Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 252 Leaving the City 2

Chapter 250 Two

Xu Han feels very strange now. In this Luoma post, did he actually see a person from the Liang family? Those people who were following him seemed to have disappeared overnight. This made Xu Han feel very strange. Unbelievable, could it be that those guys have all grown wings

There are many people coming and going on this official road, but Xu Han has not seen a few ascetics for such a long time. This situation makes Xu Han feel a little unbelievable. It seems that all the situations are showing that Liang The family may have sent some other people, in other places, to block themselves

Only this explanation can make sense. If this is not the case, then why would the members of the Liang family, who were following very ferociously, come to chase him at such an important pass?Xu Han's heart was filled with countless questions, he couldn't figure it out, so the Liang family shouldn't be so brainless

Could it be that Linhai City was in addition to something else?

When Xu Han first moved into the Luoma Inn in Linhai City, Mo Lin introduced to him in detail the various secret codes used by the Li family to contact him. Dedicated line

That is, if there is something that Xu Han ordered, or something related to Xu Han, or if there is any news to pass to Xu Han, then they will be in front of the branches of Luoma Yizhan in many places in mainland China. An unremarkable white flag was hung on the railing as a code. After seeing this code, Xu Han had to go to hear the news as soon as possible. more and more

But now Xu Han has not ordered Mo Lin anything, so the white flag hanging at the Luoma Post Station naturally means that there is news related to Xu Han that he wants to pass on to him. Think about it, the news that the Li family wants to pass on to him must be related to Linghu. Thinking of this, why would Xu Han want to go to breakfast with the team?

After entering the city, the team rectified for a while, Xu Han found a reason to report to Wang Si, and then he quietly entered the Luoma station and gave a secret signal, and soon someone received him in the station, but Xu Han Han was very surprised that it was Han Sanshi who sent the news from Linhai City

After he bowed his head and saluted, Han Sanshi probably knew the urgency in Xu Han's heart, so he didn't say those hypocritical polite words, and said directly: "Master Xu, the exact news we received at this time is the same as The old man who you went to the county magistrate's mansion together was seriously injured after resisting Liang Meng's four people having a cup of tea, and killed two qi refiners around Liang Meng and fled with injuries. have no idea"

The news of "Okay" directly caused Xu Han to slap the table again, and his worried expression immediately relaxed a lot. Of course, he couldn't be applauding because Linghu was seriously injured, but because he heard that Linghu beheaded two qi refiners. The strong man, and the news of the successful escape applauded that the most worrying thing did not happen, Xu Han naturally felt extremely happy

Although it was said that Linghu's successful breakthrough was at the cost of being seriously injured, and he still doesn't know if he is alive or dead, but Xu Han knew that according to Linghu's ability, at least relying on his experience and memory of thousands of years in his previous life, it is absolutely impossible for the injury to make him suffer. He lost his life. It's like worrying about how the haircutter will cut his own hair. It's just a tedious and redundant thought.

Xu Han felt relieved when he thought of this, and he thought about what he should do in the future. Previously, he just wanted to use Wang Si's bodyguard team to get out of Linhai City, but after Linghu was gone, he thought about it. So he just followed the team and continued to the capital, and when he passed Lingyunmen, he stopped by to see Qi Xiaofang, whom he hadn't seen for several years

Then I go back to my hometown directly, and then I can take my parents to Lingyunmen to settle down. With the care of my senior brothers and others, my parents must be able to spend the rest of my life comfortably. However, now that we know that Linghu is missing, and Before leaving any clues behind, he wondered if it was necessary for him to complete the journey with Wang Si's team, so as not to come back to look for him after Linghu recovered from his injury, but could not get any news about him

After all, Linghu knew about walking with Wang Si's team. If he recovered from his injuries and came to inquire about him, he would definitely start with Wang Si. Come connect with yourself again

After Xu Han made such a decision in the future, his heart immediately settled down. Now that he has to hurry anyway, he won't feel too lonely with Wang Si. What's more, when sending Han Sanshi away, this guy still Keep begging Xu Han to take care of his friend along the way

Xu Han is very happy to support and cultivate these two people who are not in his memory, and these two people are almost his own now. It is undoubtedly a lot easier now. He walked all the way to the places where the team was resting temporarily. After he found Ma Fei and Lin Ruoyu, he was in a good mood and ate several pancakes in a row under the shocked eyes of the two.

So Xu Han became famous. Although he was not familiar with everyone in the team, others knew about it first. There was a guard in the eighth car. Although he may be a handsome young man, his appetite was extremely fierce. Ah, especially when Xu Han was resting in an open space next to the official road at noon, Xu Han killed more than ten catties of dry food and meat in one go. Lin Ruoyu stared at him with those eyes, and said, "As you do How to eat, I think you can eat more than twice the amount of food we paid this trip, I don’t know if Wang Si will feel that it’s a big loss after hiring you this trip.”

Although this Lin Ruoyu's face has always been frowning, but he has been walking with the team for so long, Lin Ruoyu has temporarily put aside his troubles, but it is obvious that he is also a master who prefers to calculate the weight, so seeing Xu Han every time Ton consumes so much food, he immediately felt a little unworthy for Wang Si. Fortunately, he was thinking about Wang Si, and Xu Han knew it well, so he wouldn't really care about it with him.

Hearing what Lin Ruoyu said, Xu Han just touched his stomach lightly, and said blankly: "Hey, I'm only half full now, and I can still eat a few more."

Seeing Xu Han's satisfied look, Lin Ruoyu couldn't help but rolled his eyes immediately, and took the pancake bag aside with a gesture of being wary of him. Perhaps it was because Xu Han liked to count catties, so Xu Han and the others The food for the group of three is kept and distributed by him

But because the food distributed by the escort team is distributed every three days according to the amount of ordinary people, so basically, there is a fixed amount of food. Now Xu Han ate more than ten cakes in one meal, which is already It's food for several people for a whole day, so Lin Ruoyu doesn't dare to worry about his hunger.

Because along the way, although there are many opportunities to enter the county, but this bodyguard business will never enter the city as soon as you see it, and only at night, when it happens to be a good time, you can enter the city to buy some things. It was only at the beginning that he considered arranging for everyone to go to the city to find a rest station. Regarding this point, Ma Fei and Lin Ruoyu are good friends, but Xu Han didn't understand at all, so seeing Lin Ruoyu take away the food bag, he was not completely full. He couldn't help frowning for an instant

At this time, Ma Fei, who had finished eating, obviously noticed this scene. He also frowned slightly, then walked over and grabbed the belt from Lin Ruoyu's hand, and said, "Brother Ma, since everyone is in the same car, Guarding on the same side, it can be regarded as a battle, and the little brother is at the age of growing up, so what if you don’t let him eat enough, if something happens, let’s point the little brother to fight side by side with us.”

After Ma Fei finished speaking, he ignored Lin Ruoyu's gloomy face. He stuffed the bag into Xu Han's hand and said, "Brother Xu Han, you can eat as much as you want. I was not as big as you when I was your age." But we also know that the feeling of being hungry is not good, but we didn’t have the conditions at that time. Now that the conditions are better, what are we afraid of? The food is replenished."

Ma Fei's last sentence, although he was also speaking to Xu Han, did not have the meaning of explaining to Lin Ruoyu, he was still a cunning man, he just stood up and said such a high-sounding sentence, and immediately dismissed it The little gap in Xu Han's heart also made Lin Ruoyu, the guy in charge of distributing food for the group, heave a long sigh of relief, and even walked over to apologize to Xu Han: "Brother Qi, I really didn't do that on purpose just now, Hey, to be honest, this is indeed because I am responsible for the food of our team, and I was also afraid that everyone would have no food in the end, so I had to make such a bad plan."

Lin Ruoyu looked at Xu Han who was eating big mouthfuls, and couldn't help showing him a smile, and immediately let go of his hanging heart, and said in a low voice: "Actually, it's all our chief escort's fault. You are too careful. Everything must be safe. We have so many goods in custody. If we enter the county town or city casually, we will annoy the owner if we are not sure. Now that Ma Fei said so, then you Just like his, you can't eat enough with your stomach open, don't you still have me?"

Hearing that Lin Ruoyu was so magnanimous, Ma Fei smiled contentedly, and nodded towards Lin Ruoyu, his expression full of joy

Xu Han wolfed down his food, his eyes were full of smiles, and he sighed in his heart: "Though these two strong men are only at the second level of Qi refining, they are both really good people."

As for the food matter, according to Xu Han's wealth, it will definitely not let the two suffer. It was only because of Linghu's instructions that Xu Han had no choice but to pretend that he was penniless. Even one piece of spirit stones needed for cultivation in the mine veins would be a great wealth in this secular world.

Lin Ruoyu's boldness really made Xu Han a little happy. Xu Han needed such a person to help him. This was also for the implementation of his future plans, and it was helpful, but Xu Han didn't directly take the words of the two people, which is not true. He didn't want to pay for the little money to buy food. In fact, that little money was nothing to him. It was because he felt extremely warm because of the refreshingness of the two of them, so he didn't want to open his mouth to destroy this heart. long-lost feeling

Because some things can be known in the heart, if you always say it verbally, it will seem very hypocritical, and Xu Han, who looks like he is about 20 years old, comes out to fight hard, and it is really difficult to release any words to respond at this time The two let them think that they are the kind of youngsters who have just entered the rivers and lakes, and their wealth is still very poor. They can do whatever they want. In short, in the end, I will always reward them.

It was at this time that Xu Han felt that his decision to follow the bodyguard team was extremely correct, otherwise he would not have had the chance to feel the warmth from the lowest level of self-cultivation. It's not a big deal, but it made Xu Han realize that not all of this continent is full of intrigue and fighting with each other, and inadvertently, there is a ray of warm sunshine that nourishes people's hearts

After Xu Han sighed comfortably, he temporarily lost his mind to speak, and squinted his eyes slightly to look at the sky. While he was hiccupping, he secretly thought that such a hurry would probably last for more than a month.

Xu Han now feels that he enjoyed the trip very much, so after eating, he was the first to return to his place when the car bodyguards greeted everyone to prepare for the trip, but after the team assembled, there was no message The voice of the darthead ordering to move

Xu Han was wondering what was going on to ask Lin Ruoyu what was going on, but before he opened his mouth, he saw Wang Sizheng with a worried face and two other men dressed as escort leaders, following an elegant-looking middle-aged man to the first place where he was. Although the six cars came, although they hadn't seen the faces of the other people besides Wang Si carefully, Xu Han could easily tell who was coming from the aura of cultivators exuding from them.

One Qi refining third level, two first level cultivators, in this team, apart from the escort leader Lin Ruogu and Li He Wangtian, there is no other candidate. But, what is the purpose of them coming here?

What's going on.Why did these people come here? Could it be that they wanted to cause some kind of fight?Xu Han was also surprised, but during this interval, he didn't say much, but relaxed, because he knew that things couldn't turn out as he thought.


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