Chapter 173 Dalang Pad3
However, entry-level gaming notebooks are entry-level after all, and Nebula’s first test graphics card may not be as good as Nvidia’s GTX1050.

But this is not the point. In terms of price, Dalang 1050 can directly match the price that GTX1050 can achieve. If the price is in place, everything is easy to say.

Other computer manufacturers are hot chickens!Of course, no matter how bad the Dalang 1050 is, it is impossible to sell only 9.9, but it is much cheaper than the common GTX1050 models on the market.

After all, Dalang Technology is a new graphics card manufacturer this time, and it also focuses on low-end graphics cards that other manufacturers have given up. It is definitely not as good as manufacturers like Nvidia in the adaptation of some mainstream games.

It’s just a price difference, but it’s always true that you get what you pay for, and it’s impossible for the Dalang X16 Plus to leapfrog the 1060 model, let alone the mid-range Xinghuo-Huanyan.

In order to further enlarge the target group, Xinghuo-Huanyan also launched two versions, one is a 1080p+144hz high-definition high-color gamut screen.

The other is the traditional 2.5k + 120hz + 400nit high-score, high-refresh, and high-brightness screen. This combination is Nebula’s best LCD screen combination, and the actual use experience is also very good.

In other aspects, both the configuration and the mold are the same, and the Xinghuo-Huanyan mold is developed by Nebula Technology itself. It is the only one on the market, and its appearance is very recognizable.

In fact, it is not that some domestic manufacturers do not have the strength to produce low-end graphics cards, but that they are unnecessary, because they may not be able to achieve results after investing a lot of research and development funds and technical personnel.

At that time, if the product is not good, the game adaptation is not good, consumers do not pay, and the reputation of the entire manufacturer collapses, it is still a trivial matter. The key point is that the research and development costs and wasted time cannot be recovered.

In this world, sometimes being cautious can survive longer than radicalism. ov is a typical example. Although many people think that ov products are not strong enough, what is the final result?
Of course, Nebula Technology has always been different from ordinary domestic manufacturers. Since they have this ability, they should be more radical.

No matter what others think, Shang Bowen has already led the Nebula Marketing Department to promote the next new product of Nebula Technology, but Dalang 1050 still needs to wait for a while to debug the product.

In contrast, the fourth-generation Spark products are what ordinary consumers care more about. The star flagship Beidou-Tianshu cannot afford it, but the starting price of Spark gaming phones has never been particularly high.

Although compared with many domestic manufacturers, the price of 3699 is still a bit high, but for Nebula Technology, this is already a newly launched model with the lowest starting price of Nebula Technology.

Moreover, the price-performance ratio is also very high. The current Nebula Technology is not simply synonymous with low prices, but has really pulled the concept of "cost-effectiveness" out of the low-price theory stage.

Who said high prices are not cost-effective?
Nebula Technology is the industry benchmark!

Xinghuo gaming mobile phone is not only very cost-effective, but also unique in the market in terms of performance release. Although the appearance is a bit too ostentatious, for those who like to show their personality...

This is a good thing!

"I just love going out with a Xinghuo-Jin that weighs as much as a brick! It feels really good!"

"It's great, but if you accidentally slip your hand and fall... the explosion rate is also very high!"

"Cut~ Are you underestimating the durability of Xingyun products? You will never regret it after buying it!"

"It's a pity that my Xinghuo-Jhin has been sold... because it's too heavy, I really can't stand it~"

"I am also persuaded by weight! I really miss the 1998 of the first generation Spark game phone!"

"Xinghuo-Lie, I still use it until now, and there is no pressure to stabilize 60 fps in mainstream games!"

"There is no high refresh rate, and the fast charging is not fast enough, and the performance of the Snapdragon 801 is a bit behind..."

"Currently the CPU has overcapacity, as long as it can play games, isn't it enough?"

"Thousands of Blood Book Xing Huo - Lie is coming out of the rivers and lakes! We need an entry-level gaming phone!"

"It has appeared! It has finally appeared! The classic theory of excess CPU performance, let me tell you..."


You get what you pay for. It may not be meaningful to compare products of different brands, but comparing products of the same brand, the improvement brought about by the price increase is very obvious.

The starting price of the first generation Xinghuo-Lie 1998 is because it is only worth this price, and the price of the next two generations of Xinghuo has increased because the product itself is better, which can be seen from the sales volume.

Nebula Technology did not give Spark users an impression of cost-effectiveness like Xiaomi did, and directly marked up the price range. Now all we need to do is to stabilize this price range.

The product strength of the fourth-generation product is naturally strong enough, but before the Spark conference, Dalang products will be mass-produced in advance. The dual-version Dalang Pad3 is the first product, and the momentum is very strong.

When the specific parameters of the dual-version Dalang Pad3 are released, as everyone expected, this is a low-end tablet computer, one uses domestic Tiger Ben, and the other uses Intel Celeron.

Neither of them is a good chip. Needless to say, the domestic Huben is a low-end chip series that has just entered the market. It is mainly for export, and the specific level is really difficult to evaluate.

Because there is no Huben chip for domestic mobile phones at all, Nebula Technology is still the first, but some domestic manufacturers are testing the Huben 100 and preparing to put it on their low-end models.

But it is still waiting for mass production and launch, at least one and a half months. It can be said that the Dalang Pad3 is the first appearance of the Huben chip in China, and the Intel Celeron is an old friend.

In the last century, AMD's low-price strategy worked, aggressively entered the low-end market at a price 1/3 that of Intel's processors, and eventually caused Intel to completely lose the big cake of the low-price market.

So Celeron came into being. The development of this entry-level CPU has gone through many iterations. The advantages are high cost performance, low heat generation, and stability. The disadvantage is weak performance...

Of course, even such an entry-level CPU costs a lot of money. Nebula’s price in the channel will be 15% lower than the market retail price, but it’s still quite high.

The price of a new Celeron CPU is as high as 589 yuan, which is equivalent to more than four new Huben chips, and the windows version is obviously weaker than the cooking cake OS version in terms of fluency.

Then why Dalang Technology...or Nebula Technology insists on launching such an entry-level tablet with Intel CPU?On the one hand to meet the needs of different users, and on the other hand...


The former Nebula OS used this trick to pull Android into the water, and successfully created a feeling that Android was inherently inferior to Nebula OS. In fact, it is true, and the gap is obvious.

Now, Nebula Technology is going to drag Windows into the water in a similar way. Nebula Technology's dual-system [-]-in-[-] computer is an intuitive example, and Nebula OS is still the mainstay.

Increase investment in the research and development of Nebulas OS, especially in office software. To some extent, Nebulas OS even far exceeds the Windows experience in light office efficiency.

Because Nebulas OS has one thing that Windows can never surpass, that is, it has no advertisements, and with the security protection function, there is no need to worry about encountering some rogue software, pop-up windows, etc.

Windows is different. If you are a novice who doesn’t understand computers, you won’t even know how to split disks. Maybe installing a software will bundle the installation, and set some inexplicable boot-up auto-start...

In this comparison, the advantages of Nebulas OS will only become bigger and bigger. If the difference in user experience is not obvious in high-end products, the gap will be infinitely magnified in low-end products.

Of course, this does not mean that Windows has no advantages, but Nebulas Technology will deliberately create such a feeling, and by the way, let Nebulas OS truly develop to a new level.

Pull windows down a little bit, and eventually replace it, becoming a highly competitive PC system. At that time, Nebula OS will become the new PC overlord.


The price is very fair. If you have to say that Dalang Technology once said that the entire series of products does not exceed 1... It has not exceeded it now. Except for the special case of rugged mobile phones, the most expensive ones start at 999 yuan.

When the configuration and price of the dual-version Dalang OS were fully exposed, an unprecedented appointment channel was opened, which meant clearly:

"Our tablet is very popular! You'd better make an appointment...or you may not be able to buy it!"

In fact, as Dalang products are measuring machines, how can the production capacity and inventory be low?A little analysis of this point shows that Dalang's marketing department wants to use the insecurity in human nature to promote.

Sure enough, when the appointment news was released, many consumers who paid attention to this new Dalang product were not calm, and couldn't help cursing:

"Well, you big man! You seem to have thick eyebrows and big eyes, but you are actually playing this trick behind your back!"

"His grandma! What do you mean? Everyone makes an appointment together, but you can't get the last one?"

"Excuse me, what kind of spicy chicken chip is Huben? Intel Celeron is also willing to take it out?"

"666! Is this the netizen with a per capita income of one million? Sorry, I need it!"

"Poor b! Wouldn't it be nice to buy a decent laptop if you're rich? You won't be able to use this at all!"

"If I'm rich, I'll buy a Dalang tablet? Is it better to buy Nandou-Tianfu? How much money do you have, do you understand?"

"It's so old, and the 10.6-inch tablet doesn't even have a high-end brush, so there are a lot of cards!"

"Spicy stuff like Celeron, doesn't it just freeze when you turn it on? There's no way to use it!"

"I heard that the Huben chip can be compared to the flagship chip of MediaTek, and the cost performance is very high!"

"My computer is a Celeron CPU, and the card is a card, but it's not unusable!"

"The idea has been bought, looking forward to receiving it!"

"Reserved, fast delivery!"


It's normal to scold and scold. If you observe carefully, you will find that no matter how much the major manufacturers invest in low-end products, it may not be effective in the end. High-end products are different.

Take Dalang Pad3 as an example, no tablet in the same price range can beat them, but so what?There are always people who dislike this and that. With a starting price of 999, what configuration do you want?
You can’t even afford a Pentium CPU, let alone a mainstream Core. People who really buy it don’t keep talking about it on the Internet. Many people are brainwashed by consumerism these days.

They don't know what their needs are at all. Fortunately, there are also many rational people. They don't ask Dalang Pad3 to have any good performance.

Because the screens of the two versions of Dalang Pad3 are very good, both use 2k fully laminated LCD screens, but unfortunately only have a 60hz refresh rate.

Even so, the number of reservations for Dalang Pad3 in the two channels of Dalang flagship store and self-operated store exceeded one million in just one day. Through the operation of the marketing department, the number of reservations is still increasing.

If this momentum continues, it will be easy for Dalang Pad3 to exceed 500 million reservations. Of course, compared with online, the shipments of offline Dalang directly-operated stores are the real horror.

You only need to put the animation of Xiaoxing and Pancake Superman, and then sandwich an advertisement of Dalang Pad3, the publicity effect is more effective than anything else.

With the development of the times, it is no longer feasible to rely solely on brainwashing marketing. Dalang Technology still implements the soul of the cottage.

Then go the low-end boutique route. Unfortunately, except for Liu Dalang who can see that the advertisement of Dalang Pad3 is plagiarism, other people can't see it. The new sureface has not yet come out.

Nebula's Nandou-Tianfu and Nebula-Southern Cross are equivalent to the promotional advertisements for the first Windows tablet. If you want to say plagiarism, you can only say that Dalang Pad3 copied Nebula's flagship tablet.

But what about your own family, can that be called plagiarism?That was given by my father!Don't call it plagiarism!
When the advertisement of Dalang Pad3 landed on the TV at the entrance of Dalang’s directly-operated store, the response was very good. In less than a day, hundreds of people came into the store to ask:

"I saw on TV that there is a [-]-in-[-] tablet, can I have a look?"

"Ah~ that one, that one hasn't been released yet, it won't be available until October 10th!"

"I still have to wait for more than a week? Really, you are out of stock, why are you advertising!"

"It's hard for me to do it too! It's required by the above, but this product is really good!"

"Forget it, I really like watching commercials, you can save one for me, I'll come when the time comes!"

"Got it!"

There is no need to keep it at all. With the Xingyun branch, it will not take half a day to deliver a batch of goods. Even if the goods are out of stock for a while, they can be delivered temporarily, or transferred from other directly-operated stores.

Anxing County has opened from the first two Dalang directly-operated stores to five now. The most popular Dalang directly-operated store is still the one built by Liu Dalang a long time ago.

The ov shop manager next door watched the people coming and going in Dalang's directly-operated store every day, and there were cartoons at the door. The corners of his mouth couldn't help shedding disappointing tears. He didn't know what to say other than envy.

It took a long time before they found out at Nebula's annual press conference that the manager of Dalang's directly-operated store who accompanied them to dance with the mascot was actually the current chairman of Nebula Technology...

"Okay, you lied to us that you were going back to your hometown to work. We thought you were going back to farming, but you became the chairman of Xingyun directly!"

So annoying!

They didn't want to give them a hand when they became successful. Of course, they also knew that Liu Dalang couldn't go to a competitor's store to find a small store manager, and they would not voluntarily give up their positions.

Although the shipment volume of ov is not as high as that of Dalang's directly-operated stores, the profit of a single product is several times higher than that of Dalang's products. In contrast, the probability of ov surviving in the market is much greater than that of Dalang Technology.

It’s just that the premise is that there is no Nebula Technology. If there is Nebula Technology, even if Dalang Technology loses money every year, they will still not go bankrupt, and they can even completely kill their peers.

At the same time, Liu Dalang also held a high-level meeting of Xingyun Technology again, thinking about whether to revise the first and second generation Xinghuo/Xingyu products after the restart, and put them in the domestic market.

In fact, the previous generation of Xinghuo/Xingyu products still has a part of inventory. This part of the inventory is mainly sold offline. If there is no inventory, it will be used as a display souvenir.

In the Xingyun Mall and some of the larger Xingyun directly-operated stores, this is what they do. They will divide each series of products and mark the release date of each product.

Let the Nebula store staff be able to show customers the iterative development of Nebula products more intuitively when introducing products, what is the difference between the new generation of products and the previous generation, and where new upgrades have been made...

"I think this operation is theoretically feasible, but it is not very appropriate to do so. The revised first and second generation Starfire/Starrain are not as good as the original version, and the price is not low enough...

We at Nebula Technology must always implement our own product development philosophy. Even if we want to launch low-priced products, Nebula cannot do it. Maybe the hammer we just acquired is a good choice!

And according to our information, Gionee's capital chain has completely collapsed, and Chairman Liu Lirong owes a huge debt, which may exceed US$10 billion according to our information.

But it does not rule out the possibility of Liu Lirong using this trick to transfer funds. Compared to restarting the first and second generations of Xinghuo/Xingyu, I think we should discuss whether we should take down Gionee? "

Shang Bowen pointed his spearhead directly at Gionee. After Smartisan, another well-known mobile phone manufacturer fell in this Star-Fruit war, but the situation of Gionee and Smartisan is obviously different.


Liu Dalang directly rejected this plan, which was too risky. Now Gionee is a hot potato, and there is still a high price to pay.

"The best way is, when the Gionee empire completely collapses and becomes a carnival of counterfeit mobile phones, we will make another move and use the lowest price to completely take down this once big brand!"

Before that, Nebula Technology would offer an olive branch to Gionee's engineers, absorbing the technicians first, and the others...Liu Dalang was not interested at all, Nebula Technology didn't need it.

In the final analysis, the price paid for the direct acquisition of Gionee is too high, and it is a bit exaggerated to say that Gionee has become a copycat brand. If it is really necessary to acquire, the specific time will definitely be brought forward.

The actual situation still depends on the situation. In the end, Nebula’s high-level executives agreed that the first and second generations of Spark/Star Rain after the restart should focus on overseas markets, and there will be some changes in appearance and configuration.

The overall level is not as good as the first and second generation Xinghuo/Xingyu, and the price is not much lower. The advantage lies in the smoothness and stability of Xingyun OS, and the release of Xinghuo/Xingyu products is a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Although there are many developed countries and regions in the world, the most aggressive mobile phone market must be China, and the development of domestic mobile phones is also the fastest, let alone Nebula Technology~

Their products are at least two generations ahead of their competitors. Even the downgraded Xinghuo/Xingyu products of the first and second generations are very powerful in overseas markets. If they are placed in some backward areas...

This is the King of Machines!
On the other hand, Nebula Communication is also accelerating the deployment of 5G communication base stations. The original 5G era started in 2018, and Nebula Technology will advance the overall progress to the annual conference in September 2017.

Originally, this progress could have been made faster, but after consideration, Nebula's top executives, including Liu Dalang, agreed that the launch of 5G mobile phones should be on flagship products.

Therefore, the fourth-generation Xingyun product in March next year will still be 3G. The difference from the previous one is that this time 4G has become 4G+, and it will also be the last generation of Xingyun Technology's 4G product.

When the fourth-generation Spark is warming up and the reset version of the first- and second-generation Spark/Xingyu is ready to go overseas, Dalang Pad3 has already completed distribution, and the shipping speed is very fast whether it is online or offline.

On October 10th, after the seven-day holiday, Dalang Pad8 also arrived as scheduled. The sales volume of Dalang Mall on that day was the lowest among the three main channels, and those who used Dalang Mall almost did not shop.

Some Dalang users only go crazy in the various activities of Dalang Mall every day. They are not interested in new products, but are very interested in other things.

Such as bouncy balls, cat scratching boards, electronic scales, belly cups, mobile phone holders, pillows...

These low-priced products that can be 100% redeemed after daily check-in and completing tasks to collect points will be more attractive to these Dalang users.

After all, it's a prostitute!

Dalang Mall takes advantage of this and takes advantage of middle-aged and elderly users. Of course, these products themselves are good, but as a result, some children buy good mobile phones, but the elderly do not want to use them.

Without wool, the fun is less than half!Perhaps in the days when no one is with them, they rely on these check-in and sharing activities to pass the difficult time little by little...

No wonder Bingxixi can rise rapidly in the future and successfully capture the middle-aged and elderly market, but Dalang Mall is fundamentally different from Bingxixi, they don’t play those routines.

To be honest, it is really boring to cheat some middle-aged and elderly people with insufficient knowledge. Liu Dalang still remembers what a courier said:
"I deliver couriers to the elderly in the village every day. Do you know what they receive most often? Health care products! All kinds of low-quality health care products! I really don't want to send these things.

But I have no choice, I can only watch those old people who are reluctant to buy new clothes donate the only money they have to these health care companies, and I have no ability to change anything..."

Now that you have chosen to be a "vital and good product", you need to do a good job in every aspect. Dalang Mall does not play tricks, and what you have is what you have!And put a lot of effort into safety protection!

 Thank you book friends for your rewards, monthly tickets and recommended tickets!Thanks for the support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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