Li Shimin

Chapter 688 The king opened a bank, would you like to save money?

Seeing this, Zheng Fu and all the guards behind him tensed up, and 'Qiang Qiang' directly pulled out the steel knife from his waist!

Keep a close eye on the Goguryeo man running over, and the group of Goguryeo thieves!

"My lord, this matter is too coincidental, you need to be more cautious!"

As he spoke, thinking of something, Zheng Fu took off the round steel shield behind him again, and stood in front of Li Xuan with a solemn face, while looking closely at his surroundings.

Soon, the Goguryeo man who was still holding the box tightly in his arms found Li Xuan and others.

A gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

He ran towards Li Xuan fiercely, shouting while running.

Behind them, the group of Goguryeo thieves heard the voice of the herb picker in front, and they all found Li Xuan and the others, but they seemed to be reluctant to part with the money in the wooden box of the Goguryeo herb picker in front, their eyes became ruthless, and they all followed suit. up.

As expected, the Goguryeo herb picker, carrying a wooden box that was a hundred catties smaller, could not run far.

After arriving in front of Li Xuan and the others, he staggered for a while.

Taking advantage of the situation, he threw the wooden box in his hand to the ground heavily, looking exhausted.

However, seeing the group of thieves behind him chasing up, the herbal picker quickly struggled to get up, knelt in front of Li Xuan, begging.

"Wuli Ula..."

The group of thieves who were chasing after saw Li Xuan, immediately flattered their faces, and at the same time kept talking, pointing to the box on the ground, trying to explain that the box belonged to them.

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but sneer.

It seems that he encountered a different kind of bloody plot.

And Zheng Fu and all the guards also relaxed a little.

However, there were still a few people guarding in front of Li Xuan with round shields, while another group of people stepped forward and took down all the thieves.

Originally, the group of thieves wanted to resist with confidence, but after putting cold steel knives on their necks, they could only obediently drop the wooden sticks in their hands, and let the guards take them down. Tie it on.

Then, like a public parade, he brought a group of people, including the Goguryeo herbal picker, back to the palace.

In the palace, there are naturally countless officials and translators who can speak Goguryeo.

Even Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen came out to watch the excitement.

After some interrogation, Li Xuan also figured out what happened.

It turned out that all the thieves who dared to rob money openly on the street were all subordinates of the shopkeeper of the medicine shop.

The person who can open such a large medicine store in Pyongyang City naturally has a lot of power behind him. Not only are there people who specialize in collecting and collecting medicines, but there are also a lot of guards in the mansion.

The shopkeeper of the medicine store, after Li Xuan brought Di Guizhi into the tea shop, he felt that something was wrong.Therefore, he quickly summoned more than a dozen subordinates to guard around the medicinal material shop.

Di Guizhi was the Goguryeo man who sold two old ginseng plants of Li Xuan.

After Di Guizhi came out with a heavy wooden box, the shopkeeper of the medicine shop knew that this lowly mountain man had actually sold wild ginseng to that Tang nobleman.

Therefore, he quickly ordered a group of guards to follow Di Guizhi out of the west city, and came to a remote place before starting to attack.

However, Di Guizhi has been hunting and collecting herbs in the mountains for many years, and with his keen observation ability, he directly discovered something wrong when these thieves were just about to act, and his skills were also very good.

Before the guards surrounded him, he started to run away.

In the city of Pyongyang, this kind of thing was very common. The Goguryeo people on the streets regarded it as a commotion, and no one came up to stop it.

So, in desperation, Di Guizhi thought of Li Xuan in the tea shop.

After fleeing into a small alley with few passers-by, after running around for a long time, I finally saw Li Xuan at the end of an alley.

Li Xuan knew everything after that.

After hearing this, Li Xuan and the surrounding Li Yuanjing, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, Yuan Gai Suwen, Gao Jianwu and others couldn't help being startled.

Immediately, Li Xuan sneered, and looked at Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen with a mocking face.

"Lang Lang Qiankun, in broad daylight, not only forced to buy and sell, but also commanded a group of subordinates to rob, this is the Pyongyang city under the rule of the two men who have been boasting in front of this king.

What's more, when the people on the street saw this, not only did they not stop it, or even reported to the officials, but they also watched the excitement from the sidelines, tsk tsk...

Even the royal city of Goguryeo, such as you, is in this situation. This king can't believe it. What kind of situation should it be in other cities?
Could it be that those dignitaries can openly rob them? "

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

Li Ji on the side directly cupped his hands and said.


Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help being startled.


"Report to Your Majesty, that's really the case!"

Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others nodded slowly.

"In Goguryeo, the common people and villagers at the bottom didn't dare to have any good things or money in their homes. As long as they were seen by those dignitaries and officials, they would steal them away at least, or kill them first and then steal them away!"

"It's so innocent!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but his face darkened.

"Brother San Wang, don't worry, this time I, Tang Dynasty, will govern Goguryeo, and these violence will definitely be reduced a lot!"

Li Yuanjing said slowly from the side.

"not enough!"

Li Xuan frowned and shook his head slowly.

"not enough?"

Li Yuanjing, Li Ji and the others couldn't help being taken aback.


Li Xuan nodded lightly, then looked at Di Guizhi who was still kneeling below.

"Di Guizhi, if the king opens a bank in Pyongyang, are you willing to store the money in the bank of the king?"

Hearing this, the faces of Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, Li Yuanjing, and even Gao Jianwu, Yuan Gai Suwen and others changed slightly.

What is a bank?
Why do these people keep their money in the bank?

As for Tetsuyuki who was kneeling on the ground, after listening to the translator's words, his expression also changed drastically.

However, thinking that it was Li Xuan who saved him today, and now that he is still in the palace, life and death are controlled by this nobleman, he kowtowed again and again, willing to dedicate all the money in his hands to Li Xuan, thanking him for saving his life.

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help being startled, and a little dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, this king will not rob you of this more than 100 coins. There are countless money in this king's family, and the sum is more than the money and goods in the entire Goguryeo!"

The translator at the side quickly translated Li Xuan's words to Di Guizhi.

Di Guizhi's expression gradually calmed down.

Li Xuan continued: "The bank that this king wants to open is also a shop, a shop that is even more luxurious and expensive than that tea shop.

Because, after the king's bank was opened, it was dedicated to keeping the money for the Goguryeo people who had spare money in their hands.

As long as you deposit your money in the king's bank, no one will know how much money you have, and no one will be able to take away your money.

The simplest example is that I just sold two old wild ginseng plants today and bought 160 gins.

However, these 160 coins are extremely heavy, and it is difficult to hold them, and they are easy to be seen and snatched away by those dignitaries.

And you only need to deposit the 160 coins in the king's bank, and no one can snatch your 160 coins.

At the same time, the king's bank will issue you a receipt as proof that you have saved money in the bank..."


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