goguryeo officials, Gao Jianwu and others can't make any waves at all!
Moreover, there are Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, Li Chongyi and others assisting!
As long as there is any inappropriateness, the army can directly suppress it.

"Huh... for so many days, this king has been staying in the palace to handle various government affairs. It's really exhausting. Finally, I have the opportunity to take a walk around!"

Looking at the bustling crowd on the street, Li Xuan couldn't help but heaved a long sigh of relief, his face full of comfort.

Behind them, Zheng Fu and all the guards twitched their mouths.

Are you dealing with government affairs in the palace?
It takes less than a quarter of an hour a day, and the rest of the time is either drinking tea, or sleeping and eating!
You are more comfortable than going out for an outing!
"Zheng Fu, do you know which is the most prosperous street in Pyongyang City?"

Li Xuan didn't know that Zheng Fu and a group of guards behind him were secretly complaining about him, but they were still walking ahead with a curious expression on their faces.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it seems that it should be in Xicheng!" Zheng Fu hurriedly reported.

"Let's go, let's go to the west city!"

Li Xuan turned a corner and walked towards the west city.

Although the Tang army occupied Pyongyang City, they only sent troops to patrol the entire Pyongyang City and stationed at the city gates and some important places.

As for the lives of the people in the city, there was not much intervention.

Therefore, in the past few days, the entire city of Pyongyang has already returned to its former prosperity.

Even if Li Xuan walked on the street with Zheng Fu's personal guards, they didn't attract any strange eyes.

Of course, there will still be some Goguryeo people who subconsciously avoid Li Xuan and others.

After all, before, there were some people who were not only dead or alive, but wanted to avenge their dead sons or brothers!
He wanted to intercept and kill some Tang soldiers on the street, but unfortunately, in addition to kitchen knives, they had sickles and hoes in their homes.

Therefore, not only did no one succeed, but their whole family was involved, and they were all buried with them.

Afterwards, Xue Rengui, Li Chongyi and others also stood on the street with loudspeakers and explained clearly.

Therefore, it did not cause much hatred.

After all, killing for life is justified!

Moreover, although they all belonged to Goguryeo, they had little contact with each other on weekdays, and even after some people died, they got more.

So, in just a few days, Li Ji took Li Chongyi and others to clean up the entire Pyongyang city.

The rest are some Goguryeo 'good people'!
The west city, like the west market in Chang'an City, often has merchants from the Tang Dynasty, or Baekje and other countries, coming from Asan Harbor. Therefore, the west city is full of shops, and it is the most prosperous place in Pyongyang.

Here, Li Xuan also saw several shops selling tea, glass, Tang sofas, Tang tables and chairs and other Tang items.

"Li Hu, the villain, has met several nobles!"

After Li Xuan walked into a tea shop, a waiter came up immediately.

However, he just greeted Li Xuan and the others, and followed Li Xuan silently, without asking any questions.

Obviously, knowing that Li Xuan and the Tang generals just came in to have a look around, they would not buy anything.

Regarding this, Li Xuan also nodded secretly, this is the real clerk.

He hates the clerk who keeps asking this and that as soon as the customer enters the store and follows them closely!

Annoyance can annoy you to death!
"Longjing, Maofeng, Biluochun, Tieguanyin, Yinzhen..."

After turning around, Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction again. Among other things, the decoration of the tea in this shop is very high-grade.

Or his unique vision!

"I didn't expect you to be someone who understands tea. The tea in our tea shop, except for the legendary Dahongpao, has all kinds of tea. It can be compared with the tea shops in Qingzhou and Cangzhou, these big Tangzhou cities!"

Behind him, a trace of astonishment flashed in the shopkeeper's eyes, and he quickly flattered him.

"But the price is more than ten times more expensive!"

Li Xuan glanced at the waiter in the shop, and said with a sneer.

Immediately, he went straight outside.

Behind him, the waiter didn't feel any embarrassment at all, he just bowed slightly and clasped his fists to see him off.

"Congratulations, my lord!"

After Li Xuan and the others walked out of the shop a few steps away, they straightened up, picked up a piece of clean cloth from the side, and slowly wiped the glass cabinet above the tea leaves!

As for worrying that Li Xuan and others would go elsewhere to buy tea?

Li Hu, the waiter in the shop, didn't have any worries at all.

In Pyongyang, there is only one tea shop like them.

And the city that was captured was not as complete as theirs.

As for Qingzhou, or Dengzhou?
Not to mention the distance, even if they go there to buy tea, as long as the waiter or shopkeeper of the tea shop in Qingzhou or Dengzhou knows that they went to Qingzhou or Dengzhou to buy tea from Goguryeo, they will never give it to them. Sell ​​tea!
at the same time.

Li Xuan led Zheng Fu and others out of the tea shop, and before walking too far, he was attracted by a strong Goguryeo man with a purple face but a fierce face.

To be precise, he should be attracted by the two carrot-sized ginseng held in the strong man's hand.

Korean ginseng!
Moreover, at least it is a high-year Korean ginseng!

Li Xuan's face brightened, and he walked up directly.

It's just that the strong man was holding Korean ginseng, and was arguing with the shopkeeper of the medicinal herb shop in a medicinal herb shop.

Although I can't understand their words, it's easy to understand just by looking at their expressions and movements.

One thinks the price is low, and the other thinks that there is no war in the city, and there are fewer nobles.In addition, Tang Jun took away a lot of money from these dignitaries, so he didn't have to pay such a high price to buy these ginsengs.

Otherwise, it is easy to drop it in the hand.

Of course, he also knows that the nobles in the city will not easily come forward and spend a lot of money to buy these two ginseng plants.

Therefore, keep the price down!

In the end, seeing that the shopkeeper of "Picking Skin" seemed to know him well, the strong man snorted coldly, carefully put away the ginseng again, then walked out with a cold face.

And the shopkeeper of the pharmacy watched the strong man go out with a sneer on his face, without any intention of shouting back.

He didn't believe it, who in the city would dare to spend a lot of money to buy those two hundred-year-old top-quality ginseng plants!

Suddenly, the pharmacy shopkeeper's face froze, because he saw that the man who often came to his pharmacy to sell medicinal materials was stopped by a group of Tang people just as he walked out of his pharmacy.

And the leader of the Tang Dynasty seems to have taken a fancy to those two ginseng plants.

He hurriedly walked two steps away, and then thought of something, the shopkeeper of the pharmacy paused again, his eyes flickered, and then his expression became ruthless, so he could only look at the Tang man, and said a few words to the herbal picker.

Afterwards, the Tang man pointed again to the tea shop opened by the Tang man not far away.

The herb collector looked relieved.

Immediately, several people walked to the tea shop.

In the tea shop, Li Hu, who had just wiped the glass cabinet before, just wanted to stand up and take a rest.

Just saw that the few nobles who just wandered out from here walked in again.

Behind him, there is also a Goguryeo herbal picker.


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