Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 3 Forced Starvation Marketing

Chapter 3 Forced Starvation Marketing
Liu Dalang assigns three salespeople to each store of Xingyun Mobile, but one of the three is responsible for collecting money and settling accounts, one is in charge of shipping, and the other is too busy to maintain order.

The scene was too chaotic, and the police were called in to maintain order. Of course, these police officers did not come for nothing, and everyone got a lot of money from it.

The first batch of 90 Nebula mobile phones were sold out within half a month, and every Nebula mobile phone store can sell [-] units every day.

After they were sold out, there were still long queues at the entrances of the [-] Xingyun mobile phone stores. Many people's purpose was not to buy them for their own use, but to resell them to other cities.

Many people heard the news that Ah San, who came from other places, pointed at the Nebula salesperson at the door of the store and yelled at him because he could not buy the Nebula mobile phone that had started to be sold in limited quantities.

"Everyone, please wait patiently! Our Nebula Technology Industrial Park is running full production every day, and the production capacity is not enough because each Nebula mobile phone must undergo the most stringent quality inspection!"

Liu Dalang doesn't mind the behavior of reselling products to make a difference. On the contrary, this behavior can also save the cost of laying out a hierarchical sales network for the expansion of Xingyun mobile phones at this stage.

Purely relying on low prices may only attract some Ah Sans who have the ability to buy mobile phones, and the two-month discount for the first sale of the group can attract another group of people, and gift gifts can attract some more people.

Assams are addicted to sugar. According to Indian customs, it is a good meaning to invite someone to eat or give candy, which represents the good wishes of the gift party. I hope that the person who eats the candy will be happy and healthy.

The candies presented by the Nebula1 series mobile phones are not only made into the colorful colors that the assan likes, but also very large, and the sweetness is so high that it can even be described as sweet.

Even if many Indians have no need to buy a mobile phone at all, they will buy a Nebula 1 series mobile phone from Nebula Technology because of the low price of the group and the gift of blessing candy.

Nebula 1199, which is priced at 1 rupees, has a net profit of 150 rupees, which is equivalent to 15 yuan. It is currently the most shipped, with 50 units.

The Nebula3399s, which is priced at 1 rupees, has a net profit of 400 rupees, which is equivalent to 40 yuan, and the current shipment volume is 30 units.

The Nebula5599 Pro, which is priced at 1 rupees, has a net profit of 2000 rupees, which is equivalent to 200 yuan, and has the least shipments, only 10 units.

Coupled with the 30 new units released in the last month, Liu Dalang earned 3950 million in New Delhi and Algarh alone, which is 39500 points converted into points.

10 rupees can be exchanged for 1 yuan, 1000 yuan of profit can be exchanged for 1 point, and points can also be converted into funds in reverse. In reality, it can be solved with money, and in [Technology Book], it can be solved with points.

The Nebula1 series fully caters to the Indian market. The only shortcoming is that the production capacity of the Nebula Technology Industrial Park can't keep up. It's not that there is a lack of accessories, but that the assembly speed can't keep up.

In less than three months, the assembly line of the production plant in Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park has been expanded three times, and now there are more than 300 assembly line workers.

Even so, the production capacity of the production plant still couldn't keep up. After the credits arrived, Liu Dalang immediately spent 2 credits to exchange for two D-level fully automatic assembly lines.

D-level automatic assembly line: It can assemble electronic products that meet D-level standards, production capacity: 2000/hour, and can currently assemble: Nebula1s, Nebula1 Pro.

In the Nebula1 series of mobile phones, only two smartphones have reached the D-level standard, and the functional phone Nebula1 has not reached the standard, and the original assembly line workers are still needed for assembly.

The production lines redeemed from [Technology Book] can be superimposed, and the maximum number of production lines is 10, which means that the maximum production capacity of a D-level production line is 10000 per hour.

For the remaining 19500 points, Liu Dalang exchanged for another six D-level production lines, spending a total of 16000 points, and the remaining 3500 points.

Two D-level RAM production lines, two D-level ROM production lines, and one D-level LCD screen production line and D-level lithium battery production line.

D-class RAM production line: can produce 1~4GB random access memory (running memory), capacity: 2000/hour.

D-level ROM production line: can produce 2~32GB read-only memory (storage memory), capacity: 2000/hour.

Now, the production plant in Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park has five D-level production lines for LCD screens, lithium batteries, RAM, ROM, and fully automatic assembly, with a production capacity of 2000 units per hour.

And for each production line, you only need to fill in the raw materials according to the requirements, and Liu Dalang can customize the products you want, provided that the products must be within the production range of the production line.

This is also the reason why Nebula Technology can keep the cost of Nebula1 series mobile phones so low, but the cheapest D-level sensor production line also needs 10 points to redeem.

The D-level nano-SOC production line is even more exaggerated, requiring a full 50 points, and only supports the production of 65-40nm processors.

The key is that even if the nano-SOC production line can be produced, it does not mean that it can be used. It also needs to add chip design drawings to it!

In the [Technology Collection], the entry-level Jiuxiao series of drawings all start at 7nm. If you want to produce 7nm chips, you need at least a B-level nano-SOC production line to produce them.

According to the [Technology Collection], most D-level production lines do not need to add drawings, but starting from C-level production lines, almost all need to add drawings.

Liu Dalang tried to produce it, and found that the products produced by the D-class RAM and ROM production lines were very strange, unlike any storage components he had ever seen.

Except for the same raw materials, there is really no commonality in other aspects, but how much is the raw material worth?What is valuable is the production process, technical patents and production machines.

No longer entangled in these problems, and no longer looking at the dazzling array of electronic technologies in the [Technology Collection], Liu Dalang began to analyze the data fed back by the sales staff of the marketing department.

New and old Delhi and Algarh have a combined population of more than 3000 million. Even if the market estimate is reduced by 50%, the remaining potential is still very large.

With the current Nebula technology, even New Delhi can’t afford it. The production capacity of the Nebula 1 series mobile phones is still insufficient. Although the shipment volume has doubled compared to before, it is still not enough.

Nebula mobile phone stores have expanded to as many as sixty in New Delhi and Algarh, but the daily supply is still only so much.

And in the mobile phone market in New Delhi, special scalpers have appeared. After snapping up Nebula mobile phones, they took the products to several other big cities in India for resale.

"There is no shortage of speculators anywhere!"

Nebula Technology has limited the number of purchases for each person to a maximum of five units, but you can tell with your toes that this purchase restriction cannot limit the three people who want to make profits from it.

Walking on the streets of New Delhi, regardless of skin color and language, you will have the illusion of going back in time, as if you have returned to the country ten years ago.

Dilapidated brick houses, roadside food stalls, and chaotic billboards are stacked together, but behind the chaos, there is a burst of vitality.

The core area of ​​New Delhi is a rich area, which is a symbol of India's true modernization, and the fewest surnames hold the greatest power.

Who would have imagined that one person's wealth could exceed the sum of the bottom 40% of India's population?
To Liu Dalang's delight, on the streets of New Delhi, many Ah Sans can already be seen holding Nebula1 series mobile phones, talking on the phone, or gathering together to take photos.

This bright color scheme of red, yellow, blue, green and orange is a proper aunt's color scheme in China, but it does not feel inconsistent here, because the colors of the clothes of the three girls are more colorful than the other.

When passing by Nokia and Samsung mobile phone stores, Liu Dalang discovered a problem:
Samsung mobile phones are still going their own way as usual, no matter how Nebula mobile phones are sold, they are still unmoved, and there is still no change in the pricing of many products.

But Nokia is different. Not only has the price of several entry-level functional phones been lowered, the lowest has been reduced to 5599 rupees, but also a "blessing candy" is also presented to the purchaser.

As for the swan song model of the Symbian system, the Nokia 808 PureView, the price is still extremely high, reaching a terrifying 27999 rupees.

Although it is equipped with a world-shaking 4100-megapixel Carl Zeiss camera, the high price is not suitable for the Indian market.

Therefore, when many domestic brands hit the Indian mobile phone market with low prices, Nokia was defeated so thoroughly. On the contrary, Samsung, which has never compromised, has maintained its market share.

When I came to the door of the Xingyun mobile phone store, it was different from the no-knowledge scene of Nokia and Samsung. There were two long queues waiting for something no matter whether it was in stock or not.

Amir's subordinates came to Nebula Mobile's store non-stop with the goods that were just produced today. Within half an hour, all the Nebula 1 series mobile phones were sold out.

The sales staff of Xingyun mobile phone had no choice but to pull out the loudspeaker, and shouted helplessly:

"Today's goods are sold out! People who line up, come back tomorrow!"

Liu Dalang: "???"

so crazy?There are 800 Nebula 1 series mobile phones in a store a day, and they are sold out in less than half an hour. Doesn’t it mean that one is sold in two seconds on average?
The thirds who didn’t get the Xingyun mobile phone at the entrance of the store were either downcast or cursing, complaining that they didn’t get it again.

Some Ah San also loudly questioned the clerk of the Nebula mobile phone store: Is it because Nebula Technology deliberately does not produce and does not let them buy it?
In fact, they also know that the Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park is operating at full capacity every day. It is not a secret to ask the assembly line workers in the production factory.

"It seems that this is forced starvation marketing! I would like to, but it's really not!"

Liu Dalang shook his head helplessly. If he remembered correctly, the first successful case of hunger marketing in China was Redmi note.

The purpose of hunger marketing is to make products have higher selling prices and profit margins, and the ultimate goal is to establish a high-value image for the brand.

But in India, where the brand concept is poor, there is no need for Nebula Technology to adopt hunger marketing. The shortage of supply is not an "illusion", but the production plant really does not have such a large production capacity!
Ah San who bought the Nebula1 series of mobile phones, even if it is a feature phone Nebula1, can't help but show it off to friends around him.

Just when Liu Dalang nodded in satisfaction and was about to go back and wait for the points to be enough to further expand production capacity, a problem arose.

"Why is your phone faster than mine!"

"Yeah! Why?"

The remarks of the two Ah Sans attracted the attention of many people at the entrance of the store. Many people who bought Nebula1 series mobile phones came over and took out their mobile phones for direct on-site comparison.

I don’t know, I am surprised!
As can be seen with the naked eye, the Nebula 1 series mobile phones purchased at the Nebula mobile phone store today are more than twice as fast in terms of software startup speed and network loading speed!
After many comparisons, they came to the conclusion that the Nebula1 series mobile phones bought yesterday and today are at least twice as fast as the mobile phones bought by other people before!
"We got fakes!"

"The first batch of mobile phones that Nebula Technology sold to us were defective products!"

Ah San was very angry, especially those who bought Nebula1 series mobile phones before, rushed directly to the Nebula mobile phone store.

A big and round Ah San grabbed the clerk by the collar, pointed to the two mobile phones on the table, and began to question: "Why are you selling our defective products!"

Liu Dalang who is at the door of the store is stupid, what's going on! ?
He glanced sympathetically at the inexplicable clerk, and said silently:
"I will remember your credit!"

Afterwards, Liu Dalang directly left the New Delhi neighborhood and returned to the Nebula Technology headquarters to take out the remaining samples in the warehouse for comparison.

Sure enough, it was the same as the conclusion drawn by those Ah Sans, the mobile phones produced by the fully automatic production line yesterday and today run faster!

"What is the reason!?"

(End of this chapter)

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