Li Shimin

Chapter 692

"After a while, someone will bring you dinner for the two of you. After the two of you finish eating, please wash up and go to sleep by yourself.

In addition, there will be guards patrolling the courtyard at night, please don't walk around casually, or you will be misunderstood by the guards, and it would be bad if you accidentally hurt the two! "

"Please rest assured, the housekeeper, I will never leave this courtyard at night!"

Quan Gai Su Wen and Gao Jian Wu hurriedly promised solemnly.

Even if Li Chang didn't specifically confess, Quan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu didn't dare to move around at will. His Royal Highness Jin and his personal guards are so cruel. Until now, Quan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu only need to think of it. Still have some back chills!
"That's good!"

Li Chang nodded slightly, then left on his own.

They were just two captives. If the king hadn't confessed to them in person, it wouldn't be worth the personal arrangement of the majestic chief executive of Prince Jin's residence.

When Li Chang left, four personal guards appeared in the courtyard, staring at Quan Gai Su Wen and Gao Jian Wu!

Quan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu have long been accustomed to this.

Then, thinking of the magical and exquisite little objects in the house, they quickly got into their respective houses.

Then, there was a sound of running water, accompanied by a burst of exclamation.

"It really is a barbarian hozen. Even as a barbarian king and prime minister, he is so ignorant. A bucket and a faucet are so ignorant. How can they play for so long?"

Outside the courtyard, the four guards could not help but look down upon the commotion inside the house.

But they forgot that when they first used these, they were excited for at least a month.

The noise in the house lasted for half an hour.

When there was no more movement, the four guards saw Quan Gai Suwen coming out, slightly arched their hands towards them, and went straight to the side of Gao Jianwu's house!
Seeing Quan Gai Su Wen come in, Gao Jianwu's expression changed, he felt bad and wanted to escape.

"Yuan Gai... No, Quan Gai Su Wen, this is the mansion of King Jin, what do you villain want to do to this king?"

"Hmph, Gao Jianwu, you sinister and despicable villain, you know that my name is taboo against the Great Tang Emperor, but you deliberately didn't remind me?"

Quan Gai Suwen stared at Gao Jianwu with a gloomy face, showing his big white teeth that gleamed coldly.

"Since you wanted the old man's life from the very beginning, how can the old man spare you?"

"This king is the king of Goguryeo who was proclaimed by the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. If you dare to kill this king at the residence of His Royal Highness King Jin, you, a traitor, will surely die!"

Gao Jianwu looked like a weak and deceitful young girl, while backing away with fear on his face, he shouted sternly.

"Hmph, you are no longer the King of Goguryeo, but a prisoner of His Royal Highness King Jin!"

Quan Gai Suwen smiled cruelly, "As long as I don't beat you to death, His Royal Highness King Jin shouldn't punish me too much!"

As he said that, Quan Gai Su Wen sprinted fiercely, and the hand as big as a cattail fan grabbed Gao Jianwu, like an eagle catching a chicken, with ease.


Gao Jianwu was terrified and opened his mouth, wanting to call for help.

Quan Gai Suwen's other fist, the size of a sandbag, had already hit Gao Jianwu's stomach, directly hitting Gao Jianwu so badly that his eyes protruded.


Gao Jianwu looked at Quan Gai Suwen with resentment on his face.

Regarding this, Quan Gai Suwen just sneered, threw Gao Jianwu on the ground, and punched Gao Jianwu again.

"You incompetent, cowardly and insidious villain, what qualifications do you have to sit on the throne of Goguryeo? You are capricious, dishonest, and immoral king, even your name, you want to set the old man up, and you want to kill the old man !
But don't worry, this old man won't beat you to death today, this place is in Prince Jin's mansion, your villain's blood is not worthy of polluting the mansion of King Jin..."

"However, one day, this old man will definitely beat you to death..."

As he spoke, he was also afraid of killing Gao Jianwu, but Quan Gai Suwen still retained some strength, and his fists were not hitting the vital area.

But despite this, Yuan Gai Suwen, who was raised pampered and pampered since childhood, still felt suffocated.

Outside the courtyard, upon hearing the familiar movement inside the house, all the guards tensed up and looked at Gao Jianwu's house.

Afterwards, after hearing that Quan Gai Suwen did not intend to kill Gao Jianwu, everyone couldn't help but relax slightly.

"Wait and see, I'll report this to the chief manager first!"

Among them, one of the guards explained to the three guards on the side, and then walked quickly to the front yard.

Soon, Li Chang came to Li Xuan and reported softly to Li Xuan who was having dinner.

After hearing this, Li Xuan was also taken aback, "I didn't expect Quan Gai Suwen to be so tyrannical, even daring to beat his king!
However, that Gao Jianwu is really a sinister villain, as long as he can't be beaten to death, let them go!Let them solve the matter between their Goguryeo monarchs and ministers by themselves! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Chang responded and retreated outside.

"Sanlang, Goguryeo is so barbaric, there is no respect between the emperor and his ministers? It is possible for the ministers to beat the king?"

On the side, Cui Mili became interested and curious.

"Speaking of which, Gao Jianwu, the king of Rongliu, did it on his own. As a king, he doesn't have any skills. He also likes to be clever, insidious and cunning.

And that Goguryeo rival Lu, that is, Goguryeo Prime Minister Quan Gai Suwen, is also very angry, coupled with his bravery, high position, and control of more than half of Goguryeo's military power, under Gao Jianwu's stupidity, he also has Disobedient heart.

Coincidentally, this king captured both of them this time. I didn't expect that Quan Gai Suwen, whose previous name was Yuan Gai Suwen, never knew that his fate was the same as the name of the Supreme Emperor. This move must be attributed to Gao Jianwu. Playing tricks behind your back..."

"I didn't expect that there would be such a fatuous king in Goguryeo!"

After listening, Cui Mi was also dumbfounded.

"Yeah, so this kind of monarch and his ministers fight each other, and this king doesn't want to talk to them!"

Li Xuan sighed helplessly, picked up a piece of sweet potato, peeled it lightly, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Okay, ignore these two monkeys, Mi Er, you can find Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde tomorrow, and I will go directly to the palace after breakfast tomorrow morning. After handing over these two monkeys to Your Majesty, I have to discuss an important matter with His Majesty.

It can be regarded as a big business, ask them, whether they participate in it themselves, or let their two Patriarchs participate, but this matter must be kept secret, there are enough people now, no more people can be added! "

"Big business?"

Hearing this, Cui Mi was shocked again, she had rarely heard the word "big business" from Li Xuan's mouth!

However, to make Li Xuan so solemn, he still has to enter the palace to discuss with His Majesty in person, the business is definitely not small!
He nodded solemnly.

"Sanlang don't worry, since it's a big business, the entire Cui family of Qinghe and the Zheng family of Xingyang need to participate!"

"In this case, father-in-law and the head of the Zheng family need to come to Chang'an as soon as possible!"

Li Xuan said.

"Don't worry Sanlang, I will find the fifth brother and Zheng Mingde early tomorrow morning, and ask them to pass the message to the family!" Cui Mi said hastily.


Li Xuan nodded slightly.


And at the other end of Jinwang's other courtyard.

After receiving Li Chang's reply, the four guards just put their heads in front of the window glass and took a look. They found that Gao Jianwu didn't seem to have suffered any fatal injuries other than his miserable appearance.

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