Li Shimin

Chapter 696 The money bank is decided!

"In addition, when I came back to Chang'an, I agreed to Yuan Jing, Li Ji, and Cheng Zhijie in the palace of Goguryeo. They can also share this share!" Li Xuan said again.


Li Shimin nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the remaining people, please make your own choice!"

As he said that, Li Xuan thought of something, and said again: "However, no matter which force wants to participate in the bank, it must bring out a corresponding accountant who is proficient in arithmetic!"

For this, Li Shimin understood very well and nodded slowly.

Li Xuan's words didn't stop, "Your Majesty, don't worry, if you don't have enough accountants in the end, you can directly transfer a hundred households or personal guards from Li Family Manor!

The farmers and personal guards of Li Family Manor, after several years of training, although they are not as experienced as the accountants of those aristocratic families, as long as they have been familiar with them for a while, they must be good hands! "

Hearing this, Li Shimin was taken aback.

"However, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't recruit farmers from Lijiazhuang. I have allowed them to go out to work as managers of major shops long ago, when they could read three thousand characters and skillfully use three-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The shopkeeper, but these farmers are unwilling to go out!"

Li Xuan added another sentence.

Now, Li Shimin couldn't bear it anymore, and let out a long breath of depression!
"Xuanba don't worry, anyone who wants to participate in the matter of the bank must first have ten accountants who are proficient in arithmetic!"

Li Xuan nodded lightly, then thought of something, and asked again: "Your Majesty, I don't know what family and officials you want to send to guard the major cities of Goguryeo?"

"What does Xuan Ba ​​mean by this?"

Li Xuan's topic jumped a bit, and Li Shimin was subconsciously startled.

"Your Majesty, I was at Goguryeo Yasan Harbor and Pyongyang City. I wiped out Goguryeo's 300,000 troops in the third war. Now Goguryeo must not have many troops left!"

Li Xuan said calmly: "When I came back, I also asked Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen to write a letter of persuasion to the chief officials of various cities in Goguryeo. I believe that as long as Li Ji or Cheng Zhijie, or Li Chongyi and Xue Rengui Wait for someone, lead the army to walk around the various cities of Goguryeo, and those cities will surrender!"

"In this way, within three or four months, the entire city of Goguryeo will be easily captured by Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie and others."

After speaking, Li Xuan looked at Li Shimin indifferently.

Goguryeo has been attacked, don't you have to hurry up and send aristocratic families and officials to guard it!

And Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others, after listening to it, also suddenly realized.

But immediately, he couldn't help being shocked, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

After Li Xuan said this, they realized that the matter of attacking Goguryeo had become so simple.

Their initial mentality was just to let Li Xuan lead an army of [-] to withstand the attack of Goguryeo's army of more than [-].Then after the spring plowing of the Tang Dynasty is completed, the Tang Dynasty can free up its hands and send additional troops to severely teach a wave of Goguryeo, Tubo, Tuyuhun, and the tribal coalition forces of Tiele, Huihe, Mohe, and Shiwei.

Unexpectedly, the other two roads faced the weakest enemy army and were still struggling to defend and resist.Li Xuan's attack on Goguryeo was extremely smooth, as if the rice in the field was ripe, and he could just lead people to harvest it.

However, that Goguryeo is not a weak country, but a big country with a population of more than 300 million, and has strong soldiers and horses, and is well-equipped. .

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty used the power of the whole country to attack Goguryeo, which had not been captured by millions of generals, but Li Xuan's 300,000 army, as if he was harvesting rice, killed [-] troops in three battles.

Moreover, he also attacked the Goguryeo royal city and captured the Goguryeo king and prime minister.

In this way, it already means that Goguryeo has been captured, and it is only a matter of time.

"Xuan Ba ​​is brave!"

"King Jin is brave!"

"Xuan Ba's skill will definitely be recorded in the annals of history, and will be admired by Chen Zan of future generations!"

Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others subconsciously sighed.


Regarding this, Li Xuan just nodded lightly, as if this matter was as simple as eating and drinking.

The faces of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others who were full of excitement froze immediately.

Li Xuan didn't pay much attention to it, but stood up directly, bowed his hands to Li Shimin, and said: "Since Your Majesty has already cleared up the matter of Qianzhuang and Goguryeo. And it's getting late, so I will take my leave and have to hurry Go back to Lijiazhuang for lunch!"

Now, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others couldn't help but look shocked again.

"Xuanba hasn't entered the palace for a long time, how about having dinner with me in the palace today?" Li Shimin said.

"It's just right, I can discuss with you in detail again in the afternoon, about the dispatch of officials from various aristocratic families by Qianzhuang and Goguryeo!"

"No, no!"

Li Xuan waved his hands again and again, "I just put forward an idea about the bank, and there are only so many things in my mind. The rest of the details, how to start it and which forces are allowed to participate, are all matters for your majesty and the ministers. I won’t be in front of you, so I’m going to get rid of the ax!”

"As for sending officials and aristocratic families to Goguryeo, it's not something I'm good at. It's best to go back to Lijiazhuang!"

talking.Li Xuan slightly cupped his hands at Li Shimin again.

Then, he went straight to the outside of the palace.

Behind him, Li Shimin looked helpless.

However, he still didn't forget, and waved lightly to Li Wei who was on the side.

Li Wei hurriedly followed up and sent Li Xuan out of the palace.

And in the hall of Liangyi.

After Li Xuan left, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and others were left in the palace by Li Shimin to eat.

Immediately, he discussed with Li Shimin about the bank and the occupation of Goguryeo City!
Although it is extremely easy for Li Xuan to attack Goguryeo, it is difficult to completely occupy Goguryeo.

When the army is here, the major forces in Goguryeo will be honest and keep their own.However, once the army left, and those forces also saw that Datang wanted to completely occupy Goguryeo, so he would naturally resist desperately.

For example, the country of Wa is only in a 'stocking' state. Every time Li Xiaogong and Li Ji went to collect taxes, they would wantonly kill them.

Therefore, there is still a long way to go to completely "chew" Goguryeo into Datang's belly.

As for Quan Gai Su Wen and Gao Jian Wu, they were pitifully forgotten by Li Shimin.

It was not until the afternoon of the second day that he was summoned.

As for these two people, they are naturally treated the same as the Japanese ministers and dignitaries such as Shu Ming, Su Wo Ezo, and others.

However, the situation of Goguryeo and Wa is different.

The Wa country is too far away, and it is still in a state of laissez-faire autonomy.

As for Goguryeo being so close, it is still a feud with Datang, and it is bound to be chewed up and swallowed by Datang.

In particular, Pyongyang City has been occupied by Datang, and Zhao Wang Li Yuanjing is guarding it.

There is no tax to cover the daily expenses of Gao Jianwu and Quan Gai Suwen.

Therefore, the future life of the two of them will inevitably be much miserable...

For these, Li Xuan didn't worry too much.

After finally returning from the barbaric land of Goguryeo, he must make up for the hardships and meals he suffered in the past few months.


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