Li Shimin

Chapter 694 The biggest role of money bank!

Li Wei responded, and quickly led Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen out.

Afterwards, Li Shimin looked at Li Xuan with a serious face.

"Xuanba, the biggest problem for the bank is how can the common people in Goguryeo store their hard-earned money in the bank we opened?"

On the side, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others also looked at Li Xuan quickly.


Li Xuan sneered, "Your Majesty, if they don't save it, they can't help it! If they don't deposit their money in the bank, they will be robbed by those dignitaries!

As long as they are not stupid, they will deposit the money they earn in the bank.As for those who are very stubborn and don't want to save money, they will slowly deposit money in after seeing those around them deposit money in the bank!

Moreover, the Goguryeo herb picker I just mentioned has already deposited the money he sold for the medicinal materials to me! "

"He has deposited the money with you?"

Now, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others were shocked again.

"Exactly! After I explained it clearly to him, he immediately deposited the money with me!" Li Xuan said proudly.

"In this case, the herbal picker is also a smart man!"

Hearing this, a flash of appreciation flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

"If he doesn't save it for me, as long as he takes the money out of the palace, he will definitely be robbed by other dignitaries!" Li Xuan agreed with a face.

"Maybe, he is afraid that you will take all the money away!"

Li Shimin smiled lightly.

On the side, Li Xiaogong, Changsun Wuji and others also smiled lightly, but the words they spoke were gloomy.

"As long as the bank is opened, those Goguryeo people dare not save their money, and they will rob them of all their money!"

Li Xuan: "..."

Well, he was shallow.

He even forgot that in this hall, except for him and Li Chengqian, there are a bunch of veterans.

For those Goguryeo hozens, they will not say any soft words!

However, this is also good, he has a little more confidence in opening a bank!

"In this way, this bank will definitely be able to open smoothly!"

"It will be very smooth!"

Li Shimin laughed lightly, and said against customers: "Xuanba, after this kind of bank is opened, the main customers are not the common people, but the merchants in Goguryeo!"

"Go back to Your Majesty, that's exactly what it is!"

Li Xuan nodded slowly, "Those common people only need to bring money when they go to the city to buy things, and they don't have much money. However, those merchants not only have a lot of property at home.

Every time you go to a distant place to do business, you need to bring a lot of money. Such a big target, they are more likely to be robbed.

Therefore, it is not only safe but also very convenient for them to deposit their property in the bank.

Deposit money in this city, take the bill, go to the city hundreds of miles away, take the bill and take out the money, then you can buy goods! "

Hearing this, the eyes of Li Shimin and Fang Xuanling could not help but light up.

"So, those merchants must store their money in the bank!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Changsun Wuji praised.

"As long as those Goguryeo people and merchants deposit their money in the bank, they will be under the control of my Tang bank.

If my Datang Bank brings all the money back to Datang, then the bills in the hands of the Goguryeo people and merchants will become a pile of waste paper! "

"This is only a last resort!"

Li Xuan shook his head hastily, although his ultimate goal also had such thoughts, "The Great Tang is the kingdom of heaven, how could it bully the small country of Hozen like this.

I opened the bank this time just to help the common people and merchants in Goguryeo and protect their property.

In addition, there is another goal, which is to use their money to make money for us!

In this way, in the end, only Goguryeo, a small country that is rebellious and deceitful, can use the last resort! "


Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others couldn't help being startled again.

It seems that you, King Jin, are the one who bullies Goguryeo the most!
However, use the money of the Goguryeo people to do business for us to make money?
Thinking about it, Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and others couldn't help being very interested.

"Xuanba, how do you use their money to make money?"

Hearing this, a strange look flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.

"Your Majesty, those Goguryeo people and merchants have already deposited their money into our bank! So, isn't our bank the richest shop in Goguryeo?"

"That's right!" Li Shimin nodded slowly.

"Then we can directly use their money to do some business at will? Even, with their money, we can directly take over the entire Koguryo business of grain, salt, ironware, etc.!" Li Xuan said.

"However, the money was deposited by them, and they will take it away after a while!"

Li Shimin asked again.

"Your Majesty, these are not problems. As long as they deposit the money in the bank, no matter how long they take to withdraw the money, there will always be a certain amount of money in the bank, and it will not decrease because of their withdrawal!"

Li Xuan explained slowly, and then looked at Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others with puzzled expressions.

Can't help frowning slightly.

Looking around, after seeing the can of tea on the coffee table, he directly took it over.

Unscrewing the tea pot, he explained to Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and others.

"Your Majesty, look, each piece of tea in this pot of tea represents a penny in the hands of the people and merchants in Goguryeo."

As he said that, he continued to take out the tea leaves from the tea pot.

"Your Majesty, every piece of tea is the money deposited in the bank by the Goguryeo people and merchants."

Soon, a large pile of tea leaves was piled up on the coffee table.

At the same time, more than half of the tea leaves in the tea pot went straight down.

"Your Majesty, the remaining tea in this small half pot is the surplus money in the hands of the Goguryeo people and merchants.

However, the money in their hands is not static, it flows in the hands of merchants and common people all the time...

But, you see, if the cloth merchant buys goods with the money in his hands, the money will go into the hands of these landlords, and within a few days, these landlords will deposit their surplus money into the bank... …

This grain merchant wants to sell grain, but he has no money in his hands, so he will withdraw money from the bank, but not from the same bank at the same time, but will go to the banks in the cities where he purchased the grain to withdraw money... ...When the time comes, the money will be deposited in the bank from the hands of these common people..."

"Or, this wealthy farmer wants to buy some items. After withdrawing money from the bank, he pays the money to this shop... It doesn't take two days for the money to return to the bank..."


Following Li Xuan's explanation, he fiddled with the tea leaves on the table.

Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and the others stared wider and wider as they watched, and finally their faces were full of shock.

"In this way, no matter how these Goguryeo people and merchants withdraw money, the money in the bank will still be as much, and it will not decrease at all!"

"But, why is this?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!"

"I have never heard such a mysterious truth!"


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