Chapter 6 Crazy Expansion
The fight between Nokia and Xingyun Technology, in his opinion, must be the result of mutual losses, and he doesn't know what Nokia thinks, why it wants to fight against a brand that has just started.

"Hey, you are a big boss! Even if you are acquired by Google and your market share continues to decline, you don't have to compare yourself with a small brand. It's not good for you!"

Jayne couldn't understand this matter, and his intuition told him that there might be tricks in it, but he couldn't take care of that much right now, and if the delay continued, the backlog of inventory would not even be sold.

Micromax does not make feature phones at all. In Jayne’s view, smartphones are the mainstream, and feature phones have reached the end of the road. How to launch a smart phone with high quality and low price is the key.

Unexpectedly, Nebula Technology was one step ahead of them and lowered the price of the entry-level smart phone Nebula1s in the range of 3000 to 4000 rupees. This is simply too exaggerated.

The cost of the entry-level smart phone Micromax in 1 of their press conference has reached 3000 rupees, plus various costs such as channel fees, the price is at least 4000 rupees or more.

The Indian market is also very sensitive to prices. Sometimes a price difference of [-] or [-] rupees can change the choices of many people.

The battery life of Nebula1s is a big problem, the 1500mAh battery is 1840mAh different from their 340mAh battery, and the standby time is 31 hours less, which is the most fatal.

At this new product launch conference, they will also focus on this aspect to emphasize the performance of Micromax in1 in standby battery life, so as to restore some decline.

In addition, they have a second card, that is, the people's national consciousness is awakening, and the government is also happy to see this kind of scene, and has given great support to national brands.

Taking advantage of the recent momentum of Nebula Technology not being so fierce, it hastened to release its new products to boost sales, and its peer Intex next door also thought so.

The press conferences of the two companies were held at [-] pm at the same time, because the evening will be more emotional than the daytime, and this kind of on-site press conference is easier to mobilize people's emotions and promote consumption.

Jayne had a good idea, and the atmosphere at the press conference was successfully mobilized, but when the price was about to be announced, the Nehru Stadium became chaotic.

"Ningyun Technology responded positively to Nokia! The news channel is live!"

"It's also published in the evening daily!"

"The CEO of Nebula Technology is Jain! This is the first time I know!"

"I think Jain is right! Who would throw a cell phone from the seventh floor!"

"The most expensive Nebula1 series is less than 6000 rupees! And it's really easy to use!"

Nebula OS does not have any fancy functions, but the fluency of using it can almost rub Symbian on the ground. No matter how rubbish the smart phone is, it is not functional.

As for Samsung, Samsung's entry-level feature phone doesn't even have a camera, and the overall quality of the smartphone is high enough. The problem is that it's expensive!

Going around is still inseparable from a price. Jayne watched the audience below start to be confused, and the employees mixed in the auditorium managed to bring the atmosphere back.

Jayne took this opportunity to immediately announce the price: "Our price for such a smartphone with excellent quality and long battery life is..."

"4599 rupees!"

It’s good that the price isn’t out, but once the audience’s commotion became louder, the Nebula 1, which is also defined as an entry-level functional phone, is only 3399 rupees!
Jayne wanted to be like Liu Dalang, calling out the price of 3399 with full confidence. The problem is that he really doesn't make any money, but he had no choice but to raise the banner of a national brand in order to restore the decline.

"Finally, I would like to emphasize one more thing to everyone, Micromax is a smartphone brand dedicated to creating our own Indians!"

It's a pity that Jayne overestimated the national consciousness of the Asan. It seems very peaceful in this land, but in fact it is because the rich don't want the poor to make money and become rich.

The so-called peace is only the peace of forced helplessness, because no matter how hard ordinary people try, they will not make a significant change in their lives within a period of time.

So in Jain's narration, the point that touched the Ah Sans the most was:
"Bring people high-quality, low-cost, and cost-effective products, so that everyone can enjoy the convenience brought by smart phones!"

No matter how much Micromax advertised, it did not take any practical actions. Jayne's hard-working speech on the stage was nothing more than trying to earn rupees from every poor person in the audience.

Of course, Liu Dalang's goal is also to make them willingly hand over the rupees in their pockets, but the starting point of the propaganda is different, and the effect will definitely be different.

The same situation happened at the Intex press conference next door. Many of these troublemakers were inserted by Jain.

Although the current capital of Nebula Technology is stronger than that of Micromax and Intex, the three are actually at the same starting line.

It was inconvenient for Liu Dalang to come forward to do something. As soon as Jain came forward, the problem was solved immediately. Besides, Xingyun Technology Industrial Park is in the suburbs of New Delhi. Who is the real Indian brand?

Nebula Technology has never said so. The third parties have consciously classified Nebula mobile phones as Indian brands, and even saved the publicity. This effect is what they want.

"Micromax deceived us all! They are not an Indian brand at all. Their products are assembled from China and finally shipped to China!"

"Intex doesn't have its own factory. They are using the Huaxia industrial chain and branding it as a national brand in order to deceive us!"

Jayne watched his press conference become chaotic on the stage, and there were some indiscriminate Asan shouting everywhere. He broke the defense directly and shouted on the spot with the microphone:

"But do you know? The chairman of Nebula Technology is a Chinese! They are the ones who deceive us! They are the foreign brands that want to occupy our market!"

Immediately, someone in the audience retorted with a loudspeaker, and they didn't know how the loudspeaker came from:

"The Nebula Technology Industrial Park is in New Delhi! Nebula mobile phones are all produced by us!"

"That's right! Nebula's profits are very low! They are the real high-quality and cheap smartphone brand! If we don't support them, they will go bankrupt!"

"Jain said that 60% of the profits should be used for technology research and development! Sooner or later, foreign high-priced assembly machines will no longer be used!"

"Support Nebula Technology!"

"Ridiculous! Contrasting black and white! Nebula Technology! You are deceiving people too much!"

Everyone in Jayne was laughed at, and at the same time felt the cruelty of society, because Micromax had just started, and the funds were not much, so it was blocked by Nebula Technology.

How did those newspaper stalls outside Nehru Stadium come about?Don't they know?But I can't say that on the spot, Nebula Technology's legal department might be eyeing it.

The Intex press conference on the other side was not much better. The price of Intex itself was higher than that of Micromax. In this three-horse competition, it was defeated without even splashing a single one.

The next day, the entire New Delhi area was frantically reporting the story of Nebula Technology, and Jain's interview video directly caused quite a stir across the country.

"As long as 1199 functional phone!"

"Only 3399 smart phone!"

"Where can I buy a Nebula phone?"

For a while, the popularity of the Nebula mobile phone spread throughout India. The appearance of Nebula’s ultra-low-cost mobile phone caused a sensation no less than the scene when the $4 mobile phone appeared later.

But the $4 smartphone is just a scam, the Nebula phone is the real thing, as there are already many Nebula phones resold from New Delhi in other cities.

The colorful appearance is directly recognizable, and the price is really cheap.

Taking this opportunity, Nebula Technology immediately established first-level branches of Nebula Technology in Mumbai, the largest city, and Calcutta, the third largest city.

Within one month, Nebula Technology has established two first-level branches and twelve second-level branches, and has entered the mobile phone market in nineteen cities through spot-on advertisements.

With the first-level branch and the second-level branch, the speed of Xingyun mobile phones being assembled and transported to various outlets has increased by three times compared to before.

The expansion method of Nebula Technology and the African overlord Transsion is completely opposite. Transsion surrounds the city from the countryside, and Nebula Technology directly competes with two international manufacturers in the city.

The fly in the ointment is that although Liu Dalang has further expanded the production capacity of the production plant, he still cannot keep up with market demand.

Among the five D-level production lines, the production capacity of LCD screens, lithium batteries, RAM and ROM has been superimposed to 5000/hour, and the production capacity of the fully automatic assembly line has been increased to 3000/hour.


"The most popular model is still Nebula1. The group price of 1199 has already killed even the knockoff functional phones. Unfortunately, the speed of manual assembly is still not enough."

This is also a helpless matter, Liu Dalang only has 1 points in his hand, and this month's profit is spent on external expansion, and there is not much profit left that can be converted into points.

The assembly line workers in Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park are all from poor kilns in Old Delhi. They work twelve hours a day, and they can't keep up with the demand of the Indian market.

The situation will improve next month, and at least half of the profits can be converted into points to increase the production capacity of the D-class production line.

After that, you can consider building a factory in China. The D-level low-end production line can be directly placed in the Indian Nebula Technology Industrial Park.

The C-level production line or the important D-level production line will definitely not work. With production technology, there must be corresponding drawings. Researchers and technicians are a big problem.

At the same time, Jain has set up a new product project team at the headquarters of Nebula Technology. The Nebula2 series is already in preparation, and a new product launch event is expected to be held by the end of October.

For a while, Jain was so proud of himself that he even entered the ranking of new CEOs in the northern region. However, this ranking belongs to the ranking of folk entertainment, and there is nothing valuable about it.

"Amir, research the TV market in New Delhi, Mumbai, and Calcutta. I want detailed data within a month!"

There is only one remaining biggest problem, that is, there is only an initial version of Nebulas OS 1.0, and there is no dedicated technical team for update and maintenance.

Liu Dalang didn't want to recruit programmers from an outsourcing company in New Delhi to take full responsibility. Fortunately, it didn't take long for, two people came to solve his problem.

(End of this chapter)

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