Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 5 Jain's Counterattack

Chapter 5 Jain's Counterattack

After Jia Yin took office, Liu Dalang finally took some time off and began to plan for the next step. The production lines of some core components cannot be produced here and must be moved back to China.

As for patents, the several D-level production lines exchanged are nothing more than bypassing the patent barriers of other manufacturers, and the actual effect is not much different from the accessories produced by other manufacturers.

Lithium batteries in particular, in addition to lower cost, stronger safety and durability, are not as good as some giants in the battery industry in terms of battery life. The advantage is that they do not need to pay patent fees.

Perhaps when it is converted to a C-level or even a B-level lithium battery production line, the lithium battery level of Nebula Technology will have a qualitative leap.

The products of D-level RAM and ROM can exceed some storage components on the market, which he did not expect, but it does not matter.

According to the annotation given by [Science and Technology Collection], this is already the lowest specification storage component, and the cost is much lower than the storage component he got from Huaqiangbei channel.

The most expensive things in a mobile phone are nothing more than a few, such as screens, SOCs, storage components, cameras, and baseband chips. By keeping these costs down, low-end products can also make money.

A storage component is just a little bit better, not a big deal, and it just gives the Nebula 1 series mobile phones a certain advantage in competing with other low-end products in the future.

Because the MediaTek chips on the Nebula1s and Pro versions are really difficult to use, and when the future P-series chips come out, the light adjustment chips will be a lot of work.

As for the products in the [Technology Book] that can be called breakthrough technologies in the future, how can they be placed in such low-end products, and the way to compete in the high-end market is the kingly way.

On the other hand, Jain never expected that the chairman of Nebula Technology, whose shipments exceeded one million in just a few months, would personally come to find him as chairman, which made him a little flattered.

When he learned that the position was CEO, he was really moved, but when he saw the ten-page contract and various restrictions, he hesitated again.

Then he asked a question: "I want to know what Nebulas Technology's positioning is for its own products, and what is the main competitive market?"

Liu Dalang smiled: "We will not always stay in the low-end market, nor will we always stay in the Indian market."


Jia Yin still wanted to ask, but Liu Dalang got impatient and interrupted with a wave: "Sign or not?"

Can’t take Jain, there are thousands of Jain, there are many capable CEOs in India, so it’s not necessary to have him?

A high-paying contract breaks the hierarchy, and the opportunity to stand up is in front of you. You don't know when the next time will be. So what if you are bound by a contract?Where can I go without being restricted?
After taking office, Jain immediately began to arrange a counterattack plan against Nokia. First, he found Xincheng Industrial and managed it up and down, and won the 3-minute news from the news channel of Jinyin TV.

Then, according to the standards of international manufacturers, the Nebula Technology headquarters was arranged as a "high-tech park", and the front pages of Google News and major newspapers were also bought.

Spending handfuls of money made Liu Dalang feel distressed enough, half a month's profit was gone immediately, but in order to further compete for market share, spending this little money was nothing.

After arranging these, Jain contacted Lacey Buyyana, a well-known female reporter from the news channel of Jinyin TV, and came to Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park for a visit and interview.

When Buyyana brought her camera team to the Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park, she was indeed a little shocked, because the entire Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park seemed very abrupt here.

It used to be an abandoned factory, sandwiched between old and new Delhi, with endless poor kilns on the left, and the streets of New Delhi gradually moving from the countryside to the modern city on the right.

Now it has turned into a "high-tech park". It may not be a problem to put it on the King's Avenue, but it will directly increase the contrast when placed here. The accompanying photographers took the opportunity to shoot more material for a while.

The outer section of the production plant has been divided into clean rooms one by one, and the assembly workers are sitting in front of the machine to work.

Of course, Buyyana has not forgotten the purpose of this trip. The visit to the Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park is incidental, and the interview with Jain is the most important thing.

It was also rare for Jain to change into a custom-made suit, and with his excellent looks, even Buyyana couldn't help but keep glancing over at him.

But she is a serious reporter, and she definitely did not accept the "recharge" from Nebula Technology.

Came to the CEO's office of Nebulas Technology Headquarters, set up the scene, Buyyana sat opposite Jain, and went straight to the point:

"Nokia publicly claimed that Nebula phones are electronic waste, what do you think?"

Facing the camera, Jain smiled slightly, with three parts of coldness, three parts of sarcasm, and four parts of indifference in his eyes, and then said:
"First of all, we need to understand a concept. E-waste refers to discarded electronic devices that are no longer used. Nebula1 series mobile phones have just been released, so they are not waste."

"Nokia cannot judge the quality of a product by its own subjective standards!"

"Secondly, our concept of Nebula Technology is: to allow everyone to use high-quality and inexpensive smart phones, so that everyone can enjoy the convenience brought by technological development."

"Third, if I read correctly, the mobile phone model that Nokia compared with Nebula1 is the E61 that has been on the market for more than five years."

"Its main screen is only 2.6 inches, the resolution is only 240P, and it is not touchable."

"The comparison model Nebula1 is also a functional machine, with a screen size of 3 inches, 480P, and supports single-touch. Why don't we mention that we are more advanced than them?"

"In terms of battery life, the battery of Nebula1 is only 1000 mAh, which is indeed not as long as Nokia's battery life, but our full charge time is only half of that of Nokia E61."

"In terms of appearance, Nokia knows that Indians are more taboo about black, white, and gray, but they have not optimized the color matching of their products."

"The Nebula 1 series adopts a bolder design in color matching, with a stronger visual impact, and a thinner and lighter body material, in order to make users feel better when holding it."

"As for the crash test, I would like to ask, is the mobile phone bought to see if it will break when thrown from the seventh floor?"

Buyyana, who was sitting opposite Jain, couldn't help laughing, then quickly covered her mouth and coughed lightly: "But there are always people who will encounter various accidents, and the phone may fall..."

Before Buyyana finished speaking, Jain picked up a Nebula 1 on the desk and dropped it to the ground. With a "bang", the phone hit the floor and fell to pieces.

Ignoring Buyyana's exclamation, Jain picked up the "wreckage" of Nebula 1 from the ground, only to find that Nebula 1 had only been broken into three pieces: the phone, the battery and the back cover.

After assembling the mobile phone, Jain pressed the power button. After three seconds, the two-color logo of Nebula Technology appeared on the screen, followed by Nebula OS, and finally successfully entered the main interface.

"Sorry to scare the beautiful lady, I guess in our lives, we rarely drop our phones harder than this?"

"Water resistance is indeed our shortcoming, but each mobile phone of Nebula Technology can purchase one-year accidental service insurance for only 100 rupees."

"After the purchase, within the warranty period, regardless of any reason, as long as there is an unexpected situation with the mobile phone of the users, they can be repaired for free at our outlets."

"In terms of frost resistance, the highest temperature this month has risen to 43 degrees. Ice cubes are good things. I would rather add sugar to them and make popsicles for the children under the scorching heat."

What Jain meant was obvious. Except for Kashmir, there are very few places in India where the weather is minus [-] degrees. Instead of doing such a boring test, it is better to focus on the business.

"Of course, the frost resistance performance is not good. We do have shortcomings. It doesn't matter. We at Nebula Technology believe that we need to improve where we have shortcomings, instead of looking for excuses to avoid problems."

"On the camera, this is the data I surveyed. There are 31 models of Nokia on sale, and the lowest price of a functional machine with a 1200-megapixel camera is 11399 rupees."

"As for our Nebula 1, the price is only 1155 rupees. I think, before comparing, we should first compare models of the same price."

"But I'm sorry, Nebula's most expensive smartphone is only priced at 5599 rupees, so it's not eligible to compare with Nokia."

"Fourth, the most important thing about a mobile phone is the system. The cheapest model in the Nebula1 series can allow users to experience the smoothest and smoothest web surfing!"

Jain compared the two models on the spot. On the premise that they are both functional phones, the loading time of Nebula1 is only one-fifth of that of Nokia E61.

"Nebula1 won, but I'm still very sad, because while we are working hard to bring people better electronic products, some foreign companies are trying to discredit us!"

"Ningyun Technology's profit for each mobile phone does not exceed 5%. After the subsidy, it even sells the product at a loss. To be honest, I really don't know how long we can last..."

After speaking, Jain was in great pain, covering his face with his hands, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help shedding crocodile... tears of grief and indignation.

The cameraman on the side took this opportunity to approach, and at the same time "just in time" took a picture of the brochure of the Nebula1 series of mobile phones:
"Nebula1, use 10% to do 80% of the work!"

"Nebula OS: Lightest, Fastest, Simplest!"

"Nebula1s: the king of cost performance, the first choice for entry-level smartphones!"

"Nebula1 Pro: the ultimate experience, the big screen is even more exciting!"

At the same time, Buyyana made a sad expression, and finally announced the end of the interview after Jain's mood stabilized.

Liu Dalang, who was peeping at the door, was stunned. What a Jain, if this acting skill enters Bollywood, he won't get a little gold medal?

After exchanging phone numbers with Buyyana and seeing them off, Jain immediately returned to his original appearance, and greeted Liu Dalang with a smile: "It's all done!"

"Good job!"

Liu Dalang can already imagine what kind of response this interview video will cause when it is edited into multiple clips and appears in the public eye...

At the same time, the long-overdue Micromax and Intex's first-generation smartphone conferences have finally arrived. In Jayne's view, this is an excellent opportunity for Micromax to enter the market.

(End of this chapter)

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