Li Shimin

Chapter 686

"Li Hu, can you speak the Goguryeo language?"

After Li Xuan walked into the tea shop, he asked directly.

Li Hu was taken aback, but subconsciously bowed his hands in salute.

"I've met a nobleman, the villain can speak Goguryeo, not only the villain can speak Goguryeo, but also the shopkeeper and waiter in the whole tea shop can speak Goguryeo!"

"That's good!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly, then walked in.

"Where is your private room here?"

"Private room?"

Li Hu was startled, and then a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes. You must know that the people who are so familiar with looking for private rooms in the tea shop must be regular customers of the tea shop.

And since he is a regular customer, he must be a person with rich wealth!

He quickly pointed to Li Xuan at an exquisite room inside, and said, "This way please, nobleman!"


Li Xuan nodded slightly, and walked in with the Goguryeo man.

The Goguryeo man on the side hurriedly followed him with a nervous expression on his face.

He had only heard before, how those people outside talked about the luxury and exquisiteness of this Datang tea shop, but he had never entered it.

I never knew that there are still shops in the world that can be decorated so extravagantly and exquisitely. Even those tea cabinets are made of that exquisite glass.

Just such a small tea shop can be compared to the mansions of some powerful people in the city!

At the same time, my heart became active.

This nobleman from the Tang Dynasty is so familiar with such luxury shops, he can definitely afford a high price!

And he will definitely buy more food for the family this time, and even a few bolts of good cloth!
On the side, Li Hu, who was about to follow Li Xuan, suddenly felt someone tugging behind him.

Turning around, I saw that the guard who had been following the nobleman took out a fish talisman from his pocket!
Li Hu trembled, and he saw the Jin character in the lower left corner of the fish talisman at a glance!

Immediately, thinking of the man who was leading the troops in the city, he raised his head in disbelief, looked at Zheng Fu in front of him, pointed at the Jin character, and said in a trembling voice: "Dare to ask the general, who is this nobleman?"

"Shut up, go and call the shopkeeper here to serve you!"

Zheng Fu said in a cold voice.

"Yes Yes……"

Li Hu's pupils dilated instantly, and he said hastily.

Immediately, he hurried upstairs!

His face was full of excitement.

This tea shop has two floors.

Usually, only real nobles, or distinguished guests of tea shops, can be invited into the private room on the second floor.

As the shopkeeper of the shop, he spends at least half a day entertaining guests in the private room on the second floor.

Today, a distinguished guest from the city happened to come to the tea shop to buy tea.

Therefore, Cui Gongming, the shopkeeper, stayed on the second floor all the time.

However, this time, Li Hu didn't care about being polite, so he ran up the second floor in a brisk "boom-boom".

Lightly knocking on the small door of the private room twice, suppressing the excitement in his heart, he shouted in a low voice: "Shopkeeper, there is a distinguished guest downstairs, and you need to go down to receive it in person!"

In the private room, Cui Gongming, who was accompanying the old man in fine clothes with a faint smile, suddenly turned cold.

"Come in and talk!"


Li Hu hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

Cui Gongming looked gloomy, looked at Li Hu who was still full of joy, and asked in a low voice: "Where is this distinguished guest who can let you come up so recklessly to disturb this old man?"

The old man sitting opposite Cui Gongming is the chief steward of Mr. Yuzhe's residence in Goguryeo.After the big opponent Lu Yuangai Suwen was captured by King Jin, this Lord Yuzhe was the biggest official of Goguryeo in Pyongyang, and also one of the richest people in Pyongyang. Naturally, he was also a big customer of the tea shop. .

"Go back to the shopkeeper, that one is here!"

Li Hu shuddered subconsciously after being reprimanded by the shopkeeper who was most afraid of him, but his face was still full of joy when he thought of the identity of the nobleman below.

"The one?"

Cui Gongming frowned slightly, then looked at Li Hubi's painting, his eyes gradually widened, and he couldn't believe it, his body trembled slightly.

"Are you sure it's that one?"

"Going back to the shopkeeper, the villain looked at the fish charm of the guard next to him!" Li Hu said.

Hearing this, Cui Gongming couldn't sit still anymore.

Since it is that one, what is the housekeeper in this mere Goguryeo Yuzhe Mansion in front of him?
Hastily got up, and slightly arched his hands to the housekeeper of Mr. Yu Zhe's house in front of him, "Please forgive me, the housekeeper, there is a distinguished guest from Tang Dynasty downstairs, I really dare not neglect that nobleman, Please also forgive me, Steward Yu!"

Seeing this, the housekeeper couldn't help being startled, the shopkeeper Cui in front of him dared to neglect him like this.

However, after hearing that it was the nobleman from Datang, his eyes lit up, and he quickly put on a kind face.

"Treasurer Cui, just go and entertain that Tang nobleman, the old man will come back tomorrow!"

"Thank you, butler!"

Cui Gongming hurriedly cupped his hands, but he didn't feel like the housekeeper, so he hurried down.

My uncle actually came to the shop!

Behind him, Steward Yu's face froze when he saw this scene, but at the same time he couldn't help being curious.

"I don't know which Tang nobleman? Butler Cui is so anxious?"

"I also ask Steward Yu to forgive me, the villain must not tell the name of any noble person!"

Li Hu said quickly.

A mere barbarian hozen wanting to know the identity of the great king is really daydreaming!
In this regard, a trace of sullenness flashed in the housekeeper's eyes.

However, the person in front of him is a person from Datang.

In the past, he didn't dare to offend too much, and now that Datang has captured Pyongyang, he dared not offend even more.

And downstairs.

As soon as Cui Gongming went down to the first floor, he saw the solemn guards standing in the shop.

Slightly nodded, and went straight in.

Sure enough, in the private room on the first floor, he saw His Royal Highness Prince Jin whom he had only met once, drinking tea in an orderly manner.Opposite him, there was a Goguryeo man with an awkward face, but he raised his head from time to time and looked around.

After tidying up his appearance a little, Cui Gongming walked up to Li Xuan with a happy face, and bowed his hands in salute.

"The villain Cui Gongming has seen the king! I didn't know that the king came to the shop in person, and I was far away to welcome him, so I ask the king to forgive me!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then asked curiously, "A member of the Cui family?"

"Back to Your Majesty, the villain is from Qinghe Cui's family, and now manages this tea shop!"

Cui Gongming quickly replied, "I don't know if the king is here in person, but you want to drink tea?"


Li Xuan nodded and asked, "Do you speak Goguryeo?"

Cui Gongming was startled, and quickly replied: "Back to the king, the villain can speak and write!"

"Very good!"

Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to the Goguryeo man beside him, and said, "This man has two old ginseng plants in his hands. This king has taken a fancy to them and needs to buy them. Ask how much it will cost."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Cui Gongming understood now, and responded quickly.

Then, he turned his head and asked the Goguryeo herbal picker beside him carefully.

Then, in Li Xuan's eyes, the Goguryeo man, after chatting with Cui Gongming for a few words, took out the two Korean ginseng wrapped in cloth in his hand, put them on the tea table, and opened them carefully.

Immediately, the two Korean ginseng plants that had almost grown to the thickness of a child's arm appeared in front of them.

It can be seen that there are still some fresh soil left on the two Korean ginseng plants.

It should have just been dug out not long ago.


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