Li Shimin

Chapter 695 Qianzhuang is an empty glove white wolf

"Your Majesty, do you understand now?"

Li Xuan chuckled, and at the same time picked up the tea leaves on the table and stuffed them back into the tea pot.

"I don't understand!"

Li Shimin looked excited, "But I know that as long as the Goguryeo people and merchants deposit all their money in the bank, at least half of their money will belong to the bank.

These money can be used by me at any time! "

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Li Shimin doesn't worry about these things anymore.

On the side, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others also slowly came to their senses, their faces full of shock.

"In this way, in this way, the bank can use half of all the property of all merchants and common people in Goguryeo at any time!
"How much do these cost?"

"It shouldn't be much!"

Li Xuan laughed lightly, "The biggest wealth in Goguryeo is in the hands of the powerful and influential people in Goguryeo!"

"However, despite this, the property in the hands of these Goguryeo people is also a huge amount of property, comparable to half of the royal family!
Moreover, the most important thing for a bank is that it doesn't need too much investment, it only needs a shop, a few accountants, and a lot of guards! "

Li Shimin said excitedly, "In this way, as long as the money bank is opened in every city of Goguryeo, then my Tang Dynasty can completely control the money of the people of Goguryeo, and thus control the economy of Goguryeo.

This kind of behavior, combined with the aristocratic families or officials guarding the various cities, then Goguryeo will be firmly controlled by my Tang Dynasty! "

"What Your Majesty said is very true. The Qianzhuang is extremely important to my Tang Dynasty, comparable to an army of [-]!" Fang Xuanling said slowly.

Li Xuan went on to say: "Besides, I just purchased a few shops and dispatched a few accountants, and the common people and merchants in Goguryeo can send me a huge sum of money.

We can use this huge sum of money to gradually control the business of grain, salt, and ironware in Goguryeo.

In this way, within a few years, Goguryeo, up and down, will be in the hands of my Datang.

I, Datang, wanted them to be full, so I let them be full.

If you want them to starve, let them starve..."


Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and the others couldn't help but feel a chill behind them. They had done many immoral things that made them feel very proud.

However, they feel that all the things they have done, combined, are not as wicked as His Royal Highness Jin Wang!

Not only led troops to attack Goguryeo, but also used the money of Goguryeo people and merchants to pinch Goguryeo up and down!

As for Li Shimin, Li Chengqian and others, the more they thought about it, the more excited they became.

"In this way, it is necessary to open a bank. Every big city in Goguryeo with more than 50,000 people must open a bank!" Li Shimin said.


Li Xuan nodded slowly, "If this is the case, hundreds of accountants are needed, and all of them must be proficient in number arithmetic!"

"Hundreds of accountants who are proficient in number arithmetic?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others couldn't help but froze.

Hundreds of accountants who are proficient in numbers and arithmetic, even the household department, may not be enough.

"Your Majesty can't take it out?"

Li Xuan laughed lightly,
Hearing this, Li Shimin's face turned black.

"For this matter, I will ask the household department to transfer some, and let Xuanling recruit some from all over the world. I will definitely be able to make up two or three hundred!"

"Your Majesty, how many accountants are there in the Ministry of Finance who are proficient in numbers and arithmetic?"

Li Xuan sneered, disregarding Li Shimin's already dark complexion, he said again: "Moreover, all accountants who are proficient in numbers and arithmetic in the world must exist in the homes of major families and dignitaries. Your Majesty is sure that you can recruit all those accountants Come?"

Li Shimin's face was as black as coal.

Suddenly, seeing Li Xuan's calm and confident expression, Li Shimin couldn't help being moved.

"Since Xuanba proposed Qianzhuang, Xuanba already has a plan in mind?"

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, can the family of the world be extinct?"

Li Xuan asked.

Hearing this, Li Shimin's face was startled, while Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Li Jing and others beside him were even more terrified. They felt a chill rushing from their backs to their brains, and the hairs on their bodies stood on end!
"Xuanba, although this kind of aristocratic family has always wanted to control the government, more than half of the officials in the world are from the aristocratic family. Besides, I just allowed those aristocratic families to go out to the Great Tang to establish a duchy, so don't be impulsive!"

Li Shimin said hastily.

An extinct family?

Li Shimin was a little scared. Half of the consorts and captains of the Tang Dynasty were from aristocratic families.Even now, the confidant ministers in Liangyi Hall, Li Jing, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and others, are all from aristocratic families.

He has always only suppressed those aristocratic families that are the most harmful to the imperial court, other aristocratic families are mainly based on Huairou!

Seeing the tense faces of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others, Li Xuan couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have never thought of exterminating the family, at most I just dislike it.

Furthermore, just like Taiyuan Wang, who provoked me a few times and even sent people to assassinate me. If you want to fight me to the death, I will lead my troops to destroy them! "

As soon as these words came out, Li Shimin, Li Jing and the others subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, Li Shimin was a little puzzled.

"In that case, why did Xuan Ba ​​ask this question?"

"Your Majesty, a bank is a business, so we should gather all the major forces in the Tang Dynasty, so that we can make a lot of money and develop steadily. It's just like tea houses and glass shops!"

Li Xuan said, "If you want to open a bank, you should open the largest bank!"

After understanding what Li Xuan meant, Li Shimin couldn't help being startled.

As for Li Jing, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others, a gleam of joy flashed in their eyes.

Just relying on Li Xuan's introduction to the bank, they could tell that the bank must make more money than salt, tea, glass and other items.

At the same time, the power is even greater.

"Furthermore, His Majesty alone is not enough to find Mr. Accountant, who is proficient in numbers and arithmetic!" Li Xuan said again.

Li Shimin frowned and thought for a while, then slowly said: "The bank is related to the barbarians of Goguryeo, and it must be guaranteed. The imperial court can control all matters of the bank!"

"Your Majesty can keep the largest share in the bank, accounting for [-]%. The Prince Jin's Mansion occupies [-]%, and the remaining [-]% is distributed among the various dignitaries and families!"

Li Xuan told the plan he had thought up a long time ago.

"Thirty percent?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin frowned subconsciously and asked, "It's only [-]%, isn't it a little small?"

"Your Majesty, the bank is related to the fate of the country and must be firmly controlled."

Li Xuan said directly: "Therefore, no matter what, Your Majesty must control more than half of the people, so as to control the bank.

What's more, the remaining [-]% are just handed over to a few important families, and a few ministers of the DPRK and China to distribute them separately! "

Li Shimin's eyes lit up, he was obeying Li Xuan's order.

"So, is it still Qinghe Cui family and Xingyang Zheng family?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Xuan cupped his hands slightly towards Li Shimin.

As for Li Jing, his mouth, which was slightly opened, closed again.


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