Li Shimin

Chapter 699 All Crazy

Li Xuan laughed lightly.

"As for letting the guards teach these little brats, it's because these little brats have a lot of fat, but they don't have the corresponding strength, and they don't know how to use force."

"Lu'er, you have to remember that no matter how powerful the Jin Palace is in the future, the confidence of the Jin Palace is still the entire Li Family Village. From now on, it will be the farmers in the Li Family Village who can truly protect the Jin Palace and the Li Family Village.

Therefore, to strengthen them is to strengthen Lijiazhuang and Jinwangfu.

To be good to them is to be good to ourselves! "


Hearing this, Li Chenglu frowned lightly, and responded with a vague understanding.

In this regard, Li Xuan did not correct too much.

Anyway, under his behest, Li Chenglu followed the youngsters of the Lijiazhuang households since he was a child, fished and rolled around in the village, went into the mountains to hunt birds,
Even when he grows up, there will be a gap in his status, but his feelings are still there!

A few days later, Cui Xuanlan, head of the Cui family in Qinghe, and Zheng Yuanzhe, head of the Zheng family in Xingyang, also hurried to Chang'an with their personal guards.

These two families belong to the second batch of families who established the principality, so they have already been crowned kings.

Naturally, there is also the privilege of recruiting personal guards.

The other courtyard in Chang'an City was also directly converted into the other courtyard of the Wangfu.

Li Xuan first explained to these two people, and then they entered the palace with pleasant expressions on their faces.

Only then did they realize how much benefit Li Xuan had brought them!


Among the major families in the world, the story of the bank has also begun to spread.

One after another, the heads of the major families also rushed to Chang'an.

In Chang'an City, undercurrents surged.

However, the matter of the bank is related to the national policy of the Tang Dynasty. As early as the first day or two, the number of big families and dignitaries who can participate in the bank has been drawn up by Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and other confidant ministers. .

No matter how those aristocratic families and dignitaries are related, it will not help.

Immediately afterwards, the story of the King Master of the Tang Dynasty's bombing at Yasan Harbor and Pyongyang City gradually spread in the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone started to inquire about this matter again.

However, what they didn't expect was that just after the front foot searched for someone, the back foot was warned.

Moreover, they haven't found out anything yet!
Therefore, following the mysterious matter of the bank, these aristocratic families and dignitaries have one more thing in their hearts that they want to find out urgently.

As a result, letters were sent from Chang'an to various parts of the Tang Dynasty.

at the same time.

Caravans headed for Goguryeo under the arrangement of Li Shimin, the Cui family of Qinghe, the Zheng family of Xingyang, Li Xiaogong, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and others.

Regarding these, those aristocratic families have not yet reacted.

Another piece of news came.

His Majesty summoned the world to go to Goguryeo, guard the city of Goguryeo, and establish a principality family to come to Beijing to discuss matters!
Immediately, the entire world family began to boil.

What banks, what bombs, all left behind!

Only the city of Goguryeo is the biggest benefit. As long as they get the city, they can establish a king and build a country, recruit soldiers and horses, and the family power can be expanded several times again!

As for this, the Li clan's relatives, as well as some dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty, were also very enthusiastic.

The whole Goguryeo!

Dozens of cities, 3 million people, how much wealth can these bring them?
"Uncle Wang, those aristocratic families, as well as all the dignitaries, the royal family, are all crazy!"

Li Chengqian said to Li Xuan with a face full of surprise as if he had seen something remarkable.

"Well, have a sip of tea first, and speak slowly!"

Li Xuan glanced at the cup of hot tea in front of Li Chengqian, and said calmly.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian also reacted and smiled embarrassingly.

"It's Chengqian who lost his temper!"

Immediately, he picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, and cleared his throat.

"Uncle Wang, you haven't seen that some aristocratic families who are usually very noble in front of the father, or some of the Li clan, are now flocking in front of the father, playing tricks, doing everything they can... ...even, there are aristocratic families who have brought more than a dozen beauties to present to the father..."

"How did His Majesty deal with it?"

Li Xuan was a little curious, as for what he said to Li Chengqian, he wasn't too surprised.

Anyway, the more powerful the rich and powerful, the thicker their face will be when encountering interests that interest them.

"Father just cared about the lives of those aristocratic families and the Li clan, and then treated them to a lunch!"

Li Chengqian didn't say much about the latter.

However, Li Xuan could also guess it.

"Then why did you come to Lijiazhuang today?"

Hearing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Li Chengqian's face.

Since the establishment of the Thunder Army, the government has been busy, and Li Shimin gave Li Chengqian more memorials to cultivate Li Chengqian's ability to handle government affairs.

Li Chongyi, Xue Rengui, and Cheng Chusi also joined the Thunder Army, and Changsun Chong, Fang Yizhi and others were also assigned a position by Li Shimin.

They didn't have time to come to Lijiazhuang.

Therefore, Li Chengqian did not come to Lijiazhuang often.

Today, he came here because of Li Shimin's order.

"Reporting to Uncle Wang, Father wants Chengqian to ask Uncle Wang, what is the best strategy for these aristocratic families and dignitaries who want to participate in dividing up the Goguryeo city?"


Li Xuan shook his head directly.

Li Chengqian was taken aback.

Li Xuan continued: "I have only one strategy, and that is the auction."

"Last year, His Majesty has already auctioned off five aristocratic families. In this way, let these five families choose cities in order of priority. In addition, as many cities as there are left, His Majesty can auction off as many cities as possible. This is only fair."

"It's just that if the entire Goguryeo is auctioned off, the property obtained will be tens of thousands. Therefore, I ask your majesty to focus more on iron and grain. No matter how much the court has accumulated, there will never be too little of these two.

Moreover, His Majesty wants to auction off all the food and iron from those families, which is equivalent to controlling those families! "

"Thank you, Uncle Wang, for your suggestion!"

Li Chengqian got up quickly and bowed his hands in salute.

He has already agreed with this suggestion from his heart, as for whether his father agrees with it or not, it is none of his business.

Immediately, he bid farewell to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan just waved his hand casually and let Li Chengqian leave.

Then, he turned around and went upstairs.

On the second floor, Cui Mi has been pregnant for several months, and it is time for him to accompany her.Besides, there was a little padded jacket, Li Jinyun, who was also very attached to him.

As for the forge, Li Xuan rarely went shopping.

Although he has a lot of good things he wants to make, but each of them needs an industrial foundation, and he can only let the music table and Li Yuanjia slowly build and develop.

Li Xuan himself is just a waste, living a life of waste with his wife and children on the bed, that's all.

However, Lijiazhuang is peaceful.

In Chang'an City, it was a mess.

This time, there are at least [-] or [-] aristocratic families or powerful forces who can establish a king in Goguryeo.

Such a huge benefit is enough to make every force go crazy.

Especially after Li Shimin released the news of the continuation of the auction, basically all the aristocratic families in the Tang Dynasty were counting their belongings and counting the officials' children in their families.

The situation of the last auction is still deeply etched in their minds.

This time, no matter what, they will fight for several cities for the family!


Li Shimin

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