Chapter 4 Cut Hu Xiaomi CEO
Even if a fully automatic assembly line is used in the core area of ​​the production factory, the mobile phone accessories are the same. Logically speaking, there should be no difference between worker assembly and automatic assembly!

The functional machine Nebula1 does not even have automatic assembly, and it is still assembled by workers, but today even this functional machine runs twice as fast as the previous assembly.

"It's not about the assembly, it's not about the accessories...huh? Accessories! Storage components!"

Liu Dalang suddenly remembered that the D-level RAM and D-level ROM production lines were added to the core area just yesterday, and the specifications were completely different from the storage components he sent from China.

This reminded him of the LPDDR memory specifications and UFS flash memory specifications that became more and more popular later. Of course, these two specifications themselves were relatively advanced technologies at that time.

Liu Dalang immediately checked through the custom areas of several D-level production lines. He didn't understand many of the technologies, but he could understand one thing:

"Aren't these technologies patented?"

The several production lines exchanged from the [Technology Collection], whether it is an LCD screen or a lithium battery, have been searched for a long time, but none of the relevant patents in this world can be found.

Every mobile phone manufacturer pays great attention to building its own patent barriers. Before entering the Indian market, Liu Dalang registered some patents for Xingyun Technology, but they were all "appearance patents".

The contents of these patents are copied directly from other mobile phone manufacturers, because the design patent itself is very difficult to define the scope, and copying each other in the industry cannot be stopped at all.

Even after arriving in New Delhi, Liu Dalang applied for a patent for the Nebula OS, but based on the compatibility of the Nebula OS itself, once there are any outstanding functions, they will be copied immediately.

"It's still too limited in thinking, and we can't always develop with the previous copycat model!"

Huaqiangbei's Kivu mobile phone is a typical example. They entered the Indian market two years ago, and quickly knocked on the market's door with their strong copycat capabilities and low prices.

The shipment volume in just one year has reached 3500 million units. Even if a mobile phone earns a dollar, you can count the money until your hands cramp.

Later, it was because there was no way to bypass some patent barriers, coupled with the Indian official's severe crackdown on domestic counterfeit mobile phones, that they finally left this land.

This year, the Indian government once again loosened the restrictions, because the communication industry has been stagnant due to the fact that local players do not have enough technology and foundry foundation.

In the mobile phone market, Nokia is the only one, followed by Samsung, and the copycat forces are about to make a comeback. In addition, the four major national brands in India are about to release their first-generation products...

If Nebula Technology remains the same as before, at most it can occupy the market in a short period of time with low prices. If it wants to develop for a long time, relying on Nebula Technology alone will not work at all.

Having figured this out, Liu Dalang immediately notified the marketing department to release the news that the Nebula 1 series mobile phones have adopted higher-standard memory technology, and at the same time expand to the outside world.

Established six departments including after-sales department, finance department, marketing department, human resources department, supply department and logistics department, plus the previous production department, security department and marketing department, a total of nine departments.

In addition, Nebula Technology also hired a total of 9 commercial lawyers from a well-known private law firm in New Delhi with a high salary to join the legal team of Nebula Technology.

And purchased the front-page news in India's largest awareness daily, and publicly provided two after-sales solutions to users who purchased Nebula2012 series mobile phones before May 5, 14.

One is free replacement, and the other is model subsidy. You can replace the previously purchased mobile phone for free, or receive a subsidy of 300 rupees after testing at the Xingyun mobile phone store.

There is actually no after-sales concept in the concept of Asan. If you buy a counterfeit phone, you can throw it away. If you buy a Nokia or Samsung phone, it will not break after three to five years of normal use.

Occasionally change the battery, or the screen is broken, just buy it where you buy it, or find a small workshop to change it, but you will definitely be charged for the replacement parts.

After all, no matter whether it is Nokia or Samsung, their headquarters are not in India. Even in China, not many people can find after-sales service from Nokia and Samsung.

For the first time, the actions of Nebula Technology have allowed the third-party customers in New Delhi to truly experience what it means to be vigorous and resolute after-sales service.

When the Sans who made trouble in the Xingyun mobile phone store before received the Nebula1 series mobile phones with replaced storage components, they all couldn't believe it for a while, so they changed it?
"Can it really be changed?"

"So what if it's changed! It's still a defective product for us!"

"Didn't you read today's paper?"

"India Daily, Pascal Daily, Beautiful Malayala, and Awakening Daily have all reported about Nebula Technology!"

"That's right! As mentioned above, it is because of the new storage components developed by Nebula Technology that the speed of operation becomes faster!"

"For them to solve this matter so quickly, I won't pursue it!"

"But don't forget how much you paid for your Nebula 1 series phones!"

As soon as this remark came out, the thirds were all silent. Yes, the price of Xingyun mobile phone has been so low that it is almost the same as the copycat feature phone in the past.

At the very least, there is a problem with Nebula Technology, and if it dares not to sell mobile phones for more than half a month, it will replace all the previous "problem phones".

Coupled with the deliberate publicity of Nebula Technology, not to mention other places, at least in New Delhi and Algarh, word-of-mouth has improved a lot.

Liu Dalang took this opportunity to remanufacture the recovered Nebula 1 series mobile phones. After replacing the storage components and part of the casing, there was another batch of new mobile phones.

At the beginning of June, the Nebula mobile phone went on sale again, and after the first sale was postponed, there were long queues again in more than 60 Nebula mobile phone stores in New Delhi and Algarh.

However, the peers in the mobile phone industry will not let Nebula Technology ship as much as before in a month after an accident, and seize their market share.

The most aggrieved are the four major Indian national brands "MILK", Micromax, Intex, Lava and Karbonn.

Originally, their new phone was just about to be released in New Delhi in early May, but they encountered Nebula Technology's impulsive advertising.

What's more terrible is that the day before the release of Micromax's new phone, Nebula Mobile officially announced the price of the new Nebula1 series, which is less than half of their price.

Micromax has a small number of R&D personnel, and they don’t have much money for publicity. They all rely on the official support of India. As a result, their conference can only be postponed.

"Damn Nebula, damn Nebula! How can they sell it at such a low price! It's not profitable at all!"

The founder of Micromax, Jayne, was so angry that he had no choice but to release their new smart phones first in the Mumbai and Kolkata markets that Nebula Technology could not take care of.

The price is 7799 rupees, which is twice the price of the smartphone they released seven or eight years later, because at this point in time, major domestic manufacturers have not hit the Indian market.

Whether it is Micromax or the other three Indian national mobile phone brands, they are all assembled in Chinese foundries. Without their own processing factories, the cost cannot be reduced at all.

This is also their development model, Huaxia supply chain + Indian channels, in another world, they also used this model to kick Samsung and punch Nokia.

During the peak period, the combined market share of the four brands reached 45%. Of course, the premise of this is that Nebula Technology has not been established.

"Since I'm here, how can I let you get market share so easily?"

Liu Dalang didn't pay attention to the so-called four major national brands of India at all, and the real threat was always the opponent from China.

But what he didn't expect was that it was Nokia, not these four brands, who were the first to openly compete with Nebula.

Nokia published a durability evaluation of all Nebula 1 series mobile phones on the whole network and major newspapers, and came to a conclusion:
"Xingyun phone is electronic waste!"

This news not only made the headlines of Google News, but also appeared on the popular science channel of Jinyin TV Station, which caused heated discussions in an instant.

Nokia's test team has summarized a few points from the evaluation of the Nebula1 series:

"The batteries of the three Nebula 1 series phones are too small, and the battery life can only last for a day at most."

"The plastics used in the fuselage are all the cheapest engineering plastics, even if they are a few grades behind Nokia's entry-level functional phones."

"In the drop test, the Nokia mobile phone was thrown from the seventh floor without any damage, and it could still be used after being opened, while the Nebula mobile phone was shattered when it was dropped from the third floor."

"In the waterproof test, the Nebula phone lasted only half as long as the Nokia."

"In terms of high temperature resistance, the two are barely a tie, but in terms of frost resistance, the battery of the Xingyun mobile phone can only last for less than two hours before shutting down, while the Nokia lasted for six hours."

"In addition, the camera quality of the Xingyun mobile phone is only 800 million pixels at the highest, while the general pixels of Nokia are more than 1200 million pixels!"

In other cities, there may not be many Ah Sans who have seen Nebula phones, but in New Delhi and Algarh, the Ah Sans who bought Nebuka1 series mobile phones were once again blown away.

Some Asan who received the recharge compared the Nebula mobile phone with the Nokia mobile phone on the spot at the entrance of the Nokia store in New Delhi, and the conclusion was exactly the same.

All of a sudden, the little bit of word-of-mouth that Xingyun Technology had just built returned to its original place in an instant, and the sales of Nokia mobile phones increased a lot.

There are also some unreasonable Asan who came to the Xingyun mobile phone store and unreasonably asked to return the product. In fact, these Asan were arranged by competitors.

Asan is still in the minority who are led by public opinion. No matter how bad the Xingyun mobile phone is, as long as the price is there, the lower limit of sales will not be low.

Of course, out of durability considerations, many Ah Sans also chose Nokia products, and the sales of Nebula phones began to fluctuate.

These problems were never encountered by Dalang Technology in the past. Dalang Technology only needs to be responsible for the continuous production of counterfeit mobile phones, and there is no need to consider after-sales and brand issues at all.

But Liu Dalang is not a vegetarian. He immediately recruited Kurmar Jain, who was new to the workplace in New Delhi and was already a little famous, and directly promoted him to the CEO of Nebula Technology.

"Rebs, I'm sorry! Your Indian CEO was cut off by me in advance!"

Jain was later the CEO of Xiaomi in India. He not only had excellent ability, but also had a superb ability to stir people's hearts.

Xiaomi is regarded as an Indian brand by most of the third parties, and Jain's credit is indispensable behind it.

The most important thing is that Liu Dalang is not yet suitable to stand in front of the stage. He can't come up with "Hello", "Thank you", "Thank you very much" like Rebus.

A local CEO in India is more conducive to Nebulas Technology to open up the market.

(End of this chapter)

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