Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 16 Dalang Special Commemorative Edition

Chapter 16 Dalang Special Commemorative Edition

"Boss! This is Nebula Technology's December financial report and statistics!"

In December, Nebula Technology directly started the mass killing mode. Nebula2 series mobile phones shipped 380 million units offline and 3 units online.

Nebula TV Nebula AE 12 sold 60 offline and 2 online.

The average profit of the four products was Rs 1000, as Nebula 2 and 2s, which had the most shipments, had lower margins, dragging down the overall level.

This result is the same as what Liu Dalang predicted before Nebula Technology's first press conference.

As the cheapest entry-level smartphone on the market, Nebula2s is priced at 3399 rupees, and there is no pressure on sales at all.

Stereo loudspeaker, three cards, three standbys, and a colorful appearance meet the preferences of third parties, and this is an advantage that fits the market.

Nebula can sell as many units as it produces, and some local dealers even sold it for more than 5000 rupees.

The result is still in short supply, which reflects from the side how lethal mobile phones below 1 rupees are under the current market environment.

For these situations, Liu Dalang chose to turn a blind eye. The mentality of "wanting the horse to run, but also wanting the horse not to eat grass" must be unacceptable.

They will do more things if they give enough benefits to distributors everywhere, but in this way, Nebula Technology has also recruited a lot of black material.

Except for the Nebula branch and the Nebula directly-operated store, the Nebula mobile phones bought by the third parties from other channels all have different degrees of premium.

But ordinary people can't buy the goods of Xingyun branch and directly-operated stores at all. Every time the goods arrive, they are immediately divided up by various dealers.

Because of this, the angry Asan also publicly stated on some social media:
"Ningyun Technology has fooled us all! At the press conference, we kept saying how much the Nebula mobile phone only sells, but in fact it is not at all!"

Nebula Technology immediately responded publicly that the pricing of Nebula products has never changed, and it is not up to them to control how much the distributors in various places sell.

These products also enjoy official after-sales service. Nebula Technology will actively promote the construction of offline direct sales stores, and strive to let everyone buy Nebula mobile phones and TVs at official standard prices.

"What does it matter to us if the dealer sells it expensively? You won't even let you shop online!"

Liu Dalang also used this event to publicize the benefits of online shopping. In the Xingyun flagship store, all four products are priced at standard prices.

Except for limiting the number of purchases per person, it is no different from buying in a physical store, but it doesn't help much.

The sales of Nebula flagship stores on the two online shopping platforms have always been tepid. In the final analysis, it is because the penetration rate of wireless Internet access is not high enough.

The 3G packages of the third parties are not much data, and the wifi penetration rate is low. As a result, not many people are willing to shop online.

Liu Dalang is already thinking about whether to let Star Express open the cash-on-delivery function to promote the sales of a wave of Xingyun technology products.

In the end, he gave up this idea. The problem must be solved fundamentally. A charging model cannot bring much improvement to sales.

Next year, Xincheng Industry will start building 4G base stations, and China will also usher in the 4G era. This is the best opportunity for Nebula Technology.

As soon as the mobile phone shipments in India in the fourth quarter of 2012 came out, people were surprised to find that the sales volume of Nebula mobile phones exceeded [-] million units in this quarter.

A total of 1174 million units were sold, surpassing Samsung's 947 million units, leaving only less than 1349 million units away from Nokia's 200 million units.

The quarterly market share of Xingyun mobile phone has directly rushed to 28%. Although it is far from the previously expected 40%, it is still amazing enough.

After all, Nebula Technology is just a new brand, and it has swept the low-end mobile phone market in India since its inception, and its expansion momentum is incredible.

No. [-] is still Nokia, but according to this development, it will not be long before Nokia will fall from the altar and give way.

The No. [-] Nebula Technology, the No. [-] copycat force, and No. [-] Samsung are all staring at this piece of fat.

Once Nokia is acquired by Microsoft, major Chinese mobile phone manufacturers will follow one after another, and India will be a replica of the Chinese battlefield.

Instead of passively defending and waiting for the major mobile phone manufacturers to compete for the market, it is better to take the initiative and lead Nebula Technology back to the Chinese mobile phone market.

So, on the first day of 2013, Liu Dalang returned to China with some high-level executives of Nebula Technology, and returned to the headquarters of Dalang Technology.

It is said to be the headquarters, but in fact there is only an empty shell left in Dalang Technology, no different from some empty-glove white wolf bag companies.

"Boss! Is this our headquarters? Here... why is there nothing?"

Amir came to China for the first time and saw a lot of novelty things. At the same time, he also found that the development of China is indeed much better than that of India.

But he never thought that Nebula Technology, which can reach 2000 million sales in India in less than a year, has nothing in China!

"The current decline is only temporary!"

After Liu Dalang found out that the production factory of Dalang Technology hadn't been sold out yet, he directly bought it back with money, which is also a souvenir.

Although Dalang Technology has now changed its name to Nebula Technology, Dalang Mobile, Liu Dalang still decided to keep it as a low-end series.

According to his plan, domestic Nebula Technology will launch Nebula2 Pro and nesting doll models of TV Nebula AE 12 within three months.

The products are named: Dalang Special Commemorative Edition, and TV Dalang T12, which are mainly for the online market, because they cannot be sold offline!
The reason for this name is that Liu Dalang wanted to tell everyone that Dalang's mobile phone is back!The second is to commemorate the end of the 3G era.

Dalang Special Commemorative Edition is the first and last 3G mobile phone of Nebula Technology in China, and it will enter the 4G era later.

The domestic mobile phone market is not as mild as that of India. No matter whether it is offline or online, it is dominated by a group of heroes, and it is difficult for Nebula Technology to enter.

While building the headquarters, Amir also investigated the specific situation of the domestic mobile phone market, and the results were roughly similar to what Liu Dalang knew.

Samsung's expansion in China is gaining momentum, and it is firmly in the top spot in 2012, followed by the four major manufacturers "China Cool Union".

Apple is caught in it, and its market share fluctuates back and forth. After all, compared with other mobile phone manufacturers, the pricing of Apple mobile phones is really a bit high.

As for others, the market shares of manufacturers such as Tianyu, Xiaomi, HTC, Gionee, Nokia, and OPPO are basically in the same line.

There are also some second-tier mobile phone manufacturers, as well as several well-known small factories, which may emerge at any time when they are about to enter the 4G era.

For example, the hammer that is ready to make "the best mobile phone in the eastern hemisphere", and the "Zhuhai small factory" that emphasizes the simplicity and intrinsic beauty.

Liu Dalang now has 12 points in his hand, and directly opened a C-level LCD screen production line and five D-level production lines, which are:

RAM, ROM, lithium battery, fully automatic assembly, and recycling production lines, and the production capacity of four of them has been directly pulled to 3000/hour, and the recycling production line is still 100 tons/hour.

5 points per D-level recycling production line is too expensive, so the production capacity cannot be raised temporarily, and 100 tons/hour is enough for initial use.

At present, China is also a big importer of electronic waste. Nebula Technology's raw material problem has basically been solved with the D-level recycling production line.

12 points can actually be exchanged for two D-level sensors or a D-level SOC production line. The problem is that these are not as practical as recycling lines.

The current mobile phone camera is still in the stage of stacking pixels, and it is not yet time to compete whose sensor is better and whose bottom is bigger.

Not to mention the SOC production line, Nebula Technology doesn't even have enough technicians.

According to the operation of the [Technology Collection] around the patent, maybe the equipment that Liu Dalang has never seen before will be produced, and troubles will have to be solved at that time.

What's more, with MediaTek, the king of copycats, the price of their smartphone chips is not as expensive as it was later, so there is no need to do it yourself.

In a month's time, the same model as the Indian Nebula Science and Technology Industrial Park, and the same three major areas have all been constructed.

The overall efficiency is quite high. Of course, the premise of high efficiency is that Liu Dalang's project funds are in place, otherwise how can it be completed in one month?
After going through all kinds of formalities, the first batch of Nebula mobile phones put into trial production came out and were immediately sent to the testing agency for strict quality, performance and other parameter tests.

After the results came out and the network access permit was obtained, it was already the end of February, and this efficiency was already quite fast compared to before.

After all, domestic mobile phones are flourishing, and the four major manufacturers have launched many mobile phone styles. It is common to test dozens of new products at one time.

At the same time, Nebula 4 series mobile phones and TV Nebula AE 13 have also entered the mass production stage in the Nebula Technology Industrial Park in New Delhi.

In the new year, the sales volume of Nebula2 series mobile phones has always remained at 300 million units per month, but the fact that the sales volume has not decreased does not mean that the products do not need to be updated.

After all, no matter how good a product is, the selling cycle is only a few months. Even if the price configuration remains unchanged, the appearance and name must be slightly updated.

During this period of time, Liu Dalang was so tired that he ran back and forth at both ends. Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and everything that needed to be resolved was resolved.

The special commemorative version of the Dalang mobile phone and the TV Dalang T12 finally achieved mass production in March, and the main online channels are used for publicity and sales.

There is also no press conference, and there is no too much drama. Even the online channel promotion that Nebula Technology has obtained is only leftovers.

No one has noticed that there is an extra Xingyun flagship store on the major e-commerce platforms.

Liu Dalang doesn't care about these things. At this stage, the development focus of Nebula Technology is still in India, and he doesn't plan to focus on participating in the domestic competition.

Insignificant development is the kingly way, domestic core technology, foreign markets and sales.

When other manufacturers fight to the death, it will not be too late for Nebula Technology to reap the benefits.

In terms of pricing, the cost of Dalang mobile phone is slightly higher in all aspects in the initial stage, and the special commemorative edition of Dalang mobile phone is higher than Nebula2 Pro.

The price of the TV Dalang T12 is the same as in India, but there is no discount.

The price of Dalang Mobile Special Commemorative Edition and Dalang T12 is still 599.

The price of 599 is very cheap compared with later smartphones.

But compared with the 3G smartphones of the same period, the price is a bit high, because some manufacturers have already lowered the price to less than 300 yuan.

Among these ultra-low-cost mobile phones, there are many OEM knockoff products of some major manufacturers, and some pure knockoff products, such as pineapple mobile phones.

(End of this chapter)

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