Crown of Evil

Chapter 22 Weird Guys and Weird Guys

Chapter 22 Weird Guys and Weird Guys
How to get effective information from a madman?

Betty had no such experience, and neither did Rocky.

So the two could only try in embarrassment under the watchful eyes of the old man.

The questions asked are nothing more than 'remember what', 'do you know who you are' and the like.

But no matter how much they asked, they couldn't get an effective answer.

Compared with before coming here, Rocky's understanding of that mission has deepened a bit, and he knows that the core content of the mission is the expedition.

But where is the expedition going?
hit who?

The reason?
Still in the dark.

And he also learned one thing through this crazy black-robed man, that is, at least the World Congress did not lie in the records about the expedition.

Ethan had described to Lodge what it was like for the survivors of that expedition to return.

"White! White!"

What the man in black said was exactly the same as Ethan's description of the survivors at the time.

Rocky was a little anxious, but he had nothing to do with this crazy man in black.

And it looks like Betty is in more of a hurry than he is.

"Think carefully! Is there an old man in the team at that time who can emit crystals?"

Well, this description is very unique.

But the man in black seemed unable to accept it.

Under Betty's questioning, he began to scream, rolling on the ground with his head in his arms.

The old man glared at Betty, stepped forward and hugged the man in black to comfort him.

"That guy guessed right." He gritted his teeth, wishing he could throw Rocky and Betty into the boiler and burn them to death.

"Although that person is not a good person, his evaluation of people like you is very pertinent."

"Arrogant and selfish, that's what you theorists are."

Seeing that the old man's emotions began to lose control, an ominous premonition began to grow in Rocky's mind.

He was very concerned about who the 'that guy' in the old man's mouth was, but he was even more afraid that the other party would come up with something that could kill him.

"She's just a little anxious, don't be angry old man, I'll buy you a glass of 'General Slime' later as an apology, okay?"

Even though you wanted to kill me when we met, I'm still very polite.

See, not all theorists are what you've heard.

But the reality is always inconsistent with the plan, and Lodge's "I am the mirror" persuasion method has not achieved results.

The old man was even angrier.


"Think I don't know what you're thinking!"

"The thing you most want to do right now is kill me, little bastard?"

Rocky's expression gradually turned cold, and his limited patience was exhausted.

It's fine if you want to kill me as soon as we meet, but now that I'm comforting you with soft words, you still want to scold me?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

In the end, he simply shot at the opponent's leg.

The ether bullet directly punched a blood hole the size of a fist in the old man's thigh.

Painful screams came.

"Bastard! You dehumanizing lunatic!"

More vicious words spewed out of the old man's mouth, and he even started greeting Rocky's parents.

Betty watched in horror, for fear that Rocky would kill both of them if he was unhappy.

But Rocky put down his gun, walked up to the old man and knelt down.




The old man opened his mouth but stopped talking. After being slapped three times in a row, he chose to shut up.

Seeing the other party opened his mouth, Rocky stopped, and came again.

"The last troll who provoked me, the end is not as simple as slapping a few mouths."

"I want you to understand two things."

"First, I didn't kill you because I respected the old and loved the young. You'd better keep your mouth shut."

"Second, I know that you may have had a bitter and bitter past, which makes you look like a freak with extreme thinking now."

"Coincidentally, I have it too, so I'm also a weirdo."

"From now on, I will ask you to answer, if I am not satisfied with the answer, you will eat the bullet, understand?"

He nodded reluctantly.

Then he was shot in the other leg as well.



"very good."

Betty's face turned pale, as if she was about to spit it out at any time.

She fainted.

But this did not prevent him from listening to Rocky's question.

"What's the relationship between you two?"


Rocky tilted his head and stared at the man in black. The man's face was already thin.

I can't tell if it's a brother or not.

"Who is that 'he' you speak of?"

"I have no idea."

As if he was afraid that his answer was too concise and he would get another shot, so he immediately continued to add.

"I'm a tourist, I've never seen it before, we just chatted briefly"

Rocky nodded and pointed to the man in black: "Which faction is he from?"

The old man stopped talking and looked straight at Rocky.

Even if Rocky waved the gun in front of his eyes to signal the other party, he didn't say a word, but when Rocky was about to shoot, the old man spoke again.

"That's the end of the quiz, you bastard, go to hell!"

A violent ether wave came, and the killing intent was undisguised, and Rocky and Betty instantly had goosebumps all over their bodies.

The old man is an ordinary person, so the ether fluctuation comes from the man in black robe.

Rocky had never felt the intensity of this ether fluctuation, which also refreshed his perception of danger.

Being chased by a puppet or facing a wave of corpses has never made him so nervous, because what he is facing now is a theorizer whose strength far exceeds his own.

The good news is that the other party is crazy.

The bad news is that I don't know why the other party suddenly remembered how to use ether.

"Kill them!" the old man roared.

Rocky originally thought that this was the story of an "evil brother manipulating a superhuman younger brother to cause disaster". Generally, in this situation, the thief is the first to capture the king. As long as he catches his brother, he has a high probability of escape.

But the man in black directly shattered Rocky's fantasy.

He directly grabbed the old man's head, and with a strong shock, the head exploded in his hands.

Well, now the core of the story has become 'a killing machine that the six relatives don't recognize'.

(End of this chapter)

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