Li Shimin

Chapter 689 Preparation Chapter Changan

"From now on, when you need money, you can take that bill and come to my king's bank to exchange money.

You can exchange one coin at a time, you can exchange ten coins at a time, and you can even exchange all the 160 coins at once! ..."

"As for why this king wants to open a bank?

Don't worry, I don't just set up a money bank with good intentions to protect your money!
Not to mention trying to cheat you of the money!
It's because after you deposit the surplus money from your family into the king's bank, the king can use your money to do some business, that is, use your money to do business and make money!

Otherwise, this king wouldn't have put in so much effort to open a bank! "

"And as a reward for you to deposit your own money into the king's bank, for every penny you deposit, you will get a penny of interest a month, which is a reward!
Of course, the biggest advantage for you is that you no longer have a lot of money in your home, and you will not be robbed just because someone sees that you have saved too much money in your home!
Wait, you don't need to buy an expensive thing anymore, but you also need to run around with a large box of money, attracting people to covet..."

"How, this king has explained this bank clearly, are you willing to deposit the money in this king's bank?"

"Don't worry about this king's reputation. This king is not interested in money. He only likes to eat and live a comfortable life. And, don't worry, the business of the bank is so big. This king will definitely not do it alone. He will also pull money." on many people.

For example, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, or the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty may be recruited, or even some of the top aristocratic families of the Tang Dynasty, or the princes and dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty..."

"These people are the most honorable figures in the Tang Dynasty, and they will never lose their credibility because of your mere hundred or dozens of coins!"

"...Moreover, this king of the bank is just an idea that I came up with for the time being. You can have enough time to think about it. Now, you can leave with your box of money.

Don't worry, these thieves who come out to rob in broad daylight, the king will take them to Datang as slaves, and reform them!
As for the unscrupulous treasurer of the medicine shop, I will also send someone to arrest their family and punish them according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty! "

After speaking, Li Xuan picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip slowly, and moistened his throat.

Tetsuyuki, who was kneeling below, had his eyes widened and his face full of shock.

He also understood the matter of the bank.

His Royal Highness King Jin must be a great sage, in order to protect the money of these untouchables, he could even come up with the idea of ​​opening a bank for them.

Moreover, as long as they deposit money in the bank of His Royal Highness King Jin, they will get a penny reward (interest) every month!
As for His Royal Highness King Jin going to do business with the money they deposited, he is just a herb collector and doesn't understand these things.

However, he believed in this King Jin!

This kind of thing, His Royal Highness Jin Wang can tell him clearly, this His Royal Highness Jin Wang will definitely not deceive them like those dignitaries in the city.

As long as the owner of the bank is trustworthy, no matter what, the bank is the best guarantee for these untouchables.

Thinking about it, Di Guizhi hurriedly bowed his head to Li Xuan, and kept saying that he was willing to deposit the money in his hand in the bank.

After listening, Li Xuan's face froze.

It's because he was talking too much. Before the bank opened, he started recruiting clients indiscriminately. Is it okay now?
Where to save the 160 sticks?
After thinking for a moment, under Di Guizhi's uneasy eyes, Li Xuan sighed softly.

"The king's bank has not opened yet, but since you are the first customer of the bank, you can temporarily store your box of money in the tea shop.

That tea shop is also the property of this king.This king will write you a receipt, you take the receipt, if you come to the city to buy some items in the future, you don’t need to bring money, you can go to the tea shop to withdraw money at any time, and then go buy items! "

"Thank you, His Royal Highness King Jin of the Tang Dynasty!"

Di Guizhi hurriedly kowtowed to thank him.

Then, under the guard of Zheng Fu, he took the money and walked to the tea shop.

Wait for it to leave.

Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, and Li Yuanjing and others looked at Li Xuan excitedly.

They also understood the bank's set of procedures.

Naturally, he also understands that as long as the bank is opened, it is a business that is sure to make a profit.

Even Li Ji and Li Yuanjing had a vague feeling in their hearts that as long as the bank was opened, the life and death of the common people in Goguryeo would be completely controlled by the bank!
As for Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, their bodies were ice-cold, and they looked at Li Xuan with horror.

The two of them understood better than Li Ji and Li Yuanjing the importance of money houses to those low-level Goguryeo untouchables.

And once the bank is opened, those untouchables will inevitably rush to save money.And as long as those untouchables deposit their money in the bank, Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen can't imagine what will happen!
"Brother Sanwang, I don't know if I can get a share in this bank?"

Li Yuanjing asked quickly.

Not to be outdone, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie hurriedly looked at Li Xuan: "His Royal Highness, I wonder if the old man will also participate?"

"You can!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly, "It's just that the matter of the bank is too big, and there must be a lot of people involved, and there will not be too many people that this king can leave to you!"

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, we are already satisfied to be able to participate in a share!"

Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie said quickly.


Li Xuan nodded slowly again, "Don't be in a hurry. After I return to Chang'an, I will discuss it with His Majesty. But before that, you must keep the matter of the bank a secret!"

"Brother Wang (big king), don't worry, mine will be kept secret!"

Li Yuanjing, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and the others immediately assured with solemn expressions.

As for Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen at the side, no one paid any attention to them.

It's just two captives. Give them ten guts and see who dares to speak out.

Hearing this, Li Xuan nodded again.

"Yuan Jing, you will guard Pyongyang City, then you should first find a large shop in Pyongyang City, preferably close to the kingdom, or the city lord's mansion. Then, after the king has discussed with His Majesty, he will send someone to Let's build a money shop!"

"Follow the orders of Brother Three Kings!" Li Yuanjing responded hastily.


Li Xuan nodded, "You go and get busy, I will go out for a walk again, and I will return to Chang'an directly in five days!"


Li Yuanjing responded quickly.

During the time when Li Xuan went out, he also learned about the basic situation of Pyongyang City from the mouths of Gao Jianwu, Yuan Gai Suwen, Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie.

At any rate, he has been a pastor of Yongzhou for seven or eight years. Even though Li Yuanjing didn't really make any decisions in his post as pastor of Yongzhou, he is still very familiar with government affairs.

In just three days, Li Yuanjing straightened out the entire city of Pyongyang, including the government affairs of several small cities around it.

Seeing that Li Yuanjing no longer needed Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu, Li Xuan immediately ordered to return to Datang.

So, on the fourth day, early in the morning.

After breakfast, Li Xuan took Zheng Fu and a group of personal guards, escorted Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, and went straight to Yashan Harbor.

After that, take two giant steel ships to Qingzhou Harbor.

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