Li Shimin

Chapter 690 Zheng Fu Enters the Palace

As for Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie, as well as Xue Rengui, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others, they still need to stay in Pyongyang City and continue to lead troops to attack the cities of Goguryeo, and they cannot go back for the time being.

In fact, it is not considered an attack.

As early as these three days, Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu, under the supervision of Li Ji and Cheng Zhijie, wrote countless letters of persuasion to surrender.

Goguryeo has long been defeated by the Tang Dynasty, and all Goguryeo cities including Xisa, Chulu Jinzhi, Daoshi, Shenzuo, Fengan, Damoda, and Moke must surrender to the Tang army.

In addition, more than half of the soldiers in the various cities of Goguryeo have already been lost outside Pyongyang.

Therefore, as long as Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others, with the letters of credence written by Gao Jianwu, Yuan Gai Suwen and others, lead a large army to the next stop in those cities, more than half of the chief officials of those cities will obediently come out to offer the city surrender.

As for those who did not shoot, a round of arrow bombs went up, and the city gate was directly blasted open.

The newly recruited soldiers can be scared to death.

Anyway, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and the others had a smooth journey in Goguryeo.

On the other side, after several days of sailing, Li Xuan and the others also returned to Qingzhou.

After disembarking from the giant ship, we rested overnight in Qingzhou Bieyuan.

Afterwards, he directly took the carriage and ran to Chang'an.

When I went, Datang was still in the cold spring.

Now, when he came back, the pedestrian had already put on a thin shirt.

Entering the eyes, there is a piece of green, and everyone feels much better.

Homecoming is like an arrow.

It only took eight days.

Chang'an City was already in sight.

"Your Majesty, should I go to meet His Majesty first, or go back to Li Family Manor?"

After the convoy reached the familiar fork in the road, Zheng Fu ordered to stop, and asked Li Xuan cautiously.

"Go back to Li's Village!"

Li Xuan said without thinking.

"My lord, as the general manager of the army, you come down from the battlefield as usual and need to enter the palace to meet His Majesty. There are also Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, who are the king of Goguryeo and the great opponent Lu, with extraordinary identities. What should I do?"

Zheng Fu's expression changed, and he said hastily.

"Go and report to His Majesty that it's getting late today, and the king will meet His Majesty again tomorrow."

Hearing this, Li Xuan frowned and thought for a while, then subconsciously sighed, "As for Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, I will take them back to Lijiazhuang first!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zheng Fu clasped his fists in response, got up and told his left and right lieutenants, then patted his horse and headed for Chang'an City.

As for Li Xuan's convoy, it restarted directly and headed towards Lijiazhuang.

A quarter of an hour later.

The Jin prince's guards who were really standing at the gate of Lijiazhuang seemed to have discovered something, and they tensed up, and quickly clenched the weapons in their hands, and looked into the distance.

After seeing the guards on the left and right sides of the approaching convoy, they were all startled suddenly, with disbelief on their faces.

Afterwards, his face was full of surprises.

One of them turned around and ran towards the Li Family Manor.

While running, he shouted, "The king is back!"

"The king has returned to the village..."

In an instant, the whole Lijiazhuang became lively again.

The butler Li Chang walked out of the gate quickly, looked at the guard with some suspicion, and asked in a trembling voice: "Xiao Sanlin, can you see clearly that the king is really back?"

"Reporting to the steward, I think it is indeed true. The guards next to the convoy are exactly the brothers who followed the king to Goguryeo!"

Li Lin hurriedly handed over the report.

Hearing this, Li Chang turned around and ran into the house.

In less than a moment, the pregnant Cui Mi, with Ziyun, a little girl in his arms, and Li Chenglu, surrounded by a group of maidservants, walked quickly outside the courtyard.

As soon as they left the hospital, they saw a convoy, escorted by a group of familiar figures, heading towards them mightily.

"Mi'er, the king is back!"

When Li Xuanzuan got out of the carriage, both Cui Mi and Ziyun's eyes turned red.

"It's good for Sanlang to come back, it's good to be back..."

Although it was only two months since they hadn't seen each other, in the eyes of Cui Mi and Zi Yun, it seemed that two years had passed.

"Housekeeper, two captives are being remanded in the car, one is the king of Goguryeo and the other is the prime minister of Goguryeo, and we will send someone to keep a close eye on these two to prevent them from making trouble.

But there is no need to treat these two harshly, let them have a taste of the delicious food and wine in this Wang Manor.

The food they eat in Goguryeo is simply pig food, even the pigs in my Lijiazhuang don’t eat..."

After giving the order, Li Xuan led Cui Mi and Zi Yun to the house.

Leaving Li Chang with a look of astonishment on his face!

Your Majesty, you have only been out for two months, and you have captured a king and a prime minister?
Moreover, brought it directly back to the manor?

What do you think of His Majesty?What do the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty think of it?
However, after being stunned for a long time, he still had no choice but to arrange a team of personal guards to bring Yuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu down, and then arrange a set of dragons.

Take him to eat and drink first.

Then, take him for a walk around Lijiazhuang, let the two hozen deeply understand how superficial and ignorant they are?

The result is naturally very satisfactory!


at the same time.

Chang'an City, inside Liangyi Hall.

Li Shimin was sitting on the sofa, discussing the Goguryeo affairs with Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and other confidant ministers.

But suddenly he heard Li Wei's report that Zheng Fu, the commander of Jin Wang's personal guard, asked to see him outside the palace.

"Didn't Zheng Fu follow Xuan Ba ​​to Goguryeo?"

After being surprised for a moment, Li Shimin quickly said: "Quickly announce it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Wei hurriedly clapped his hands in response, and then walked out.

In the hall, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and others also had expressions of surprise.

"Why did Prince Jin's personal guards come outside the palace?"

"Before, there was no report at all..."

Several people couldn't help but slowly picked up their teacups, drinking tea while frowning and thinking.

"The last general, Zheng Fu, sees His Majesty!"

Just as Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others were thinking, Li Wei had already walked in with Zheng Fu.

Seeing Zheng Fu, Li Shimin also stopped his wild guesses, nodded slightly, and asked directly.

"Zheng Fu, why did you come here to see me alone? I remember that you followed Xuanba to Goguryeo. This time Xuanba sent you back, but what happened?"

As he said that, Li Shimin's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help staring at Zheng Fu with a solemn expression.

Could it be that Xuanba really has a big deal?

Otherwise, why did they send Zheng Fu back alone?

Hearing this, a strange look flashed in Zheng Fu's eyes, and he looked at Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji at the side at the same time.

Seeing this, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and the others couldn't help being startled, then quickly stood up and bowed their hands to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, I still have some government affairs to deal with, so I will leave first!"

"Your Majesty, I retire!"


Li Shimin nodded lightly.

Soon, only Li Shimin and Li Wei were left in the hall.

Seeing this, Li Shimin looked at Zheng Fu again.

Zheng Fu took a light breath, and bowed his hands to Li Shimin again.

"Your Majesty, not only the last general is back, but the king is also back!"


Li Shimin was startled, and even stood up straight away, staring at Zheng Fu in astonishment.

"Xuan Ba ​​is back?"


Zheng Fu hurriedly replied.

"Where is Xuan Ba, why didn't he enter the palace to see me?..."

After finishing speaking, Li Shimin couldn't help thinking of something, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and there was also a trace of helplessness.


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