Li Shimin

Chapter 698

The practice field is the largest building in Li Family Manor besides Jin Wang's Courtyard and Forging Workshop, covering an area of ​​eight acres.

It stands to reason that in such a spacious venue, it is still sparse to place a thousand or eight people.

However, there are various weapons in it, so now it can only hold 500 people at most.

Coincidentally, there are less than 200 people behind Li Xuan.

Zheng Fu and Ma Xi each brought a hundred personal guards.

As soon as they entered, all the little beasts opened their eyes wide and looked around curiously.

The more you look, the more excited you look!
"Everyone draws lots to decide who to fight against!"

When these little brats were overwhelmed with curiosity, Li Xuan said directly.

All the kids can read and write.

Soon, two large glass jars were moved over.

In each of them, put a number from one to two hundred.

Then, a group of little beasts and a group of personal guards each stretched out their hands to grab a number from it, and when the two had the same number, they fisted and kicked each other.

Many little beasts, after seeing the numbers in each other's hands, their bodies tensed up.

Those personal guards and uncles are all shadows in their hearts since childhood.

As for those personal guards, they stared at the little beast opposite with a sneer on their faces, and even let out strange laughs from time to time.

Now, finally, there is an opportunity to be aboveboard.

Immediately, those little brats felt a chill and rushed towards them, shivering subconsciously.

"Since the serial number of catching and fighting has been released, as soon as No. 20 comes out, come out and practice immediately!"

With Li Xuan's instruction, Zheng Fu shouted directly.


As soon as the No. 20 guards arrived, they smiled grimly at the little beasts who were training with them, and then walked towards their counter-stage.

As for those little evil beasts, their hearts trembled, but under everyone's gaze, especially the king who was still watching, no matter what, they couldn't be cowardly.

With a ruthless heart, they hardened their hearts and walked towards their respective opponents.

Then, with Zheng Fu's 'start'!
Immediately, a group of little evil beasts roared directly, and rushed towards each other like calves.

It's just that a group of ten-year-old little beasts not only have little strength, but also don't know any skills, they can only use brute force.

Therefore, after a wave, without the bodyguards using too much strength, just dodging sideways, almost made a few little beasts fall down.

As for some of the guards who still wanted to fight these little beasts, they were more lenient, but it was the first time for these little beasts to fight against these guards who came down from the battlefield.

Therefore, I still feel that I am bound everywhere, that I have no strength in my body, but I just can't exert it.

Even if you want to hug each other close, you can't get close.

After a few back and forth, they were out of breath.

At the same time, I couldn't help becoming impatient.

But the more it was like this, the faster his strength was consumed. Before he could persist in a few tricks, he was knocked down by the guards with various tricks.

"I didn't stick to it for a while, change to another batch!"

When the last one fell to the ground, Zheng Fu shouted expressionlessly.

This kind of result has long been doomed, if it is not for saving to practice these little brats in the village, I am afraid that these little brats will not be able to take the two moves of the personal guards.

After Zheng Fu finished speaking, the boys from No. 21 to No. 40 all looked bitter.

Seeing the previous group of friends being teased by the personal guards, they finally understood that even if they gain strength for another two years, they will not be the opponents of these personal guards.

As for bringing down those personal guards, I am afraid that there is still a little hope for the three of them to meet one.

Today, they, more than 100 people, can only come one by one to find abuse!
Your Majesty is insidious, he and others have been fooled!

Thinking about it, a little boy couldn't help but have such an idea in his mind.

Subconsciously, he looked towards his companion beside him.

It turned out that the other party had the same look in their eyes.


Anyway, next door is Miracle Doctor Sun's medical school, even if a broken arm or leg is broken, it can be cured.

Thinking about it, a group of little brats became ruthless and rushed forward with all their strength.

However, in the end they all found out in despair, no matter how much effort they used, the situation was still the same.

There is no fighting back!

More than 100 kids, a total of eight rounds of sparring.

However, from the beginning to the end, it was useless for an hour.

"It seems that the fat on the bodies of a group of youngsters like you is all in vain!"

Li Xuan sneered as he looked at the decadent boys.

Hearing this, the group of youngsters all lowered their heads and did not refute.

Among them, some of them already weighed more than some of the guards, but none of them had ever hit anyone.

"You can't just study and not practice martial arts, or you will be bullied if you go out!"

Li Xuan continued: "From now on, every month, you will have four days to come here to practice martial arts."

"Thank you king!"

In an instant, all the kids were overjoyed.

"However, you can't drop your studies. Therefore, if this king knows who failed his studies, he won't be able to come here for two months!" Li Xuan said again.


As soon as these words came out, half of the cubs were full of bitterness.

They are the kind of people with 'dumb' brains, and their studies are often in the middle and lower.

Li Xuan ignored it, and continued: "Starting today, you can come to the martial arts training ground every six days. Every time, there will be two hundred personal guards here, and you will fight against each other."

"Follow the orders of the king!"

When it came to their personal guards, Zheng Fu, Ma Xi and others also hurriedly bowed their hands in salute.

In this group of cubs, there are also their cubs.As for the other cubs, they also watched them grow up.

Moreover, more than half of the future Jin Wang's personal guards will be selected from these youngsters.

Therefore, let them teach these little brats in person, and they are also willing to do so.

In this regard, all the youngsters are even more delighted.

Which Tang man, doesn't yearn to kill enemies on the battlefield, make meritorious deeds, and seal his wife and son?
After these little cubs returned home, they had already taken out wooden sticks or leather whips, and the farmers who were going to teach their own little beasts a lesson, after hearing the king's permission, let their cubs have Four days later, after being able to go to the training ground and be taught by those personal guards, his face was filled with joy.

He took out a sling of money directly from the house and asked his son to buy meat.

Such a happy event must be celebrated with a good meal.

In the courtyard.

Li Chenglu asked Li Xuan curiously: "Aye, why did you do this?"


Li Xuan was startled.

"You let those personal guards teach those partners in the village a lesson first, and then let those personal guards concentrate on teaching those partners for four days every month!" Li Chenglu said slowly.

Hearing this, Li Xuan glanced at Li Chenglu in astonishment. He didn't expect this kid to be so old, and he could already see some of his intentions today.

"That's because the arrogance of these little brats in the village is a bit arrogant now. It is inevitable that the guards will suppress the arrogance of these little brats, let them know that the sky is high and the earth is strong, and they can recognize themselves!"


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