Chapter 250 Leaving the City

Linghu and Xu Han got rid of Liang Meng, the pursuer, without any effort.

Xu Han has prepared for such a long time, so it can be said that he wants to leave Linhai City as soon as possible. At this time, staying here for a while will be more dangerous. There's no reason to stay here and wait

Although Wang Si's method was not perfect, it solved it just right. How to avoid the magic circle around Linhai City was also an important reason why Xu Han relied heavily on Wang Si. Xu Han regarded Wang Si as someone he could trust in Linhai City. He doesn't know anyone here, and Linghu can't leave Yinyangyu to do things for him, so it's good to have such a subordinate

Along the way, Wang Si carefully avoided the guards' investigation, because in Linhai City, Xu Han, who was forbidden to fly with Yujian, discussed the route with Wang Si. Leaving Linhai City can be said to be only the first step. The most important thing is the next trip

Fortunately, Wang Si was well prepared, and the group of people did not encounter too severe interrogation on the road, so they left Linhai City without anyone noticing. It came to his mind again, he knew that before he knew the news about Linghu, he would easily fall into such a state that would damage his cultivation.

Although he is worried about Linghu because of his friendship, being in such a sad situation for a long time may not benefit his own cultivation. On the contrary, it may affect his future promotion, or even learn about After the exact news of Linghu, he made a wrong judgment because of this emotion

So Xu Han shrugged his shoulders, and he began to look for something to divert his attention, but he looked right and left, except for the stars falling into the dark night sky, there was only this group of warriors with a hundred people left

However, as a guard at present, he is assigned to protect the sixth cart in the middle of the convoy, and there are people in front and behind, but he is unable to fully observe the situation of the entire team. At this time of boredom and daze, Xu Han will His eyes shifted to the seven or eight people around the car he was protecting. Walking directly in front of the car was a second-rate beginner warrior on a horse. Unfortunately, his back was turned to him, and he could see his appearance and appearance. The people on the other side are just hurrying along, and it is too troublesome to observe

Only the other two people on the right side of the car with Xu Han, through the torches stuck in the car, he can still see clearly, the two behind them are a white-faced middle-aged man in his 40s and a strong man under 30 years old. Between the two, the white-faced middle-aged man with a vicissitudes on his face but a calm demeanor needless to say, at a glance, it is obvious that he has rich travel experience and has definitely gone through many escorts. Sad, I don't know if it's something sad in my heart, or because I can't bear the pain of traveling in the dark because I travel three times in the middle of the night, and I feel somewhat complaining

The dissatisfied expressions of these two people must have some thoughts, so Xu Han deliberately leaned towards him and asked in a low voice: "Brother, why do you have such a sad expression? Could it be that the remuneration for this trip is not generous enough?" Hearing someone greet him, the strong man raised his head to look at Xu Han, and then muttered, "It's not about the remuneration, it's just that I am concerned about some small things of my own. I'll make you laugh, big brother."

Xu Han's original intention was to chat with this person to divert his attention, but when he heard what this brawny man said, he immediately felt the same distress, but then realized that he was chatting with someone else, so he half-heartedly With emotion, he said to the other party with half-consolation: "Why do you need to be so troubled, a man, I don't know how many winds and rains he will go through in this life, and it is reasonable to look at everything." The strong man looked up at him again, and looked down He sighed: "Oh, little brother, you are young, and you won't understand some things even if you tell them."

Xu Han gave him a contemptuous look, and said, "I'm asking because I don't understand. The journey is boring. If you don't find something to do, how do you pass the time? It's still dark now. Brother, you will worry about things." Tell me, maybe I can help you with the details. If I really don’t understand, isn’t there an older brother next to us? Based on his experience, he must be able to give you an idea.”

The burly man looked hesitantly at the white-faced middle-aged man next to him, seeing his calm look, after hesitating for a while, he finally said slowly: "I have a childhood playmate, and I like a neighbor who is bigger than him. A girl who is four or five years younger. Although this girl has expressed her attitude towards him, the two have been dating for a while without incident, but there are always some gossips. This girl also has entanglements with two other men at the same time. This buddy doesn't have many days at home, and he doesn't have much time to verify this matter, but as the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, every time he hears those rumors, he always feels very depressed."

"Well, my little brother really doesn't understand much about men and women." Hearing the strong man say this, Xu Han didn't know why. The so-called playmate he called was himself and Xu Han still didn't know about these men and women. I really don't know much, so at this time, he can only avoid this topic by telling the truth, otherwise a careless word will disturb the marriage of others, and the loss outweighs the gain.

However, Xu Han didn't answer, but he looked at the white-faced middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life. Guided by his eyes, he naturally turned his eyes towards him as if asking for help. But the two of them spoke without avoiding others, so they naturally heard what happened before and after, and saw Xu Han and the two of them looking at him. In line with the fate of being together all the way, he had no choice but to say: " So, dude, I’m still alone at the age of 43, and I can’t bear this kind of romantic entanglement.”

Although Xu Han didn't directly answer the question raised by the strong man, but this sentence expressed his own attitude. It is indeed such a thing as love entanglement. It would be great if they were reunited, but When there is really something that makes people worry, it is more worrying than the most worrying thing in the world. However, many warriors would rather devote themselves to the practice of Taoism and avoid touching this forbidden place

However, for those who have already fallen into this vortex, such a thing that happened to a slender man can really make people feel sad, and the white-faced middle-aged man did not give the answer he wanted. He lowered his head, looking dejected

Seeing this strong man like this, Xu Han had nothing else to say except feeling speechless because he didn't love himself enough. Fortunately, the white-faced middle-aged man opened his mouth, so Xu Han diverted his attention and said, "This young man Eldest brother, can I ask Gao's name?"

To this question, the white-faced middle-aged man answered straightforwardly: "A certain name is Lin Ruoyu, brother, what do you call him?"

"My name is Xu Han. I'm going to eat and sleep in the open air. Please take care of me." Xu Han once again used a fake name. Although he said it was deceiving, under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for him to reveal his real name.

Xu Han and Lin Ruoyu introduced each other's simple situation to each other, and he asked him about the brawny man, except that he had a name that didn't fit his appearance, Zhang Lang, and he didn't get any information about him It is obvious that Zhang Lang, the slender man, is still struggling with his love story, and he has no intention of speaking at all. However, it is fine if he does not speak, Xu Han chatted with Lin Ruoyu a lot in a casual manner.

This is Xu Han's mind. Every time he goes to a strange place, he must learn more about the people and things in this place. Only by knowing himself and the enemy can he deal with all emergencies. Seemingly asking casually, he got a general understanding of the team's environment and integrated into an environment. The first step is not to observe the environment, but to strike up a conversation with the people in these environments, but now there is a person who makes him feel very surprised. The situation is that Wang Si is not the person in charge of this team, he is just one of the leaders of several bodyguards, and there is also a person in charge of this cargo, and then there is a general manager

This may pose a problem for Xu Han's future plans. It's not that Xu Han doesn't believe these people, but Han Sanshi was introduced by Mo Lin after all. Although he is worthy of Xu Han's trust, but people other than the Liang family, In this Linhai City, Xu Han was still somewhat on guard.

The escort's surname is Ma and his name is Qingshan, and he is also a martial artist with the second level of Qi refining. Although he is also from a large family with the surname of Ma in Linhai City, and is a leader of the young generation, this martial artist who has been gifted and intelligent since childhood has long since left The Liang family established itself on the outside. Among these bodyguard consuls, Wang Si's realm is actually the lowest. The other two bodyguard consuls named Li Lin and Wang Yuan are both martial arts practitioners at the first level of Qi refining. for

Wang Si, Li Lin, and Wang Yuan are each in charge of several carts. The cart Xu Han is in now happens to be the last cart that Wang Si is in charge of. In other words, the six carts ahead , all belong to Wang Si for the specific arrangements, and each car has a bodyguard, that is, the person Xu Han noticed earlier walking in front of the cart on a horse

In such a huge team of escorts, there are only a dozen escorts and four escort consuls, and the 22 escort heads are from the Zhentian Escort Bureau of Linhai City. Waiting for the guards, some are warriors like Zhang Lang who have cooperated with the escort agency for a long time, and some are temporarily hired people like Lin Ruoyu, and even temporary passers-by who come and go in Linhai City. a part

Of course, these are not the main points. What caught Xu Han's attention was Zhang Lang who said that Wang Si and the other two bodyguards and consuls were not on good terms because a few years ago there was a trip to the bodyguards. Although the bodyguard who was alone was invited by Wang Siguang to help him take the bodyguard back afterwards, but because of this, the three of them formed a grudge against each other.

But because they are now in the same bodyguard bureau, although the three of them seem to be safe and sound, they will definitely be divided into two factions when things really happen. He gave such an answer: "Isn't this nonsense, since Wang Si and I have a long-term cooperative relationship, he gave me face to let my brother and I eat together, then I will not hesitate to meet a guy who dares to trouble him, brother, let's go out for a walk Although they are not considered strong, at least they know how to take the lead. If anyone wants to make trouble with Wang Si, he will naturally have trouble with my brother."

From this point of view, Wang Si is still a very good person who is very popular! Si This is not only because Wang Si has a group of brothers who can work hard for him, but also because the senior management of the Escort appreciates him.

This point, from this dart trip to the implementation of the entire escort plan, the vehicles in charge of the two qi refining warriors were arranged at the back, and Wang Si erected the dart flag of the Zhentian Escort Bureau, which added a bit of momentum Xu Han understood After finishing this, he found that the sky outside had brightened up. At this time, the team had traveled more than a hundred miles, and it didn't take long before they could see the city wall of Qingshui County in front of them. In two steps, everyone went to Qingshui County to drink hot soy milk and eat fried dough sticks just out of the pan. The team quickly entered the first county with a burst of cheers

However, when he just entered the county seat, Xu Han immediately noticed that there was also a Luoma post station here, and there was an inconspicuous white flag hanging on the front. This inconspicuous thing fell into the eyes of outsiders. There was nothing, but Xu Han looked at it and immediately knew that the Liang family in Linhai City had sent someone here to send the news he wanted to know.

The news network of the Liang family is indeed very powerful. Not long after Xu Han left Linhai City, the Liang family reacted quickly, which somewhat made Xu Han feel unbelievable.

Because in his impression, the sneak attack on Liang Meng was extremely concealed. At that time, there was no one in the inn, and because Liang Meng was injured, he should still be in a coma at this time. What is going on? What's going on?This situation made Xu Han feel suspicious. What happened?

The Liang family was able to know that he was fleeing in this direction, did Liang Meng wake up?It is impossible to be sure that something happened in the middle, and those members of the Liang family will know where they are now through other channels. Because of Liang Meng's injuries, it is not so easy to wake up

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