Li Shimin

Chapter 691 Your Majesty, Tomorrow the King will personally enter the palace to discuss important ma

Now, he has guessed where his third younger brother went!

Sure enough, Zheng Fu carefully reported again: "Your Majesty, when the king came back, he felt that it was getting late, and he didn't want to enter the palace to disturb His Majesty, so he specially sent the last general to the palace to report to His Majesty.

Tomorrow, the king will enter the palace in person to discuss important matters with His Majesty! "


Li Shimin couldn't help but be surprised when he heard that his third younger brother wanted to enter the palace for the first time tomorrow to discuss important matters with him.

"Zheng Fu, what kind of important event is it that Xuanba will come into the palace in person to discuss with me?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the king probably wants to discuss with you about opening a bank in Goguryeo!"

Zheng Fu thought for a while, and gave a slight reminder.

"The bank?"

Li Shimin couldn't help being taken aback, and was still a little puzzled.

"Back to Your Majesty, it's Qianzhuang."

Zheng Fu bowed his hands and saluted, then sighed lightly, and reported again: "In addition, the king also kept Goguryeo Rong Wang Gao Jianwu, and Goguryeo's great opponent Lu Yuangai Suwen brought back!"

"Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Then, thinking of something, he couldn't help but fly into a rage.

"Hozen, a mere small country, dare to use the name of the Supreme Emperor?"

Hearing this, Zheng Fu couldn't help trembling.

"After you go back, tell Xuan Ba ​​that a mere hozen from a small country is not worthy of the name of the Supreme Emperor!" Li Shimin said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zheng Fu responded quickly.

Afterwards, Zheng Fu hurriedly returned to Lijiazhuang, and told Li Xuan what Li Shimin had said.

After hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel thoughtful.

Although he has the thinking of later generations, he feels nothing.

However, since Li Shimin is taboo, let Yuan Gai Suwen change his name!

Thinking about it, Li Xuan ordered Zheng Fu: "Go and tell the housekeeper to bring Nayuan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu to the reception room!"

The reception room is the main hall, where Li Xuan specially receives some family heads or honorable ministers who are not on good terms with each other but have some identities.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zheng Fu responded and walked down quickly.


The butler Li Chang brought Gao Jianwu and Yuan Gai Suwen, who were already dull-faced, into the main hall.

Xu Shi was almost beaten. After the two came in, their eyes were still blank, and they followed Li Chang's words in a daze, and sat on the sofa next to Li Xuan.

"Yuan Gai Suwen?"

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help frowning slightly, and lightly knocked the cup in his hand.


Seeing such an exquisite teacup being treated so roughly, Yuan Gai Suwen's eyes flashed with distress, and at the same time he came back to his senses.

"What made you so distraught?" Li Xuan asked.

"His Royal Highness Jin laughed. I didn't expect that the Tang Dynasty would be so prosperous. It's just a small village, and it's so prosperous. Compared with this, my Goguryeo King City is simply a small mountain village..."

Saying that, Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help but look disappointed.

In the world, the greatest sorrow is that the greatest pride in one's heart can't compare to things that others don't care about, and it's still the difference between cloud and mud!
Before entering the Li Family Village, he always thought that although the city of Pyongyang he carefully managed was not as prosperous as Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, it was almost the same.

However, he never thought that just a small village around Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty would be more prosperous than his city of Pyongyang.

There are not only great Confucianists teaching the children of villages!

In the village, those lowly villagers can still live in such exquisite and sturdy houses, and even the windows of those houses are made of that kind of exquisite glass that is worth thousands of dollars.

Even in the mansion of his majestic Goguryeo Eastern Lord and Goguryeo Dadulu, only some important houses can use glass to make windows...

Also, in the whole village, there are actually neat, flat, rock-hard roads, which are much more beautiful than the stone roads in Pyongyang City...

The most important thing is the other courtyard of His Royal Highness King Jin, which is even more exquisite and beautiful. Every house is made of exquisite glass.

Moreover, the meals in Jinwang's other courtyard were what shocked Yuan Gai Suwen the most.

It's like immortal food, and there's such fine wine... Compared with the food made by the cooks in his Goguryeo mansion, it's a world of difference!

He ate food for half his life, as the King Jin said, all he ate was pig food!
Even the hog in Jinwang Manor might not like to eat the food he ate in the past!

Is this the Tang that was as prosperous as Goguryeo that those bastard envoys told them in the past?

"Okay, it's good that you know that Chang'an City is dozens of times more prosperous than this king's villa. Compared with Chang'an, your Pyongyang City is really a place of barbarians!"

Li Xuan laughed lightly, then said again: "Now, this king is looking for you, and I have something to tell you!"

"I don't know what's the matter?"

It seems that some people are cheap. After being beaten by Li Xuan in all directions, Yuan Gai Suwen has started to respect Li Xuan instead of hatred.

"Yuan in your name is the same as my Great Tang Emperor's name. This is the most taboo in my Great Tang. Your Majesty orders you to change your name!"

Li Xuan said directly.


Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help being taken aback.

"It must be changed, otherwise it will be disrespectful and can destroy your nine clans!" Li Xuan said coldly.

"It's all up to His Royal Highness King Jin!"

Yuan Gai Suwen trembled, and said hastily.

Immediately, he looked at Gao Jianwu at the side with a stern look on his face.

He doesn't believe that Gao Jianwu doesn't know about this kind of thing!
"If that's the case, then change the name to Quangai Suwen!" Li Xuan said.

"Quan Gai Suwen?"

Yuan Gai Suwen murmured a few words in a low voice, and then saluted Li Xuangong with fists in his hands.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, King Jin. From then on, I will be named Quan Gai Su Wen!"


Li Xuan nodded slowly, "Okay, it's getting late, this king is going to wash up and get ready to rest."

"Let the housekeeper arrange the board and lodging for the two of you at night!"

After speaking, Li Xuan left directly.

Gao Jianwu, Quan Gai Suwen, and housekeeper Li Chang were left in the main hall.

"The sun is still in mid-air, why does King Jin have to rest?"

Quan Gai Suwen looked puzzled.

Li Chang didn't pay attention to this, but chuckled lightly, with a haughty expression on his face, and said softly: "The room of the two of you is in the westernmost courtyard, please go with me!"

"Thank you, Butler Li!"

Quan Gai Su Wen and Gao Jian Wu both stood up quickly and saluted slightly to Li Chang.

Afterwards, Li Chang brought the two of them to a small courtyard on the west side of the other courtyard.

There are three houses in the small courtyard, just like Quan Gai and Su Wen, each with one room.

In the other room, several personal guards lived.

"You two, this is the master bedroom, for sleeping, and this is the bathroom, where you can wash your hands at night, and after you finish your work here, press this button, and water will come out to rinse the barrel.

This is for washing, move this small handle, and water can come out here..."

Li Chang personally gave Quangai Suwen and Gao Jianwu a brief demonstration of how to use all the objects in the house. Quangai Suwen and Gao Jianwu, who had never seen these before, were stunned and shocked!

"Dare to ask Steward Li, is this a fairy method?"

"You two are thinking too much!"

Li Chang chuckled reservedly, "These are just some small objects invented by the king, so there is no need to make a fuss."


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