Li Shimin

Chapter 693

Therefore, they returned to their respective positions and quietly listened to the screams coming from the house.

Inside the house, Gao Jianwu couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw the figure outside the house, thinking he was finally saved.

It's just that, unexpectedly, the guards just took a look, and then retreated again, full of despair.

As for Quan Gai Su Wen, he was overjoyed.

Another two points of strength were produced out of thin air, and he continued to punch people.

Therefore, Gao Jianwu's screams lasted for more than half an hour, and Quan Gai Su Wen stopped when the servants in the house brought the food.

And this time, Gao Jianwu's voice had already started to become a little hoarse.

However, in the face of the tyrannical Quan Gai Suwen, Gao Jianwu no longer dared to speak harshly, and could only bear with it, with a sinister look in his eyes.

All night.

The next day, Li Xuanri climbed three poles before crawling out of the warm blanket, and after being attended by Ziyun, he washed up a bit.

Have a nice breakfast again.

Afterwards, he asked Li Chang to call Quan Gai Suwen and Gao Jianwu over.


The moment he saw Gao Jianwu, Li Xuan's eyes widened slightly, his face full of astonishment.

"Why is it so miserable?"

Gao Jianwu seemed to gain weight overnight, especially his entire face was swollen.

"His Royal Highness, how dare this traitor bully Jun Wangshang, sneak attack on me tonight, and beat me to such a miserable state!"

Gao Jianwu said with an aggrieved face.

"I can't control this matter!"

Li Xuan sneered, "According to the logic, Quan Gai Su Wen is your big opponent of the Goguryeo king, Lu, the matter between you two is the matter of your monarch and his ministers, and has nothing to do with this king!"

As he spoke, Li Xuan ignored Gao Jianwu's aggrieved expression and walked outside, saying, "It's getting late, hurry up and board the car with me, and enter the palace to meet His Majesty!"

Hearing this, Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen were startled, but hurriedly followed.

At the gate of the other courtyard, there was already a carriage waiting.

After Li Xuan boarded the carriage, Zheng Fu led a team of personal guards to protect the carriage, and headed for Chang'an City in a mighty manner.

At the same time, in Taiji Palace, Liangyi Hall.

Li Shimin had already announced Li Jing, Li Xiaogong, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Li Chengqian and others to Liangyi Hall early.

However, after sitting for an hour, all the people had already had five cups of tea, Li Shimin still didn't tell them what was going on.

Wei Zheng couldn't bear it anymore, slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and cupped his hands at Li Shimin.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the ministers have been sitting here for an hour, I don't know what is the reason for His Majesty to announce the arrival of Weichen and others?"

With Wei Zheng at the beginning, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others, who had already suffocated their urine, also hurriedly asked.

"Exactly, Your Majesty called me here, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin also sighed helplessly, looked up at the sunlight outside the hall, and said slowly: "Xuanba will come in to discuss important matters with me in a while, you will know what it is after waiting for a while!"

"King Jin?"

"King Jin is back?"

Suddenly, there was another commotion in the hall.

No wonder Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others were so astonished, it was Li Xuan's identity, which was a little different from the past.

In the past, he was just a bald prince, at most more than 1000 personal guards, and all the households in the Li family village.

However, now Li Xuan still has the position of the chief executive of Goguryeo, leading an army of [-].

As the chief executive, he dared to come back to Chang'an without an imperial edict?
If His Majesty intends to pursue King Jin's crimes, he can be punished as treason!

However, looking at Li Shimin's expression, it was obviously not the case.

Therefore, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and the others could only speculate curiously, what kind of event could be caused by His Royal Highness Prince Jin suddenly leaving the army and returning to Chang'an alone?
So, I waited so hard for another quarter of an hour.

Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, and the others were already so suppressed that their faces turned pale, and Li Wei led Li Xuan, and Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen, who followed behind, slowly walked into the Hall of Liangyi.

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

Li Xuan cupped his fists and saluted Li Shimin.

As for Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen who were behind them, they already knelt down in fear, paying respect to Li Shimin.

"The sinner Goguryeo Rongli Wang Gao Jianwu pays a visit to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty!"

"The sinner Goguryeo pays homage to Lu Quangai Suwen, the emperor of Tang Dynasty!"

Li Shimin just glanced indifferently at Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen who were kneeling on the ground, and then directly looked at Li Xuan.

At this moment, his mind was full of what kind of bank Li Xuan wanted to discuss with him?
"Xuanba is finally here, sit down quickly!"

After Li Xuan sat down, Li Shimin couldn't wait to ask: "Xuanba, you are in such a hurry to enter the palace, what are you going to discuss with me?"

On the side, Li Jing, Li Xiaogong, Changsun Wuji and others couldn't help but have weird expressions on their faces.

It's almost time for lunch, and all their ministers have been waiting here for more than an hour after they left the morning court. The king of Jin came late, why are you in a hurry?

Your Majesty is so fond of this King Jin!

"Your Majesty, I am in a hurry to enter the palace this time because I want to discuss with Your Majesty about opening a bank in Goguryeo!"

Li Xuan said.

"The bank?"

"Or open a bank in Goguryeo?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then they were all puzzled.

"May I ask His Royal Highness King Jin, what is a bank? Could it be that it is a bank that can directly produce coins like Li's?"

Seeing this, Li Xuan laughed lightly, and explained directly: "Your Majesty, when I was in Pyongyang City of Goguryeo, I once saw that there was a shopkeeper of a medicine shop, in broad daylight, in front of all the people on the road, calling the government Go up to the guards, rob a herbalist who does not sell medicinal materials in his shop, and rob the money that the herb picker is holding!
But what makes me sad is that the Goguryeo people on the streets have already become accustomed to this matter, and many people even stand aside and watch the excitement! "

"Do you guys think this is normal?...It's too abnormal, it's in Goguryeo, and it's still in Goguryeo's royal city, Pyongyang!
This kind of behavior that the powerful let their guards rob the money of some low-status people often happens in Goguryeo, and even the common people of Goguryeo are used to this kind of behavior! "

Li Xuanyue said, the more resentful his expression became!
Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and others looked at each other in dismay. What does the Goguryeo hozen matter have to do with Datang?
Li Xuan laughed lightly and continued: "Therefore, in order to protect the hard-earned money of the Goguryeo people, I would like to open some money houses in Goguryeo with Your Majesty, which are shops specially for the Goguryeo people to save their money.

Those Goguryeo people can deposit their family money in the bank opened by us.

Whenever they deposit a lot of money, the bank will issue a note for the amount of money and stamp it with a unique seal, and then whenever they need money, they can bring that note to the bank to withdraw money..."

Following Li Xuan's narration, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others, who were originally relaxed, gradually became dignified.

"Li Wei, take these two people to the side hall to rest first, and I will summon them later!"

Li Shimin glanced at His Highness Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen, and said to Li Wei.

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