Li Shimin

Chapter 697

In addition, it is to check the homework of all the boys in the village!

However, there is nothing wrong with the number arithmetic of these little brats.

On the contrary, in terms of literacy and writing, Li Xuan wanted to catch him, tie him to a tree, and hang him for a beating!
But these are neither my own students nor my own cubs, so I can only hold back.

"Your career and fame and other things are not what this king wants!"

Sitting on the podium of the newly expanded spacious and bright classroom in Lijiazhuang, Li Xuan looked at the classroom, full of youngsters, talking about it with a solemn face.

"The king invited you great Confucian scholars to let you learn their knowledge, just so that you can be proficient in the world's knowledge, you can follow the example of the sages, so that when you grow up, you can have the capital and confidence to follow your wishes and go Do what you want to do!"

"For example, you can use what you have learned to earn money to support your family;"

"Or, you can use what you have learned to study all things in the world, understand the truth of all things, and use the principles of all things to benefit the world, just like the forge in the village..."

"Even, you can use what you have learned to expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty;"

"Or, you can find sweet potatoes, potatoes and other gods for Datang, and make great achievements for Datang..."

"But no matter what, my king's expectations of you are not too high,"

"As for whether you can benefit the tens of thousands of people in the Tang Dynasty, expand the territory for the Tang Dynasty, make contributions, confer titles to princes and generals, confer wife and son, and bless future generations, this king doesn't care that much. "

"There is only one requirement. This king only needs you to be able to recognize the characters in the world and be proficient in arithmetic. When you encounter precious books, you can recognize every word on them; when you encounter things like buying and selling, you can know How much money you should pay, or how much money you can sell, will not be fooled by those merchants..."

"In addition, the last request, no matter where you go when you grow up, you must remember that Li Family Village is your home. Outside, everyone in Li Family Village is your relatives, and they are united to the outside world..."

"Don't worry, my lord, we are all from the same village. Whoever dares to bully us, we will beat them to death directly. Aye said that as long as you can win a fight, you are not afraid of being injured. The doctor Sun is in Zhuangzi Next door, no matter what the other Zhuangzi's people do, as long as we win, they will suffer!"

A little fat man with a full face grinned and said with a hey smile.

With a leader, all the kids around also hurriedly said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Er Aye has said that if Er dares not to study hard or let outsiders bully him, he will break his legs!"

"My lord, let's go out now, those little bastards from Zhuangzi outside, when they see you, they all hide away!"

"Hey, the brats from Zhuangzi outside are all shorter and thinner than ours. One of them can beat five of them..."

"That's right, that's right, only these little bastards in Zhuangzi can enjoy fighting, and those little bastards outside are too weak..."

Saying that, all the little bastards turned out to be proud.

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help being speechless.

Since the pig pen, chicken pen, and duck pen were expanded again, these little guys in the village can basically eat meat every day.

Each of them is fat and strong, and is a head taller than the same-age cubs of the Zhuangzi outside.

Indeed, when these little bastards went out, one or two of the Zhuangzi's little bastards outside couldn't do one.

However, this combat power...

Thinking about it, Li Xuan's heart moved slightly.

"Have you ever been to the training ground and practiced against those personal guards?"

"Fight against those uncles in the training ground?"

Hearing this, the eyes of all the brats suddenly brightened.

The Lijiazhuang training ground is the place they yearn for the most in their hearts. It is said that in that spacious room, eighteen kinds of weapons are available, and there are all kinds of strange-shaped utensils. Even the floor is soft, even if it falls down and hits it heavily On the ground, you will not feel pain.

"My lord, only uncles who are guards can enter the training ground, I can't get in!"

It was the same little chubby man just now, who said to Li Xuan with a longing expression on his face.

"It's okay, this king made an exception to allow you to enter once today!" Li Xuan said.

"My lord, is this true?"

Immediately, a group of kids couldn't hold back any longer, and looked at Li Xuan excitedly.

"When did this king deceive you?"

Li Xuan stared.

"Hey, Your Majesty forgives your sins, Your Majesty forgives your sins!"

All the little boys realized that they had made a slip of the tongue, and all of them smiled at Li Xuan.

"I don't know what the king asked me to wait for?"

Suddenly, a voice came out from the crowd, and the kids, who were originally excited, calmed down immediately.

That's right, the king will never take them to play on a whim.

Because when the king takes them to play, he always asks the little king Li Chenglu to gather them.

A group of people went to the mountains mightily, or went out for a walk.

"Why, can't this king take you and other little bastards into the practice field to open their eyes?"

Li Xuan stared again, pretending to be displeased.


Hearing this, all the brats laughed hurriedly.

A bunch of little beasts!
Li Xuan snorted slightly, and then stated his purpose: "This king wants to see how much strength you and a group of little evil animals eat so fat and thick?"

It turned out that they wanted to test their strength!

All the little evil beasts couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"But fighting against the king?"


Li Xuan sneered, "You first take the stone lock outside that weighs more than 400 jins to me, and run a hundred steps to support me with one hand!"

A group of little beasts suddenly opened their mouths and looked at Li Xuan with admiration.

"This time, I want those personal guards to personally measure your strength. As long as you can bring down those personal guards, this king will directly reward you with a pig!"

Li Xuan released the biggest reward in the hearts of these little brats, "Of course, if you don't want to eat pigs, this king can let Letai and the others forge a weapon made of fine steel for you!"


"Don't worry, my lord, even if you put all your strength into feeding you, you will still bring down a personal uncle!"

"Exactly, I have long been envious of the fine steel weapons held by those uncles of the personal guards, and I will definitely grab one this time!"

"This time, I'm going to surprise our Aye..."

The more he talked, the more excited the little beasts became.

"Let's go!"

Li Xuan chuckled lightly, then walked out.

Behind them, a group of little evil animals seemed to be leading an army under the leadership of Li Xuan, with their heads held high, wishing they could stand their nostrils in the sky.

Before reaching the training ground, all the farmers in the village had already received the news and surrounded them.

Looking at Li Xuan, his face was full of anticipation.

"This king is just taking these cubs to the training ground to play for a while, and you can do whatever you want to do!"

Li Xuan shouted helplessly.

"Hey, please obey the king's orders!"

All the farmers also laughed and bowed their hands to Li Xuan.

They yelled at their cubs again.

"Be sure to behave well, or go home and break your legs!"

"Don't be cowardly, one must be brought down!"

"If you don't dare to use your strength, yeah, I'll take care of you, you bastard..."

Then, he left.


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