Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 117 Pineapple Sues Apple?

Chapter 117 Pineapple Sues Apple?

"We need to adjust our strategy!"

Liu Dalang once again convened a high-level meeting of Nebula Technology. During the meeting, they made a new plan for the time of the new product launch:
"Every September, release Nebula's flagship products! Including Nebula's top flagship and Xingchen's flagship, to hit the high-end market!"

"Every December, release the Xinghuo game series! Every March, release the Star Rain series! Every June, make new additions!"

Nebula Technology is determined to be tough with Apple, not only schedules the flagship conference in September every year, but also holds it every three months.

This marketing strategy is used by both Apple and major Android manufacturers. For example, Apple will launch a new mobile phone color scheme every March.

The purpose is to make up for the sales of Apple mobile phones in the off-season. If you buy the first launch and want a new color scheme, you can only blame your bad luck.

In order to compete with Apple, major Android manufacturers, many flagship models are updated twice a year, or two series, such as Samsung and Huawei.

The purpose is to avoid the price reduction of the old flagship due to the conflict of the same series, the most typical ones are Samsung's S and note, Huawei's P and mate.

And Nebula Technology simply divides the models into four main series, Spark, Star Rain, Star, and Nebula, and the prices are sorted from low to high.

The top flagship series Nebula is not a normal flagship machine. In Liu Dalang's plan, Nebula is mainly used to show various concept machines.

No, it cannot be regarded as a concept machine. How can a mass-produced machine be considered a concept machine?
And Xingchen is considered a normal flagship. Unfortunately, this series cannot be launched this year. Liu Dalang's requirements are relatively high, so it can only be postponed.

After the meeting, the high-level executives of Nebula Technology hardly saw any pressure. Instead, they were all gearing up and eager to try.

When the high-end battle is on the verge of breaking out, Nebula Technology R&D Department has to do one more thing, which is to test Apple mobile phones through some instruments.

In history, Apple had an important event, that is, the "speed reduction gate". Because of this incident, Apple has suffered numerous lawsuits.

The reason is also very simple. Apple uses system updates to slow down the operation of old iPhones, thereby stimulating consumers to replace new phones.

The mobile phone models involved include Apple 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, the original SE, and a series of later models.

At first, Apple lost a lot of money, but later their technology became more and more powerful. Even if ordinary consumers had doubts, they could not produce evidence.

Including the major Android manufacturers, there is also no evidence, because most of them are assembly plants and do not have such high-tech testing technology.

And Samsung, which can produce evidence of deceleration, has a deep cooperation with Apple in accessories.

Coupled with the fact that doing this is thankless and damages the brand image, no one is willing to do it later, but Pineapple Technology is different.

They are copycat companies. They finally tried to become a regular company, but lost all the money they earned. As long as Apple slows down, they dare to sue Apple and make them pay a huge price.

The test data of Nebula Technology is an important piece of evidence. Of course, this piece of evidence may not be recognized by some places...

Apple's calculations are very good, but they forgot one thing. Chinese people can't tolerate sand in their eyes. Samsung is a typical example.

The Samsung note7 explosion can be big or small, the key lies in the hype behind the scenes, and whether Samsung's official handling method can be recognized by users.

And Apple's speed reduction door is an iron fact. Once it is confirmed and hyped, it will be as powerful as a Samsung grenade, and the impact will be very large.

But one of the great things about Apple is that even though they were collectively sued by millions of users in many countries, they calmed down.

And the market share has hardly been affected, so how will Pineapple Technology expand its influence after obtaining the evidence and successfully prosecuting?
That's the point!
According to Zhang Bo's feedback, Liu Dalang knew that Pineapple Technology had recovered, and took the opportunity to launch a new generation of Pineapple 6s and 6s Plus.

These two pineapple phones are exactly the same in appearance as Apple 6s and 6s Plus except for the trademark, 1:1 pixel-level imitation.

It made Apple very angry, and there was nothing they could do. They sued and sued, and paid compensation, and the pineapple trademark could not be bitten. What else could they do?
Knowing that the Pineapple mobile phone copied Apple's design, but the details are slightly different, they really have no way to sue Pineapple Technology for infringement.

After all, such things as appearance patents are too difficult to define. Rebs’ Mi 8 is still imitating Apple X at the pixel level. What can Apple do?
Jordan has been in a lawsuit with Huaxia Jordan for so many years because of the infringement of portrait rights, and he didn't get cheap at the beginning. Huaxia Jordan made it clear:

"This is just another person named Jordan, and the action in the trademark is not playing basketball, but playing table tennis, so there is no infringement!"

But electronic products and trademarks are two different things. Trademarks have always existed, while mobile phones are updated very quickly, and designs will be discarded within two years.

Except for Apple, a set of molds is used for five years, and the molds of Apple notebooks are so ugly that they are still used. The best thing is the notebook and its bangs.

Although the two generations of Xingyu-Mu and Ning also used Liu Haiping, the next generation will not use it anymore. After all, the development strategy of Nebula Technology is different from that of Apple.

Why use an obsolete design if there is a better design and the products produced using it are still very mature?
Liu Dalang couldn't help thinking: "I don't know if Apple X will use Liu Haiping three years later? Will 2018 be the year of Liu Haiping?"

None of this is important. Before the launch of the Samsung note 5, the big V of the Nebula marketing department once again bombarded Samsung. The general content of the article is:

"Samsung, are you scared? Don't you dare to fight Nebula Technology in September?"

Samsung executives were very angry when they saw it: "Ashiba, he really knows how to put gold on his face! Are we afraid that we can't compare with them?"

If it weren't for Apple... Well, they admit that they are a bit timid and dare not be tough with Apple's new product launch, but what does this have to do with Nebula Technology?

Ever since, the Samsung Navy and the Nebula Navy launched a new round of war on the Internet. Taking advantage of this opportunity, more and more manufacturers participated in the war.

If there is enthusiasm, everyone will rub it together, and at the same time, you can speculate on the popularity of new products. They will not intervene in the high-end market, but not necessarily in the low-end market.

Meizu, Smartisan, Xiaomi, LeEco, Gionee, Pepper, Huawei Honor, etc. have started to warm up new products, and the market has become lively.

Their main battles are concentrated in the below 2000 or even [-] yuan phone market, and Samsung, Apple, and Nebula do not do this part of the market.

Only one Dalang Technology is doing it. On the surface, it belongs to Nebula Technology. In fact, it has started to operate independently and is walking its own development path.

On August 8, Samsung took the lead in holding a new product launch conference and released two top flagships, Samsung note13 and S5 edge+.

Neither model has a national bank version yet, but Liu Dalang knows that the national bank prices of these two models are 5388 and 5888 yuan respectively.

The Bank of China version is about 1000 yuan more expensive than that of foreign countries, which is normal. After all, it is not a Huaxia brand. Taxes are required, and the products are naturally more expensive.

However, this incident was hyped up by the navy, and Samsung's sales were still affected, but overall the impact was not significant.

"This is too disgusting!"

The mentality of Samsung's executives is a bit explosive, but compared to Nebula Technology's direct access to certain markets, their treatment is simply much better.

I have to say that Samsung note 5 is a good phone, especially the screen, but unfortunately they still can't confirm the time of China's special press conference.

According to Liu Dalang's judgment, there must have been some disagreements within Samsung, and Samsung has made more than one or two mistakes in decision-making.

If you want to hit an apple, you can hit it, but you want to hit it but you don't dare to hit it. What's the point of testing back and forth?
I want the Chinese market, but I don’t want to pay more. No wonder the domestic manufacturers unite and drive them out of the market. It’s not wrong to lose at all!

After the Samsung press conference, Nebula Technology directly announced the time of Nebula's annual conference, which was set at 9:9 on September 20th.

In the promotional poster, they also used a brand new image of the little star of the astronaut. From the helmet of the little star of the astronaut, they can see two virtual maps of the constellations, which are very recognizable.

In Cepheus, one of the circumpolar constellations, the α star is the fifth star of the sky, and the entire constellation can be seen all year round, especially in the autumn nights of September.

There is also Andromeda, which is also an all-day modern constellation. In the range of nebulae, the Andromeda Nebula is the most typical one in the spiral nebula.

However, ordinary people don't pay attention to these, and the two galaxies are also beautified to a certain extent on the promotional map, which is more spectacular than what the naked eye can see.

As soon as the time for Nebula's annual press conference was confirmed, a group of netizens got excited:

"Fuck! September 9th!"

"...Reminiscing about Shandong Brothers?"

"Fuck you! Do you know when Apple's autumn new product launch is?"

"9 o'clock in the morning on September 10th! There are only five hours between the two press conferences!"

"I really just fell in love with Apple! Nebula Technology, I respect you for being a hero!"

"Hehe, Nebula Technology seems to be crazy recently? Do you dare to be tough with Apple's press conference?"

"At that time, the single-day sales will come out, don't be rubbed against the ground by Apple!"

"Pull and beat Apple every year, and be beaten by Apple every year. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

"Who is afraid of whom! The press conference hasn't even started yet, and whoever is bragging will know when it comes out!"

"Nebula Technology is really brave!"


A large number of Xingyun technology supporters are clamoring to beat Apple, but in fact they really have no idea, after all, Apple's sales are obvious to all.

It is the first time for Nebula Technology to be a top-level flagship. The promotional poster is very beautiful, but what is the product?What's so special about it?

They don't know all of this!

"Ningyun Technology, I hope you will not disappoint our support! Give Apple some ruthlessness!"

 Thank you Two One World, Hailong Yiming for your reward!Thanks to Bronze Beiyue, mas, two people, one world, source of love, master, wait for me, layman Xiaoyaojian, everything resigned to fate, heartless stone, 666liao666, Aixinjueluo Tongtong, star morning light 168 , Confused Yuankong, Guan Xin, Book Friends 20170123165235160 monthly pass!Thanks for the support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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