Li Shimin

Chapter 687

Seeing these two plants of old wild ginseng, Cui Gongming couldn't help but freeze his expression. No wonder His Royal Highness Prince Jin wanted to buy the old wild ginseng from this person.

The old mountain ginseng, which is so big and in such good condition, has been grown for at least a hundred years.

Even though he is a member of the Qinghe Cui family, he has never seen such a big ginseng.

Immediately, he asked the Goguryeo man again.

For this kind of top-quality medicinal material, in the hearts of all the nobles in the Tang Dynasty, there has never been any stinginess.

After listening, he turned his head and reported to Li Xuan: "Your Majesty, this person said that these two wild ginseng plants are at least 200 years old, and the asking price is 120 guan! One [-]-year-old ginseng, the asking price is [-] guan!"

"And according to the villain's inspection, the years of these two wild ginseng plants are also the same as what this person said!"

Following Cui Gongming's words, the Goguryeo herbal picker also looked at Li Xuan nervously.

"So much money?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan was startled.

Although 160 guan is indeed a huge sum of money, already equivalent to more than 100 million in later generations, it is indeed too little for Li Xuan now!
Moreover, this is a 200-year-old wild ginseng and a 120-year-old wild ginseng.

The most important thing is that he has lived two lifetimes, and it seems that he has never eaten a ginseng plant that is more than 20 years old.

"I don't know how this 200-year-old wild ginseng tastes like?"

Thinking about it, Li Xuan said it subconsciously.

On the side, Cui Gongming and Zheng Fu, of course, couldn't help being startled.

This is 200 years of wild ginseng, the legendary medicine that can live people!

However, if you can taste this wild ginseng...

Thinking about it, a trace of expectation appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

After all, he came from a great family, Cui Gongming was just stunned, then quickly came back to his senses, and quickly bowed his hands to Li Xuan, explaining,

"My lord, 160 strings is already a huge wealth for this person, even a fortune that he will never earn in his lifetime. But the price is very likely to be a false price quoted by this person. As far as the villain knows However, for these ordinary people, the Goguryeo dignitaries exploited and oppressed them even more seriously.

For example, if this person takes these two plants of wild ginseng to sell in the medicinal herb shop in front, the price given by the shopkeeper of that medicinal herb shop will definitely not exceed one hundred guan, or even lower!
If the villain talks to him again, he should be able to reduce the score by dozens more! "

"Fake price?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help being stunned for a while, "These hozens are also playing tricks like this?"

"Your Majesty, wise, don't look at these hozen's honest faces, but they are the most scheming!"

Cui Gongming said respectfully.

On the side, the Goguryeo herbal picker looked at Li Xuan nervously.

I'm afraid that the noble man in front of him thinks the price is too high, so he won't buy his two ginseng plants.

"It's okay, at this price!"

Li Xuan said directly.


Hearing this, Cui Gongming couldn't help but startled, he was already ready to continue haggling with the Koguryo herb picker in front of him.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Immediately, he quickly forwarded Li Xuan's words to the Goguryeo herbal picker.

Hearing this, the Goguryeo man was overjoyed immediately, and quickly bowed to Li Xuan to thank him.

Then, he looked at Li Xuan expectantly.

And Cui Gongming looked at Li Xuan expectantly.

"What else?"

Seeing this, Li Xuan was startled.

"Your Majesty, you need money!"

Cui Gongming said quickly.

"Oh, yes, give me the money!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan was startled, and nodded again and again, "Go and get 160 coins and give it to this person!"

Cui Gongming was startled, his face full of astonishment.

"Your Majesty..."

However, fortunately, I realized it quickly, 160 pennies, it can fit into a box.

With so much money, the king certainly didn't bring it with him when he came out.

"Yes, wait a moment, my lord, the villain is going to get the money now!"

Saying that, he hurriedly walked out.

Soon, two shop waiters followed behind, carrying a box, and walked in.

Put it on the ground, and said a few words to the Goguryeo man.

The Goguryeo man was overjoyed, and quickly opened the box on the ground, revealing brand-new coins one after another. He quickly reached out and counted them carefully.

A quarter of an hour later.

The Goguryeo man counted them all, stood up slowly, and thanked Li Xuan with a happy face.

"Okay, tell him, there is still this kind of top-quality wild ginseng today, and you can use it to find you. As much as you come, you can take as much as you want for this king!"

At this moment, Li Xuan had already taken the two wild ginseng plants, put them in his hands, and began to watch them carefully.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Cui Gongming responded quickly, and then continued to say a few words to the Goguryeo man.

After listening, the Goguryeo man's face brightened, and he bowed his hands to Li Xuan again.

After that, he closed the wooden box, bowed his waist, picked up the wooden box, and walked out.

However, when he reached the door, he couldn't help but pause, looking at the passers-by outside, a trace of worry flashed in the eyes of the Goguryeo man.

Then, put the wooden box carefully on the ground.

He took out a penny from it and stuffed it into his pocket.

A flash of tenacity flashed in his eyes, and he closed the wooden box again, then got up, picked up the wooden box, and walked out.

Inside the room.

After the Goguryeo man left, Li Xuan finally took a serious look at the ginseng in his hand.

"Treasurer Cui, go find two boxes, I want to put these two plants of wild ginseng into it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Cui Gongming responded quickly, then walked quickly to a glass cabinet, and took out two exquisite brocade boxes from it.

Afterwards, Li Xuan put two wild ginseng plants in, wrapped them with a piece of silk cloth, and got up to leave.

"Congratulations to the king!"

Inside the store, Cui Gongming and Li Hu waited until they could no longer see Li Xuan's back, then turned around and walked into the store.

However, before walking a few steps, Cui Gongming's face suddenly changed.

"Too bad, the king hasn't paid you yet!"

Li Hu and the waiters in the shop couldn't help but have strange expressions.

Cui Gongming turned around subconsciously, and walked a few steps towards the door, but when he remembered something, he stopped again, sighed hard, with a helpless expression on his face.

"What should I do now, the king didn't give the money, and he didn't write down the paperwork. How can the account be settled for the 160 pennies?"

"Sigh, I've been doing my best all my life, but I didn't expect to stumble over such a trivial matter..."

After pacing back and forth for a while, Cui Gongming's face turned hard, "No, the ledger of 160 guan will be settled...Since the king won't give you the money, then I will get it back from the Goguryeo hozens in Pyongyang!"

"From now on, you should all be smarter!"

"Yes, the shopkeeper!"

Li Hu and the waiters in the shop all clapped their hands in unison.

They don't have any psychological burden on these hozens.Moreover, this matter is still caused by the king.

Hearing this, Cui Gongming let go of his hanging heart, put his hands together, and walked upstairs.

On the other side, Li Xuan walked out of the tea shop with two brocade boxes in his arms, and walked directly to the palace.

However, just after walking out of the west city, when passing by an alley, it seemed that they heard a fight and roaring.

Subconsciously stopped, looked into the alley.

He couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The Goguryeo man who just sold him two old ginseng plants is being chased by a group of people.

And what a coincidence, the Goguryeo man fled in the direction of his alley!


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