Crown of Evil

Chapter 4 Punch Out

Chapter 4 Punch Out
A knocker hovering at the door.

This is Cicada's analysis of those killers.

The door of truth will make people instinctively awe, if you dare not touch it, you will linger in front of the door for a lifetime.

The physical fitness of such people has been greatly improved compared with ordinary people.

But the strength is far less than the theorem.

At this time, Rocky had slipped into the factory building.

The other party probably knew where he was.

In fact, Karkaroff not only knew where he was, but also knew that he had awakened as a theoremist.

The puppet will share information with him.

This is a fight that everyone knows well.

All the lights in the whole workshop were turned off in an instant, only the sporadic windows were still dimly lit.

It was raining outside, with very little light coming in.

A sound of mechanical collision sounded somewhere.

Rocky is all too familiar with this.

Shapeshifting hand cannon.

He hid behind a machine with the memory of before falling into darkness.

As long as the opponent fires the first shot, he can know his position.

But Karkaroff is no fool.

"How courageous."

The voice of speaking spread all over the factory building, and Rocky couldn't judge the other party's position.

"How will you compensate me for my loss?"

The words still didn't stop.

Rocky took a deep breath to keep himself calm in the dark.

"How about using your life?"

The other party actively turns off the light, which means that there is a way to find themselves in the dark.

But why didn't the guns fire for a long time?
"Or add the relics of your hapless parents?"

A surge of anger rose in his mind, almost burning out Rocky's rationality.

That's right, the other party is trying to irritate him and make him do some demented actions.

The demented move in this case is undoubtedly to leave the bunker.

Then the opponent should now be in a position where they can see the whole court and can strike.

The only obstacle between the two may be the machine behind them.

Rocky looked up in the dark, although he couldn't see anything, he guessed that the other party was on the beam above his head.

The opponent cannot move directly above him, and the ventilation window and the beam are at the same height.

If he moves rashly, he will be exposed by the faint light.

What should I do?
The mocking words kept ringing in his ears, but Rocky couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

He cannot attack enemies on the beam.


"The ether flows among all things, and you are the master of the ether within you."

The sound of cicadas appeared in due course.

"Whether it is a command or a strong desire, the ether responds."

Guided by Cicada's words, the black and white flames in Rocky's body began to flow gradually.

"This is the premise of operating ether."

Dim light flowed in every part of Rocky's body, and the unprecedented burning sensation also brought unprecedented sobriety.

"It is an extension of the theorem's soul and life."

Living alone for so many years.

Nothing is known about the parents.

The hidden truth of the World Parliament.

Sudden assassination.

And the taunts and insults buzzing like flies in the ear.

The monstrous anger is no longer burning blazingly, but is constantly suppressed and condensed.


Rocky whispered to the ether in his body.

Bursts of black and white aether gushed out from the wound on the arm, unlike before, they did not burn, but flowed like magma.

The white ether is turned into the back of the knife to resist everything.

The black aether turned into a blade that rips everything apart.

A sickle held in one hand condensed in Rocky's hand, and the chain at the handle connected the wound.

The ether heard his call.

That's not the business of decent people.

But Rocky didn't care.

He threw the sickle upwards vigorously, and the rapidly spinning sharp blade directly tore a gap in the ceiling.

A glimmer of light spilled in.

Rocky saw Karkaroff, who was diagonally above him.

And that hand cannon ready to fire.

The sturdy machine blocked the shot for Rocky.

"Come out! Aren't you very brave!" Karkaroff growled.

Rocky came out.

I bet you don't have shells in your guns!

Karkaroff was indeed loading the hand cannon.

The scythe was thrown again and flew past his face. He didn't know why the boy had such a weird weapon, but he knew that his best chance had come.

Rocky had come out of cover in order to hit him.

Just as Karkaroff aimed the hand cannon again, a sound of breaking wind sounded from behind him.

Also present is the chain linking Lodge and the scythe.

The sharp blade pierced Karkaroff's shoulder, pulling him straight off the beam.

Rocky pulled the chain and dragged the opponent towards him.

Karkaroff struggled continuously, and the severe pain caused him to scream loudly, and there were bloodstains spreading under his body.

The Theorem's tough body played an important role at this time, and Karkaroff was still able to attack.

The light came on again, but the pain and strain caused him to lose his aim, and the shell went askew.

The explosion behind him and the rapidly spreading flames did not affect Rocky.

Karkaroff was pulled to his feet.

The moment the sickle was pulled out from the shoulder, the pain surged.

The screams suppressed the noise in the workshop.

Rocky swung his sickle and cut off Karkaroff's arm carrying the hand cannon.

Parts and flesh are flying all over the sky.

"You like being a troll, don't you!"

Rocky swung the sickle with both hands, and the blade cut directly into Karkaroff's chest.

But it was biased, and it didn't directly tear the heart.

He swiped down vigorously, but Karkaroff blocked his movement with his arms.

Just as the two were in a stalemate, a familiar gurgling sound came from behind Rocky.


Yes, he is a puppet, how could he be alone.

The sharp blade pierced Rocky's chest directly.

"Come on! Let's see who dies first!" Karkaroff yelled.

This is a temporary assembly after he managed to recover the wreckage of the doll. The weapon equipped with it is only a knife, and its performance is far from its heyday.

But enough to kill the boy.

Rocky's complexion kept changing, and finally showed a crazy smile.


His body suddenly rushed forward, and the blade of the puppet broke away from his torso.

The sickle in his hand changed the direction of the blade in Karkaroff's flesh and blood.

In Karkaroff's eyes, Rocky disappeared in an instant, replaced by a pitch-black blade, passing between his eyes in an instant.

The puppet stopped.

Karkaroff also stopped trolling people.

The blade evenly divided his neck and head in two from the middle.

Rocky collapsed to the ground, and the sickle was retracted in his body, the blood oozing from the wound was constantly stripping his consciousness.

He had suffered a lot of physical injuries in the orbital elevator before, and now the pain of new injuries and old injuries came together.

The darkness filled his eyes, and at the last moment when he lost consciousness, he saw Luo Jun's smiling face for some reason.

"Good job." Luo Jun smiled.

Then he passed out.

At the moment of Karkaroff's death, the young man far away in a foreign country felt something.

His slightly curly hair almost completely covered his eyes. He was sitting in the cafeteria, with only green vegetables on the plate in front of him.

Seeing the young man froze, the colleague sitting across from him waved his hand in front of his eyes.

"Are you uncomfortable, Mr. Ymir?"

Ymir immediately returned to normal: "I was in a daze by accident."

The colleague laughed and said, "Is it after you want to transfer back to the Tower of Babel?"

He smiled and didn't answer, but his expression became more gloomy as he chewed the vegetables.

After eating, Ymir declined the invitation of his colleagues to smoke together, and came to the corridor alone.

He took out his phone, found the person who noted his grandfather in the call log and dialed it.

"The Ripper is dead." Ymir said.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then a slightly old voice came.

"The puppet's shortcomings are too obvious. Without the puppet, it is not even as good as the theorem of framework two."

Ymir did not deny his words.

But he must let the other party know that this matter is unreasonable.

"It was the boy who killed him."

As the voice fell, the breathing on the other end of the phone began to become rapid.

"You happen to be transferred, so go handle it yourself."


The phone was hung up without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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