Crown of Evil

Chapter 2 Pushing open the door

Chapter 2 Pushing open the door

Pieces of patterns are carved on the huge door that can't be seen from the top at a glance.

There are birds and beasts, as well as the sun, moon and stars.

Rocky stepped forward and touched it lightly. The weird touch was different from anything he had touched before.

Just when Rocky wondered if he had been drugged with hallucinogens, the female voice sounded again.

But this time it wasn't in his head, but behind him.

"This is the door of truth, that is, the high door mentioned by the muscular man."

Rocky turned around and saw a burst of horror.

"Are you ashamed to see people?"

Behind him stood a tall girl in a fringed dress, with short black and white hair half tied up.

But there was nothing on the face that should have been dotted with facial features.

If it wasn't for today's hand cannon puppet that had already made Rocky stand up, this one glance would have scared him to death.

The tall girl 'frowned'.

Although she couldn't see the facial features, Rocky could still see that she was trying her best to express her dissatisfaction with them.

"My name is Cicada, a summer cicada."

The girl didn't respond to Rocky's trash talk, she pointed to the door of truth.

"Now your life is behind this door. Whether you can live depends on how much you can push open."

Rocky stared at the door thoughtfully.

Cicada couldn't help reminding: "It's different from the fantasy novels you read, the flow of time here is the same as in reality."

"You should be half asleep right now."

For a moment, Rocky even thought about breaking himself into several pieces.

He rushed forward to hold the door of truth, trying to push the door open.

Finally, with his unremitting efforts, the door was finally pushed open a crack.

It was a bit embarrassing, so Cicada stepped forward to help him.

The moment his hands touched, a biting coolness filled Rocky's body.

With it came a force never experienced before.

The ear-piercing sound of rubbing constantly stimulated his eardrums, and the door was opened wider and wider.

Then a gust of hot wind came.

Rocky raised his head, and the door that penetrated into the sky had been pushed open a gap that was as wide as a person. Behind the gap was a scene that he couldn't understand.

Stout orange lightning flashed in the sky, each tearing apart the sky.

There was not a single drop of water on the ground, only endless black and white flames burning everything.

And in the depths of the flames, a strange book is constantly tumbling.

The next moment, Rocky opened his eyes sharply.

It was still the abandoned processing plant, but now he was surrounded by the black and white flames he saw just now.

Spotted sparks drifted upwards, like ink stains that hadn't dried yet, and an invisible wave spread out.

Ethan, who was in the office, raised his head and stared ahead, his eyes full of amusement.

"It's such a big movement, it's really like a tiger father without a dog."

"Be careful." Cicada's voice sounded in his head again.

Rocky hurriedly waited and watched in private, only to see that the sparking puppet had already raised its hand cannon to aim at him.

A beam of light exploded at Rocky's original position.

And Rocky has already flown more than ten meters away.

"How can you jump so far?"

Rocky was at a loss for a while about the changes in his body, and was still reminiscing about the feeling of almost flying up just now.

His reaction was within Cicada's expectation.

"The door was not pushed for nothing," she said.

Lodge picked up a rusty wrench lying on the ground as a weapon.

Cicada suggested that he use the mobility of his body to support until the rescue arrives, or use the terrain to deal with the puppet.

Confrontation is too dangerous.

Rocky, who was hiding behind the waste machinery, panted slightly.

He withdrew his hand that was originally on the concrete floor, but saw the cracks on the ground that he had pushed out.

"The door is not pushed in vain."

Rocky said to himself, and then chose the most handsome and reckless tactic.

He turned over and jumped out from behind the bunker, and rushed straight to the loaded doll.

A wisp of black and white flame unconsciously wrapped around the wrench.

Seeing him galloping forward, the puppet raised the hand cannon and fired without hesitation, and a burst of light shone from the muzzle of the cannon.

And this time Rocky saw clearly
He saw clearly the shells flying out of the muzzle.

He took a big step forward with his feet, and his whole body became shorter in an instant.

The high-temperature shells roared past his face, blowing the waste machinery behind him to pieces.

Rocky, on the other hand, jumped up by inertia and jumped directly to the top of the puppet.

All of this was seen by Luo Jun who was already in a coma.

He turned his head to look at everything in the field, and he naturally had a panoramic view of Rocky's smile when he dodged the shell.

"Is he still a militant lunatic?" Luo Jun seemed to recall something.

"It's very different from your parents' personality."

The wrench with black and white flames hit the puppet's head fiercely, and the part in contact with the flames shattered into slag like dried stones.

The puppet also staggered because of this blow.

Rocky took the opportunity to jam the wrench in the gap where it appeared, intending to use each other's weight to pry it apart.

But what Rocky didn't expect was that the puppet was ridiculously light.

As he pushed his back, the entire torso of the puppet was also lifted up.

The hand cannon was aimed at him again, and the hot muzzle almost stuck to his face.

People often use 'fast as lightning' to describe rapidity.

Rocky completed the three actions of releasing the wrench, retreating, and kicking the muzzle of the gun in an instant.

The shell that was supposed to hit once again lost its target, and the powerful impact caused the puppet and Rocky to fly backward together.

The moment the obstacle was installed, Rocky immediately fixed the doll with his hands and feet, muttering "Why don't you poke the cockpit?" while clenching his fist and hitting the lighted part of the doll's gap.

Every drop of a fist wrapped in black and white flames scattered sparks from the puppet's hammer.

But the puppet's resistance became more and more fierce, and it was about to get out of control.

Rocky immediately pulled out the wrench stuck in the gap, and slammed it into the gap.

Following a twitch of the puppet, the resistance from the hands and feet disappeared.

But Rocky, as if the matter was not over, pushed the puppet away and quickly ran to a distance to hide.

Seeing this, Cicada couldn't help but sneered, "Why are you so afraid of death now?"

"Don't hide, puppeteers don't take an exploding puppet with them."

Rocky poked his head out and looked.

The puppet was indeed the same as what Cicada said, but it lost its light and collapsed on the spot.

He heaved a sigh of relief.

Soon after, Ethan rushed into the factory with a group of executives.

When he arrived, there were only the wreckage of the puppet and Luo Jun wrapped tightly in clothes.

Ethan looked at Luo Jun, who was bound and unable to move, and asked, "Why is Bao Cheng doing this?"

The mummy that fell on the ground twisted symbolically a few times.

"The child may be afraid that I will lose too much blood and die."

Ethan felt like laughing when he heard Luo Jun's answer.

"Will the theorem at the depth three of the framework die because of this little flesh injury?"

After a few squirms, Ethan barely understood that the other party wanted to shrug his shoulders to express his ignorance, so he asked, "Where is the child?"

"Think I'm still unconscious, or maybe I'm afraid I'm dead."

"Then explained the reason in front of me for a long time and ran away. It should be because the college entrance examination is about to come and I don't want to keep the case."

Luo Jun struggled a few more times, but Rocky's bag was too tight before he left.

"Help me untie it, I want to pee."

Ethan gave him a blank look: "Just taking you back to parade in the street like this is a big punishment for you for making such a fuss."

As a result, Luo Jun seemed to have been greatly wronged when he said this.

"How can I do this! I can't use a doll for my structure! I even blocked a shot for him"

"If I hadn't given up my life to help, he would have died half an hour ago, and the rising combat genius under your command would have been gone!"

Luo Jun squirmed a few more times to express his dissatisfaction.

Of course Ethan knew that the puppet had nothing to do with him, but in fact this matter had indeed become a big deal.

"I know it's not you, it's a puppeteer's handiwork, at least three depths into the structure."

He looked at Luo Jun with seriousness on his face: "The puppet fought that student of Gilgamesh, and the other party was seriously injured."

"You shouldn't turn a blind eye."

Hearing the name mentioned in the other party's words, Luo Jun became visibly nervous.

"Then what's her attitude?"

"Do you want to hear the exact words?" Ethan asked.

Luo Jun nodded when he heard the words, and then Ethan recited the original words word by word.

"Talents with the third structure are rare, so I will not hold him accountable for his inaction."

"But if my student's injury will affect the road to theorem, then I will personally snuff out that bastard's fire."

A chill ran up Luo Jun's spine.

If it was Ethan who said this, he would take it as a harmless joke.

But the opponent is a legend of the World Council, or an uncrowned great sage.

So now he can only pray that the student's injury is not serious.

Compared to Luo Jun's nervousness, Rocky was obviously much more relaxed.

He was sitting in the Yuexia Maomao Curry Wonton shop, pouring spoonful after spoonful of wontons wrapped in brown sauce into his mouth.

"Shuo Yi, Li seems to be a soul without a body, is it right to send the debts in the notebook?"

The steaming wontons kept turning in his mouth, and even the words he spoke were slurred.

According to Cicada's explanation, she is a soul residing in the notebook.

Not long ago, it was brought out of the glacier by his parents, and it came into his hands after several twists and turns.

"It's not a notebook." Cicada corrected.

"You think it's a notebook when you see it because it wants to hide itself, it's alive."

After hearing what she said, Rocky wanted to turn out the notebook and take a look.

But when I opened the backpack, I found that it was gone.

"Don't look for it, don't you already know where it is now?" Cicada said meaningfully.

After careful recollection, Rocky remembered.

"Is that the book I saw behind the door?"

But after a while, there was no response from Cicada: "You are talking."

"I nodded." Cicada's tone was as it should be.

Rocky said angrily: "I can't see it."

There is a faint smell of curry in the store, and the Japanese-style decoration brings a sense of appropriate benefits to people visually.

But Rocky had no time to appreciate it at this time.

One is to scoop up the chaos that has leaked stuffing from the bowl, and the other is that the cicada's words are not clear.

He scooped the bowl back and forth with a spoon and asked, "What the hell is that book?"

"It is a weapon used by humans to suppress disasters hundreds of years ago."

"A book of revelations that records the rules of the ether and all disasters that destroy the world." Cicada replied word by word.

Rocky blew on the steaming minced meat in the spoon without any response.


He didn't know how he should react.

But he knew that if someone knew that this kind of thing was in his body, he might be taken away immediately.

"Should I take it to the World Congress now?"

Rocky is essentially a good-natured young man.

Cicada, on the other hand, had an indifferent tone.

"Of course you can, but if you forcibly strip it from your body, you will die.

"After all, it chose you."

Rocky snorted and drank two mouthfuls of curry soup, then stuck out his tongue, as if he was scalded.

"I thought about it and felt bad, after all, it was left to me by my parents."

He put down the bowl and recalled the message he received today: "What is the structure?"

Although the span is a bit large, it has not deviated from the scope of business at any rate.

Cicada was happy to answer such questions for him.

"You can understand the architecture as a pipeline for the theorem to deliver power. The more suitable the pipeline is, the stronger the power it can deliver."

Before Rocky could ask, Cicada continued, "But you don't need it, because the Apocalypse will gradually spread and cover your whole body, it is your structure."

The cicada's voice is a little more sacred.

"Unknown faction structure, under everything."

"That means I can do things, after all, I have everything I should have." Rocky put the change on the table, picked up his backpack and left the wonton shop.

His parents were not around since he was a child, so he was bullied a lot.

But that only lasted about a year.

Because everyone who bullied him was mercilessly retaliated by him.

The boy never bows to what has happened, he likes to face the thorns that will scratch his head and bleed.

"Someone manipulated a puppet and fired at me."

"How can such a thing be forgotten?"

"I didn't just break toys for the people who bullied me when I was a kid."

Rocky looked at the ruins that had been sealed off, and there were black and white flames in his pupils that were constantly intertwined and spinning.

"I'll also knock out their teeth."

(End of this chapter)

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