Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 174 Sometimes Satisfaction Is Simple

Chapter 174 Sometimes Satisfaction Is Simple

Adding the two points together, some children find that after buying better and more expensive mobile phones for their parents, they are unwilling to use them.

"This mobile phone is too troublesome to operate. It's not as good as the Dalang mobile phone I use now. It doesn't freeze at all. Why do you want me to change it?"

Big screen, big speakers, big battery + simple but not simple functions + high cost performance + safety protection + various prostitution activities + voice assistant for cooking cakes + strong durability + perfect after-sales service...


The most affected ones are some of the original counterfeit manufacturers, especially the manufacturers that mainly focus on counterfeit functional phones, which were directly swept away by Dalang Technology, and their products, sales, and word of mouth all collapsed.

Even they themselves have quite a few people using Dalang mobile phones. Except for middle-aged and elderly people, students buy Dalang mobile phones the most, because their overall economic ability is weak.

The extremely low starting price of Dalang 9mini satisfies their needs very well, and the fluency of the cooking cake OS is also very high. If you have to pick the shortcomings, it is that the battery life is a bit poor, and playing games is relatively laggy.

But what kind of bicycle do you need for a big-name mobile phone that costs less than 300 yuan?If you must pursue a sense of experience, Dalang 9s/9 is the best choice, and the picture quality can run smoothly when mainstream games are opened.

The most important thing is that the price is cheap, and compared with other cost-effective models, Dalang mobile phone has not been castrated in terms of memory. If this is added, Dalang mobile phone is more cost-effective.

As for the brand issue... I have bought cost-effective mobile phones, who cares about the brand?Whoever is more cost-effective is the king, unless the mobile phone system is really stretched, it is obvious that the cooking cake OS does not stretch.

The simplified version of Nebula OS is still Nebula OS, and it cannot be compared with any Android skinned. Of course, in order to increase sales, Dalang Technology's trademark is also being continuously optimized.

From the dark and ugly old man at the beginning, it has become a handsome middle-aged cartoon image, which has the feeling of a chain store.

In fact, Dalang directly-operated store is equivalent to a national chain store, except that their chain store does not sell cooking cakes, but sells mobile phones. Many people mistakenly think it is a food chain store when they see it for the first time...

This is not the point. The point is that in addition to Dalang’s directly-operated stores, Dalang Technology’s online shipping channels are mainly Dalang’s flagship store and self-operated stores. After all, they are two mainstream e-commerce platforms~
Recently, the momentum of rising has been very strong, but some show operations are difficult to satisfy ordinary consumers, especially Dalang users, but it will not take long for a tripartite situation to form.

And Dalang Technology is ready to officially settle in Bingxixi. Leaving aside some problems, Bingxixi can indeed allow many people to buy things at a lower price, but the advertisements are a bit annoying.

In contrast, consumers who pay attention to Dalang Technology are more willing to go to Dalang flagship store and self-operated stores to buy products. As soon as Dalang Pad3 was put on the shelves, many people received SMS reminders from the e-commerce platform:
"Hello, dear member, the Dalang Pad3 you ordered in... is now on sale, please go to the details page to check..."

"Fuck! Labor and management are playing games!"

With a roar, a certain user's mobile phone directly changed to eye protection mode, and a voice next to him mocked: "Who told you not to turn on the do not disturb mode? There are many advertisements on the campus card!"

"Yes! Text me all the time!"

Although he ordered the product himself and agreed to receive this text message, it did not prevent him from spraying the campus card with his roommates. In fact, the campus card sends a lot of text messages every day.

"Do not disturb is good, but how do you explain it to your girlfriend after playing the game?"

"So, teammates and girlfriends can only choose one of two, which one do you want?"

"Speaking of which, women are really troublesome. They come over to make trouble after playing a game for a while. What a mess!"

"If you want me to say, there is nothing wrong with breaking up directly, and you can save a lot of money!"


I can't tell. It's really not easy to find a girlfriend these days. Those who don't have a girlfriend dream of finding one, but those who have a girlfriend are in dire straits...

Let’s take a look at Dalang Pad3 first. Only games and electronic products can soothe the tired soul. To be honest, the 999 2k screen tablet is really cheap, but unfortunately it only has 64GB…

Of course, if this is placed on other brands, it would be good if it was not given 16GB at the beginning. 64GB can meet the needs of most people in these years, provided the OS version is used.

If you choose the windows version, 64GB is definitely not enough, 128GB is a suitable choice, and it is impossible to play games anyway.

It is enough to download some office software and life software, and you can play some simple web games when you have nothing to do. Don’t think about big ones.

"This is the 1300 yuan I saved, and even my girlfriend doesn't know about it!"

The Windows+3GB version of Dalang Pad128 is 1199 yuan, and the original magnetic keyboard is 99 yuan.

Distressed but distressed, you still have to place an order, this is the cheapest windows tablet on the market, not to mention second-hand ones.

There is no guarantee, and it’s okay if you succeed in picking up leaks. Once you fail to pick up leaks, you don’t know where to cry, let alone now, even some second-hand platforms that claim to be guaranteed in the future will be very pitiful.

The 95-year-old mobile phone, which claims to be officially quality inspected, does not match the real thing at all. If you sell it to this platform, you will find some interesting phenomena, and the evaluation is completely different.

When I bought it, it was 95 new, and the platform claimed that it was 95 new, but when I sold it to the quality inspector, the 95 new mobile phone became 7% new in seconds, and the estimated price was directly cut in half. There are too many pitfalls.

In addition, most consumers do not actually like to buy second-hand products, so pure and cost-effective big-name products will be more popular.

"If you want me to say, you might as well save your money and buy a better laptop, it's durable!"

"Whatever it is, as long as it works!"

"Is it going to be your girlfriend's birthday next week? Have you prepared the present?"

"Preparation is preparation, but I don't know if she likes it or not... I hope I can be satisfied~"

"If she really loves you, why would she think that the gift you gave is not valuable enough?"

"You don't understand women at first glance! They say that you just need to put your heart into it, and the price doesn't matter. Do you really believe it? It didn't take long for you to argue with me!"

"That's nothing! With this money, I can eat pork knuckles by myself, wouldn't it taste better than this?"

He is quite sensible. In reality, some boys eat instant noodles in the dormitory every day, but go to buy some expensive gifts instead.

Dog licking is unacceptable. Love yourself first, and then love others. He has already lowered his requirements as much as possible. Otherwise, why should he buy Dalang Pad3?Isn't Xingyu-Phantom better than this?

I have to say that the delivery efficiency of Dalang Technology is really high. The order placed in the morning was sent to the school courier point in the afternoon, and it was delivered directly to the warehouse in this city. The efficiency is very high, and it can be used immediately after picking it up.

In order to prevent the electronic products purchased online from being faulty machines, he also specially recorded an unboxing video. Fortunately, this Dalang Pad3 is an original machine.

And the quality control of Dalang Technology is still as stable as ever. The weight of Dalang Pad3 is 564 grams. Since it is a metal back cover, this weight is normal, and it will be even heavier with the keyboard.

With a total weight of 726 grams, it is still a bit heavy in the hand. You must know that the Xingyu-Phantom 13.3-inch laptop weighs less than 1 kilogram, and the Dalang Pad3 is only 10.6 inches.

You can see the difference by comparison. Cheap products try to increase the weight as much as possible to improve the texture, while mid-to-high-end products try to reduce the weight while maintaining the texture...

When the familiar windows interface appeared on Dalang Pad3, he knew that he had bought the right product. The 2k screen is worthy of a 2k screen. The look and feel is different, and the brightness is not bad.

300nit can be seen clearly even if it is placed indoors. If it is placed outdoors...it seems that you will not use the tablet outdoors under normal circumstances, so there is no need to worry about this.

After a brief trial, he installed his most-used Xougou music, and downloaded a few learning and note-taking software...

In the end, I didn't forget to download the video software for his annual membership. After a set of procedures, there is still 73.8GB of space left.

"There are only so few!?"

I have to say that sometimes satisfaction is very simple. You just need to lower your own needs and really understand what you want.

It must be like this at the beginning of the startup. After a period of time, the space occupied by the cache will only increase. If it is Nebula/Cuibing OS, there will be an option to clear empty folders with one click.

As for windows... In fact, Dalang Technology can also do it, but they just don't do it. All the good things are given to the pancake OS. What is windows?It's none of their business anyway.

If there is any problem, it is the fault of Windows, and it has nothing to do with Dalang Technology. Of course, Dalang Technology will not kill or bury it, and there are still after-sales services that should be available.

In Dalang's directly-operated stores, the store manager/staff will mainly recommend the version of the pancake OS. Unless Windows is really needed to log in to some websites, the windows version is not necessarily better to use.

If you go to an offline Dalang directly-operated store to buy, the store manager/clerk will definitely make this point clear. If you buy online, then it’s all up to you to judge, just buy according to your needs.


Facts have proved that the ratio of the number of reservations to sales is about 20:1. This ratio can be used to estimate the sales of Nebulas products in Europe, but the profit of Nebulas products is much higher.

The hearts of capitalists are dark, and a considerable part of the reason for the high price of Nebula products is because of these people. They only need to provide a simple license, and they can make a lot of money lying down.

Of course, what they earn is not the money of Nebula Technology, but the money of their local consumers. This is not only not a bad thing for Nebula Technology, but it can also use the hands of capitalists to quickly open up the market.

The high-quality videos of several major review bloggers under the Nebula Marketing Department have been translated into various languages ​​and uploaded to mainstream European video sites, as well as some of their own bloggers.

Some have cooperated with Nebula Technology and can get Nebula products for evaluation immediately, while the other part can also get Nebula products, but they have to return them after the evaluation.

The worst people can only buy Nebula products from Nebula online and offline channels like ordinary consumers, and then unbox and evaluate them.

Maybe some high-quality video bloggers can appear among them, and they may even be specialized in Black Nebula Technology, but it doesn't matter.

The goal of Nebula Technology has been achieved, without the capital to fuel the flames, it is still a bit difficult to rely on individuals or small teams to think about Black Nebula Technology.

These videos can only serve as an auxiliary publicity function, and the real main publicity still depends on the advertisements on the mainstream media, as well as some rhythm-driven articles, film and television works, etc.

The routine has always been such a routine. In Huaxia, Nebula Investment has already achieved a certain degree of cooperation with ByteDance, and it has not spared the cost in the multiple rounds of investment in a certain sound.

It won't be long before the wave of short videos will sweep the world. Some domestic manufacturers have not noticed this yet. As long as Nebula Technology can seize the first-mover advantage, the benefits will be very high.

Thanks to the cooperation of Dalang Technology, the express companies are very efficient, so in just one day, more than 5 consumers have received Dalang Pad3, and the express companies are also very afraid.

Star Express is so famous that it almost dominates the entire Southeast Asian market. It even dares to deliver to some chaotic areas, and the overtime rate of delivery has never exceeded 0.005%, which is simply outrageous!
They are also very worried that once their delivery speed is not satisfactory, Star Express will go directly back to China, which will make the already highly competitive express delivery market worse, and that will be really troublesome...

In fact, it's not that Liu Dalang doesn't want to bring Star Express back to the Huaxia market, but is waiting for an opportunity. When a certain station is established, it's time for Star Express to make a move.

When most of the express delivery on the market is in the form of a post station, Star Express will still use the courier delivery method, but only deliver Nebula products and Dalang products, and nothing else.

After the number of users who use Star Express gradually increases, Star Express will gradually expand its business. This business is not as simple as express delivery, but a new commercial app.

The route taken is completely different from that of mainstream domestic express delivery companies. Star Express only serves Nebula Technology and its industries, and other businesses have to stand aside to fully maintain efficiency.

In one day, there were thousands of comments on Dalang Mall, flagship stores, and self-operated stores. The evaluations of offline Dalang directly-operated stores are not yet known, and the specific sales volume has not yet been calculated.

It can be seen that the Windows version of Dalang Pad3 has a favorable rate of 93%, which is the positive rate that a normal laptop should have, and the real positive rate should be above 95%.

The so-called authenticity refers to the positive rate that Dalang Technology’s own good reviews and competitors’ malicious negative reviews are removed, and some positive reviews and cashback activities are cancelled, which is called real.

The Dalang Pad3 of the Cooking Bread OS version has a favorable rate of 99.1%, and the real positive rate should be around 98% after excluding the brushed comments, because there is really nothing wrong with this version.

The horizontal screen application of Cooking Bread OS uses the Nebula application library, so one can imagine how strong the adaptability is. The first appearance of the Huben 100 has surprised many people, and it is really good to use.

Although the ultimate fluency is a bit different from Chang Gung, Ziweixing, Qualcomm, Apple A, Nvidia Tegra, etc., but on low-end models, this fluency can beat the peers.


It can be reflected from this data that when most people buy products, if the minimum configuration cannot meet the needs of most people, then the medium configuration will become their first choice.


"Who still uses a 64GB mobile phone these days? After downloading a few apps, the memory is full and you have to clean it up. It's such a hassle!"

"My 256GB of memory is not enough! The photo album alone takes up 107GB, and I dare not even download the game, because I am afraid that the phone will run out of memory and change the card!"

"??? The photo album is 107GB? What the hell are you using it for? I downloaded eight games and it only has less than 60GB, which is enough!"

"Nebula OS is okay, but Android is really hard to describe! If you don't have enough memory, you have to flash your phone..."

Some Android users are really suffering. The original 64GB mobile phone has 23 APPs, but later it prompts that the memory space is insufficient. After uninstalling several APPs, it is found that the memory is still insufficient.

If you want to install back the uninstalled APP... Sorry, the memory is still insufficient!The memory optimization of Nebula OS is strong on this point, once uninstalled, there will be no residue left.

By the way, even empty folders can be cleaned up directly, but there are also disadvantages, some chat records, files, etc. that have been saved deeply can no longer be found from the phone once they are uninstalled.

As a matter of course, the praise rate and user experience of Cooking Bread OS beats that of the Windows version, which directly leaves an impression on the older Dalang users: Windows is nothing more than that!

"In the future, whoever tells me to buy a computer, I will be in a hurry with whoever! If you want to buy it, you can only buy a Xingyun computer!"

"Regret! I bought the Windows version, and the antivirus software ads are flying all over the place..."

"To be honest, I just want to use office to write a thesis, why don't I be so foolish!"

"Why do my files keep getting lost for no apparent reason? I seem to have found the reason..."

"Windows, you score the disk! Create a new D drive and save everything in the D drive!"

"I'm asking for advice... I'm asking for some wool! Just buy the OS version of Chubing, the king of cost performance!"

"The Windows version really counts. I can't take it anymore if I play a life-and-death sniper game!"

"I might as well play Survival with the Pancake OS version... It's just that the screen is a bit difficult to operate..."

"Cuibing OS version is the king of cost performance! The windows version is really not recommended to buy!"

"Some Android manufacturers should learn! This is the real king of cost-effective tablets!"


If you really want to talk about it, Xiaomi and Huawei's current tablets are still good, but Lenovo, which was the first to create tablet computers, is getting more and more stretched. Liu Dalang finds it a bit unbelievable.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. In an interview, the host once asked Lao Liu whether he wanted to make Lenovo bigger or stronger first. After hesitating for a while, Lao Liu finally said: "Let's make Lenovo bigger first..."

In order to implement the concept of expansion, Lenovo has separated multiple product lines for mobile phones, tablet PCs, and computers. These products do not share resources, and each project team is working alone.

In the end, tablets and mobile phones were not ready, leaving only computers with strong competitiveness. As for mobile phones...even the after-sales service is separate from computers, just sell them, and talk about other things.

In contrast, the Nebula after-sales service center will be more complete. Of course, the Nebula after-sales service center is an official after-sales service, which requires higher skill levels for maintenance personnel.

The salary level is also very high. Some individual dealers who originally opened mobile phone stores even learned a lot of maintenance skills in order to join Nebula after-sales service, because the work is stable!

These days, a stable job is better than anything else. Selling Nebula products in the Nebula after-sales service center can also get some extra salary, plus the basic salary, the income is really not low.

Dalang Technology's "different treatment" for Dalang Pad3 was quickly dissatisfied by many consumers, but they had no choice, because it had nothing to do with Dalang Technology!

Dalang Technology also made a thoughtful reminder, and also provided the download link of the latest version of bios on the official website, which can effectively improve the lagging problem of Dalang Pad3, is this not enough?

"It doesn't matter, let's take a look at a comparison chart. The laptop equipped with the same Celeron CPU starts at 4 for 128+2399GB!"

Still think Dalang Pad3 is cost-effective?Even laptops from copycat manufacturers are not as cheap as Dalang Pad3!This is called dimensionality reduction strike!

As soon as the comparison picture was publicized, the number of complaints was reduced by more than half. When they looked at their Dalang Pad3... they found it much more pleasing to the eye, at least the texture of Dalang Pad3 is still guaranteed!
The windows version is not easy to use?
"This has nothing to do with Dalang Technology! It must be my own problem, because I don't know how to use it..."

Wouldn't it be over sooner?

Without any suspense, Dalang Pad3 has become the first choice for entry-level tablet computers. In order to dispel the brand prejudice of some consumers, they also specially launched a free protective case package!
"On the purchase page + 9.9 yuan, you can choose a Dalang Pad3 colorful fruit protective case!"

The sales volume of Dalang products is so high, the contribution of the colorful fruit protective case accounts for at least 30%, and a set of fruit protective case, the appearance value +200%, who would have thought that there is a Dalang head portrait under the protective case?

Even if the consumers know it well, it doesn’t matter. Everyone is using the fruit protective case, so it’s not embarrassing. It’s a pity that there is no option for apples in the colorful fruit protective case...

Don't look at the Apple 7/7 Plus being rubbed on the ground by the dual versions of Beidou-Tianshu in the Chinese market, but they are still fierce in protecting their trademarks. Come up with an Apple mobile phone case?What do you mean?
Attorney's Letter Warning!
Coupled with Nebula's current state of tit-for-tat with Apple, it is natural for Apple's mobile phone case to avoid suspicion, but what if there is no Apple?Apples are not the only fruit in the world!
"Look at the strawberry phone case!"

“Bananas are also good~”

In the end, the hottest selling item was the watermelon protective case. Liu Dalang didn't understand it at all, no, this watermelon mobile phone case is red and green!Does it look good?

Sure enough, that sentence is confirmed, what the public likes is not necessarily what the designer likes...

In fact, the watermelon protective shell is not so ugly. This fruit will give people a summer and cool feeling, and it is still good to use~
For low-level consumers, a 9.9 colorful fruit protective case can bring unprecedented joy, so why not do it?

After the launch of the Dalang Pad3, Nebula products in Europe have also entered a state of full-scale sale. The Xingyu-Phantom and the 10.6-inch Nandou-Tianfu were sold out within an hour after they went on sale.

Because these two products are the cheapest...especially the Xingyu-Phantom, which is not only cheap but also easy to use. Before Nebula Technology entered the European market, a Xingyu-Phantom could only be bought for 3000 euros.

Even so, Xingyu-Phantom is still hard to find, and now you can buy it for less than 2000 euros, with after-sales guarantee, plus a very high appearance value and a super high-quality screen...

No wonder the sales are not high!
"The love of beauty knows no borders! Good-looking products are very popular everywhere!"

Appearance, texture, and screen are the most intuitive feelings. If you add another one, it will be the C-side keyboard and touchpad. You only need to do these points well, and it doesn’t matter if the CPU is poor.

Moreover, the CPU of Xingyu-Phantom is not bad, and the performance release is very strong. If you don’t need high-performance release, after adjusting to the quiet mode, the battery life of Xingyu-Phantom can be greatly improved.

As for Nandou-Tianfu... let alone, the 10.6-inch [-]-in-[-] computer has a very high screen-to-body ratio, and it is loved by consumers just because it is easy to carry, no matter where it goes!
In order to promote consumption, Nebula Technology has also specially launched magnetic keyboards + protective cases in different colors, namely red velvet, calm blue, and porcelain white, and the price will be higher than the original version.

Liu Dalang prepared 30 pieces of each style for the Chinese market, and only 10 pieces for each style in the European market. As a result, they were all sold out in less than an hour when they went online, and production capacity had to be increased.

"Is this cutting leeks?"

It's so... so cool!
No wonder Apple has been committed to launching various accessories later, isn't this faster than selling products to make money?Thinking of this, Liu Dalang directly approached Qu Xiangqun and proposed a new idea:

"I need you to design a wired magnetic charger, and then design a magnetic power bank. The weight must be very light!"

Light weight, battery capacity as large as possible, and support for fast charging at the same time, Apple later launched a similar product, but the charging speed is really unflattering...too slow.

Even when the magnetic power bank is hung on the mobile phone, it will charge less and less... The speed of power consumption is faster than the speed of charging, which is outrageous!
Some accessories manufacturers who cooperate with Nebula Technology are already happy. Boss Huang of a protective case manufacturer was planning to run away before meeting Nebula Technology, but now...

"My father has become a great success!"

The mobile phone case production line does not stop all day long, and it is easy to enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree. Nebula Technology is a big tree!As long as the shipments of Nebulas products are high, these cooperative manufacturers will always make money.

Even if the shipment of Xingyun products reaches a bottleneck one day in the future, it will not affect the income of accessory manufacturers at all. Of course, if they want to change jobs, they will definitely pay a price.

Nebula Technology can make them make money, or it can make them not make money, but no one will be that stupid. With the current development momentum of Nebula Technology, it is impossible to fail in a short period of time.

继大郎Pad3之后,大郎10/10s/10 Plus/10 mini都在赶来的路上…

 Thank you book friends for your rewards, monthly tickets and support!I, who is fanatical about coding, are back again!Go, go, go!I love you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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