Li Shimin

Chapter 700 Auction Harvest

It was a few days later.

The auction officially begins.

The people in the entire Chang'an City suddenly discovered that the surrounding teahouse on Zhuque Street was under martial law by a group of familiar Marquis Wu.

At the same time, horse-drawn carriages were already parked around the teahouse.

In the past, there was a trace of traffic jam on the incomparably wide Suzaku Avenue!
In this way, it lasted for two full days.

Zhuque Avenue returned to normal, and the people in the entire Chang'an City felt a sudden relief in their hearts.

A total of twelve aristocratic families, six relatives of the Li family, and seven honorable families of the Tang Dynasty were auctioned off to guard the city of Goguryeo and become kings and found the country.

In other words, after half a year, there will be nineteen more kings of the opposite sex in the entire Tang Dynasty!

"Master, this auction got 280 million shi of grain, 360 million jin of pig iron, wrought iron and various ironware, and 45 iron mines!"

Li Chengqian sat in front of Li Xuan and reported respectfully.

It's just that the smiles in the eyes are all overflowing.

"Very good, now we can build a few giant steel ships!"

Li Xuan laughed.

Li Chengqian: "..."

This Uncle Wang really got into the giant steel ship just as his father said.

"What else do you have?"

Li Xuan asked again.

"Going back to Uncle Wang, I received the good news that Cao Guogong and Su Guogong have already attacked the 36 surrounding cities with Goguryeo Pyongyang as the center.

To the south, we have already attacked the border of Baekje, and now the Baekje army Chen Bing is confronting my Tang Wangshi at the border!
At the same time, both Baekje and Silla sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty, bowed their heads to the Tang Dynasty, and presented two large carts of various rare treasures..."

Li Chengqian said.

"Hmph..." Li Xuan sneered.

Although they dismiss these two small countries, the actions of these two small countries are the only and most correct thing they can do at present.

This is the tragedy of a small country. Facing the sea on both sides, the land is still a bit bigger, but the ambition is not small. It wants to follow the big country on the border to conquer another big country.

Unexpectedly, the big country on the border had just launched its military formation and showed its fangs, and was slapped on the ground by Datang, and grabbed its throat, and then gave it to him with a lightning speed. Kill and devour.

It's not bad that Baekje and Silla don't scare the shit out of them!
However, if you want to escape, you can't escape.

The Japanese country in the south hated them deeply, and Goguryeo in the north has been occupied by the Tang army. The east and west sides are endless seas!

Knowing that Datang would never let them go, but with a glimmer of hope, they sent envoys to plead guilty to Datang, wanting to die.

"What about Tubo and Tuyuhun?"

Thinking about it, Li Xuan continued to ask.

"Uncle Wang, ever since Tubo and Tuyuhun started their war against my Great Tang, they were still able to fight against my Great Tang Master one or two at the very beginning.

However, in the past few years, Tubo and Tuyuhun have been reducing the breeding of war horses in order to raise yaks. The more they delay, the more powerless they will be.

In addition, once the war broke out, all the caravans of my Tang Dynasty cut off their ties with small countries such as Tubo and Tuyuhun. Silk, tea, and even luxury accessories such as liquor!

However, after two years of support from my Tang caravan, the landlords and nobles of small countries such as Tubo and Tuyuhun have become accustomed to these extravagant ornaments of my Tang Dynasty.

Especially luxury items such as liquor, salt, and glass are even more important to Tubo and Tuyuhun.

At the beginning, the landlords and nobles of Tubo and Tuyuhun could bear it a bit, but as they finished their white wine and salt, they could no longer eat their old meals, and their long-term achievements were disadvantageous...

Therefore, recently, among the landlords and dignitaries in Tubo and Tuyuhun, a group of peacemakers has emerged...


As he said that, Li Chengqian couldn't help snorting a few times, his face was full of disdain for the behavior of those barbarian hozens such as Tubo and Tuyuhun.

"Let them be in chaos for a while longer, and then directly send troops to destroy them, so that my Great Tang can directly occupy the main road leading to the Western Regions!"

Li Xuan said.

"Uncle Wang is wise!"

Li Chengqian complimented sincerely, "If Uncle Wang hadn't sent a caravan to support Tubo and Tuyuhun a long time ago, it would have caused them to expand the grassland everywhere in order to raise yaks, and often had internal fighting, and even gave up. A large number of war horses, self-abolished martial arts.

Otherwise, the national power of Tubo and Tuyuhun will increase greatly, and this time the eastern frontier of our Tang Dynasty will be in danger! "

"Not at all!"

Li Xuan chuckled, "There are bombs, and these nomads are not good at attacking the city. As long as they defend the city wall for a period of time, these barbarian hozens will retreat if they cannot attack the city.

But if they dare to directly bypass the frontier cities and drive straight in, they can just surround them and catch them all in one go, adding fertility to my Tang's crops in the coming year! "

Li Chengqian was stunned, and bowed his hands again to salute, "So, it's also thanks to Uncle Wang!"

"I was just laying out the plan, and I didn't go to the battlefield in person. Gao Ming's words are a bit serious!"

Li Xuan said again in a low voice.

"If there is no bomb invented by Uncle Wang, my Master of the Great Tang Dynasty will definitely suffer heavy losses if he wants to defend the coalition forces of small countries such as Tubo and Tuyuhun!
Unlike now, repelling dozens of attacks by the Tubo and Tuyuhun coalition forces only disabled more than 300 people! "

Li Chengqian said solemnly.

"Disabled more than 300 people?"

Li Xuan was taken aback, then looked at Li Chengqian in a daze, somewhat unacceptable.

"With bombs, how can so many people be disabled?"

"Back to Uncle Wang, after a few attacks, those barbarian hozens from Tubo and Tuyuhun also found the loopholes of the bombs, and they would stand outside the range of arrows and hand-throwing bombs and attack with catapults.

Or, directly escort some slaves or herdsmen to attract bombs, and then the army will charge! "

Li Chengqian said angrily.

"That's a mediocre general!"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, "A bomb with such a powerful force is so cowardly used by them!"

"Hey, Uncle Wang is brave and invincible, the generals of my Tang Dynasty can't compare with Uncle Wang.

If those generals can be like Uncle Wang, just leading an army of 300,000 and carrying hundreds of thousands of catties of bombs, they can win three battles and three victories in Goguryeo, and wipe out [-] troops of Goguryeo.

Then my country and society in the Tang Dynasty will be as stable as Mount Tai, and I am very lucky in the Tang Dynasty! "

Li Chengqian praised quickly.

"Young man, after handling government affairs with His Majesty for half a year, Gao Ming's mouth seems to have been smeared with honey, and he can speak casually with compliments!"

Li Xuan chuckled.


Li Shimin

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