Crown of Evil

Chapter 3 Bo Yu

Chapter 3 Bo Yu
"Skipping class on the first day!"

"I know your grades are good, but the college entrance examination is one year away!"

"You're only hurting yourself!"

"Don't take what the teacher said as wind, I'm doing it for your own good!"

The voice on the phone had some wind-breaking special effects, and Rocky had to hold it far away.

Otherwise, the eardrum may be broken.

Today is the first day of summer tutoring.

But due to all the troubles yesterday, he forgot to set the alarm clock, and it was almost afternoon when he woke up.

The make-up teacher yelled for another ten minutes.

Rocky put the phone aside and started peeling oranges to wait for the trial to end.

Most of the furniture in the living room is covered with a layer of sheets to avoid falling dust from long-term non-use.

For many years, he locked himself in the room every time he went home, maybe because he had too much homework, or maybe he didn't want to face an empty room.

He was working on the computer while eating oranges.

Yesterday, Ethan also gave an executive officer an exclusive intranet account, and now he can check the information collected by the World Congress at any time.

"A newcomer executive who has just joined the job has the right to look up the information, and that person named Ethan is appointed to have a close relationship with your parents."

He didn't pay attention to Cicada, he had to concentrate on the complicated information.

When he calmed down and thought about it, he realized all the irrationality of yesterday.

The assassination of the puppet has a very strong purpose.

Even though he was severely damaged, he still pursued him closely, and the other party obviously had no intention of letting him leave alive.

The World Parliament organizes the information of the entire Tower of Babel according to the number of layers, except for the top-level parliament, the information of the other four floors is included in it.

But Rocky was not blinded by the huge database.

It is undoubtedly unrealistic to transport such weird-looking dolls around by rail elevators, and there is a high probability that they will be discovered by security personnel.

And he was assassinated as soon as he left the World Council, and the other party obviously knew his whereabouts.

"Why did it stop on the third floor?"

While muttering to himself, Rocky rationalized all possibilities as much as possible.

until everything is connected in one line.

"Being able to know what happened in the parliament, and being so familiar with the unlit road section on the third floor."

He clicked on the file on the third floor, looking for his target.

Food merchants who provide ingredients for the world government are undoubtedly the best choice for hiding puppets and obtaining information, and they have the prerequisites for fully contacting insiders.

Also familiar with the streets and having a space that can accommodate contraband.

"There are seven of them."

Lodge found out all the manufacturers on the third floor that provided ingredients for the World Parliament: "So which one should we go to first?"

Cicada did not stop him, but became very interested in his reaction: "The first reaction of ordinary high school students in this situation is to let the police deal with it."

Rocky gave her a very reasonable answer.

"Because I'm an executive, the one who signed the contract."

"Revenge is only meaningful if you do it yourself." He pulled out a suit that was easy to move: "Besides, I'm a ruler now. According to what you said, rulers are not common, aren't they?"

He is not a fool, even if he was bullied when he was a child, he will first judge whether he can beat the opponent, in other words, he has a very clear understanding of himself.

Cicada couldn't deny Rocky's answer: "But you also know that you have just awakened."

This is a fact, and Rocky knows it too.

But if I continue to wait, when will I know the truth?
He was annoyed when Ethan showed him the almost completely blacked-out document.

Because he felt that he had the right to know the cause of his parents' death, but the rules were there.

In this world, the weak are in the category of being protected, and it is not a good thing for the protected to know too much.

So he also understood Ethan's behavior.

So he has to leave the protected area to know what he needs to know.

Rocky couldn't understand the scene behind the door he pushed open, but he knew what that scene represented. After nearly 20 years of innocence, he was extremely addicted to the feeling brought by that scene.

That's passion.

Unparalleled passion.

Such was the nature of his life and soul.

Pursue a passion that burns your soul.

Compared with the sudden attack last night, the active attack must of course be fully prepared: Cold Steel's baseball bat, a paper knife with a brand new blade, and a sharp fruit knife.

The other party wants to kill him, of course he will not let the other party live.

It was already raining outside when he went outside, no doubt a good thing for his aversion to sweating.

"What's the name of the show about Rainy Day's Revenge, Prince's Revenge?"

He put on a raincoat and rode a bicycle, with his bulging backpack hidden under his clothes, as if he was going to class.

It would be more like if the grip of the club was also hidden.

There were not many people on the rest day. There were only four people in the orbital elevator, and they all held their own food in their hands. One of them, an old man in cleaning clothes, seemed to be drenched in the rain, shivering with his big broom in his arms.

Rocky walked up to the uncle, wanting to chat with him.

There was still a faint smell of butter on the other party: "Grandpa Guigeng this year?"

The uncle seemed a little surprised by his accost: "Ah, I'm 57 this year."

After hearing the answer, Rocky nodded thoughtfully: "It's not easy for everyone to make ends meet at such an advanced age."

The orbital elevator seemed to slow down.

The middle-aged man standing in front of the two put the briefcase in front of him and listened attentively to their conversation.

"That's right, the children at home are not up to the mark, and they owe a lot of money to do business outside." The uncle looked full of hatred.

Rocky smiled and pointed to the big broom in his hand: "You're a little disappointing. After sweeping the floor all morning, the broom is still as good as new."

He quietly reached out to the side of the backpack and gripped the club tightly.

"And the cleaning time for the third floor is from [-] am to [-] am."

"You can't do your homework well."

Suddenly there was a cold light.

The uncle did not act like an old man approaching sixty years old. He kicked up the broom, and the blade hidden in it struck Rocky's neck from top to bottom.

The original thunderous blow was surprisingly slow in Rocky's eyes, and the changes brought to him after becoming the theorem had already made him break away from the concept of ordinary people.

There was a spark between Cold Steel's club and the blade, and the remaining three men also took out short knives from their backpacks or briefcases.

"Let me just say, how can there be a social animal who only works overtime in the afternoon." Black and white flames gradually spread on the club.

"It should be in the morning."

Several sword lights mixed with strong wind came one after another, and Rocky bounced them off one by one with sticks in both hands.

The orbital elevator had stopped at some point, but the door had not been opened for a long time.

Rocky's heart suddenly became clear, this was a follow-up to the hunt last night.

The blade that was bounced off did not shatter like the puppet last night. Cicada told him that the black and white flames were the embodiment of his ether.

Can interfere with and corrupt other ethers.

But these people obviously came prepared, and the weapons in their hands were ordinary steel.

"The saying that ether constitutes everything is a bit untrue, at least your blades are not."

The club in his hand slammed on the arm of one of them with the sound of breaking wind, and the black and white flames instantly burned the clothing and skin it touched into shards.

"But you are."

Ether circulates in all living beings, maintaining the rules that should belong to the world.

When the blade is forged, it will burn out the ether, but will reabsorb the ether at a very slow rate after the forging is successful, until the ether is enough to run the rules and it will corrode and rust.

But the human body does not, the ether circulates all the time until they die.

There were screams, and the dancing clubs mercilessly hit the bodies of several people.

It's like hammering steel.

Someone else's blade pierced Rocky's arm and arm, but he inflicted much more damage than the stab wound at the same time.

The blood that flowed out gradually pooled together, including the killer's and Rocky's own.

The soles of his shoes became a little sticky, and the deformed club was also covered with blood, and there were some strangely shaped pieces of meat.

With a mechanical sound, the elevator started running again.

When the elevator door opened, the first thing that caught the eye were four deformed corpses.

And a teenager standing in a pool of blood holding a murder weapon.

The guards at the elevator entrance immediately surrounded him, and the bloody scene even caused discomfort to some people.

"He is the executive officer of the World Parliament." A familiar voice sounded from behind the guard.

Luo Jun held the certificate in his hand, and the information on it belonged to Rocky.

"Perform official duties, you can withdraw first, I will find someone to deal with it here."

The so subtle development almost made the guards mistake Luo Jun for an accomplice, but fortunately, the hard-to-forge steel stamp on the certificate dispelled their doubts.

Rocky threw away the deformed club and passed through the crowd, passing Luo Jun.

"It's so fast."

I don't know if it's talking about Luo Jun's recovery speed or the speed at which his certificate was issued.

The appearance of the other party here means that their every move is under their surveillance.

As the management organization of the Tower of Babel, it is not surprising that the World Parliament has such an information-gathering capability.

"Aren't the documents taken away?" Luo Jun reminded.

"This is a personal grievance." The boy's answer was concise and to the point.

"If you don't take it away, no one will know that you are an executive officer, and maybe you will be arrested as a murderer."

Upon hearing this, Rocky turned his head and gave him a bright smile: "It's okay, isn't this a certificate?"

He turned and left, ignoring the other party's warning: "Besides, if you pay so much attention to me, you won't just watch me get arrested."

The enforcement department did a lot of tricks when Lodge left home yesterday, and the bug that filled the entire room was just one of them.

The special status of his parents and the strange item mentioned by Ethan are worth the effort.

When the monitors learned of his revenge plan, they reported it to Ethan as soon as possible.

But as the executive director, he did not choose to send support or organize Lodge.

He became one of the people who knew Rocky best after his parents died, both personally and professionally.

When I was in junior high school, I was seriously injured three times and slightly injured four times. Each time left a psychological shadow on the other party.

But each time they were not held accountable.

Every time is legitimate self-defense in accordance with the law.

Resentment, lack of empathy, and impulsiveness, these shortcomings are vividly reflected in the young man.

But all his actions have a bottom line. If he is beaten, he will be beaten back, and if he is bullied, he will be bullied back. This is Rocky.

Now that someone wants to kill him, he will definitely find a way to kill him.

"The smell of butter is very strange, there is only one place." Rocky said to the cicada in his mind: "There are only two factories that use butter in the entire third floor, and the bread I often eat is produced by one of them. "

"And the other factory purely produces butter, which I have basically never used or eaten."

The cicada kept applauding in his mind: "The prologue of Prince's Revenge is over, and the first act of the main film is about to begin!"

"How do you know how to boo, can you provide some substantive help? You can't live in vain, right?"

Rocky sighed: "It's not easy for a charterer, sister."

Apocalypse is not an ordinary thing, and nine out of ten cicadas that can live in it are not ordinary ghosts.

At least it has to be a dead theorem changer.

The souls residing in other people's bodies are all seniors, peerless powerhouses, at least when their lives are at stake, they can kill all directions with their upper bodies.

How come I have become a faceless girl who can only play tricks?
Thinking of this, Rocky became even more depressed.

Karkaroff was also depressed when he thought of Rocky.

The puppet of the puppet is itself a gold-swallowing beast, and the materials used directly affect the speed of the advanced structure.

But he never expected that his doll would be beaten to pieces by a brat.

The doll was originally loaded with a large number of lethal components, but it was almost completely dismantled in order to transport the doll into the Tower of Babel, otherwise Rocky would never have returned alive last night.

What's more, there were other people who shot yesterday.

The other party caused extremely serious damage to the doll almost instantly. If he hadn't kept a hand, the doll might not have been able to chase it into the abandoned factory.

He was talking with someone at this time, and the voice from the receiver was mixed with light coughing.

"I hope you've made amends for last night's mistake."

Karkaroff felt as if a thorn was stuck in his throat, and he said after a few seconds: "Yes, sir, today I will not only offer you the head of the boy, but also the relics of the couple. offer."

The person on the opposite side didn't respond to him, and the phone was hung up after waiting for a few seconds.

In just ten seconds, he was covered in cold sweat.

He knew how terrifying the young man on the other end of the phone who sounded in poor health was.

Unlike formal official organizations, Karkaroff's organization is built on top of all important institutions in the world.

Many senior members held pivotal positions in it.

The internal structure of the organization follows the rules of survival of the fittest to ensure activity.

This ubiquitous organization is at the top of the blacklists of various countries, and their actions are enough to be nailed to the pillar of shame of mankind.

This is the organization Karkaroff belongs to.

It is also the enemy of all theoremists.


Just when Karkaroff calmed down, he noticed something strange.

The boy I've been thinking about day and night, he's already here.

(End of this chapter)

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