Crown of Evil

Chapter 23 Mei Gao

Chapter 23 Mei Gao
The man in black covered his head and moaned softly, as if it was his head that was crushed.

The ether in the space flew around, scratching Rocky's face with pain.Just the influence of the mental state on the ether is exaggerated to this point, and he can't imagine what it will be like when the other party really makes a move.

Rocky began to think quickly in his mind how he should run.

It's not impossible to bring Betty with you if conditions permit.

But compared to his state, the impact of this force on Betty is more serious.

The structure of the New Testament faction is to directly absorb ether from the surroundings for its own use, and now this kind of scene is simply impossible to do with Betty's strength.

Rocky looked around, there was no other way except for the passage cut out by Betty with an axe, and the old gatekeeper didn't know where he came in from.

Why don't you take a shot to test the waters before the black-robed man is ready?

This idea was immediately rejected by Rocky.

Betty stood motionless, becoming a herbivore targeted by natural enemies.

The idea of ​​encouraging her to go up and chop an ax was also denied by herself.

While Rocky was thinking wildly, the ether in the space calmed down at an unimaginable speed.

Betty began to dress heavily, cold sweat dripping down her face.

The man in black took off his hood, revealing his skinny face.

"Are you one of us?" His eyes were fixed on Rocky, as if they would fall out if he moved.

My own?who?

"I am from Babel."

Honesty is the beginning of making a good first impression on each other.

Moreover, Rocky was afraid that his nonsense would be crushed by the other party.

"What about you?"

He looked at Betty.

But Betty's body was still instinctively afraid, and she opened her mouth again and again to speak out a complete sentence.


The man in black nodded, and then looked at Rocky.

"I like honest people."

Rocky followed his example and kept nodding.

"But you lied to me."

Unable to nod now, Rocky began to wave his hands non-stop.

"Don't dare to lie, really can't be true anymore!"

The man in black made a silent gesture, and then a dirty orange light appeared from his fingertips, and he looked at Rocky playfully: "How do you think my consciousness was restored?"

"The group of people in the Tower of Babel will not have this kind of thing."

The dirty orange light is of course natural disaster energy, and Rocky, who has a headache facing that thing every night, will never admit it wrong.

Listening to his words, it seemed that it was the influence of the natural disaster energy in his body, which made him regain consciousness.

The man in black flicked his fingertips, and the natural disaster energy got into Rocky's chest in the blink of an eye, and began to wander wantonly in his body.

"Where are you from?"

"Faust? Carmen? Eight Pillars of Heaven?"

Rocky was confused by the other party's question. Except for Faust, he had never heard the other two names mentioned by the other party, so he simply shook his head.

"I am from Babel."

The natural disaster energy wandering in Rocky's body did not notice the physical reaction caused by lying, but the man in black was even more curious.

Where did this energy come from?
If he couldn't figure it out, he simply stopped thinking about it, because this kind of thing didn't matter to him.

The man in black looked at his brother who had been killed by himself, with an unconcealable sadness and anger in his tone.

"Did you ever think that such a day would come when you squeezed my strength?"

The moment he bowed his head in remembrance, Rocky and Betty suddenly exploded.

Rocky endured the pain caused by the natural disaster energy, condensed bullets and shot at the black-robed man in front of him; Betty also bit her own tongue, forcibly regained control of her body from the 'instinct', jumped up and slashed .

This is the best opportunity left for the two after the ether rampage stops.

But it's just an opportunity.

The man in the black robe didn't turn his head back, the surrounding ether changed again, and a strong impact directly slapped all the things flying towards him against the wall.

People, weapons, and bullets.

The ether turned into pure wind, fixing the two of them tightly to the wall, and the huge wind pressure even cracked the wall below them.

"Incomparable courage" the man in black praised.

He waved his hand to disperse the strong wind, and performed an elegant aristocratic etiquette towards the two who were coughing and panting constantly.

Before Rocky and Betty could react, the boiler suddenly started to run crazily, hundreds of pistons made deafening roars, and a powerful ether storm appeared again, but this time it was not directed at them, but at underfoot.

A huge crack suddenly appeared, with bursts of strange light.

The three began to fall continuously, as if the crack was leading to hell.

Gradually, Rocky began to feel that his breathing became difficult, and every time he took a breath, he felt someone punching his chest.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell into darkness.

When Rocky woke up again, he was lying on his back next to a campfire, and the feeling of being hammered in his lungs still existed.

He squinted his eyes and looked around, only to see Betty who was also unconscious and the man in black looking up at the sky.

"You haven't seen such a sky, have you?" He asked suddenly, and then looked at Rocky: "I know you're awake."

Now there was no way to pretend anymore, Rocky could only sit up obediently, he wanted to ask this unfathomable old man what he wanted to do, but the sky that caught his eyes made him speechless.

The original ethereal night sky disappeared, and the stars and moon were invisible.

A dirty yellow boulder covering the sky occupies most of the field of vision, only a small part of the sky can be peeked at, and the dark clouds with lightning flashes spread around the boulder, like a divine punishment ready to go.

"That's the Temple of Olympus." The man in black explained to the surprised Rocky.

An ominous premonition frantically shook the alarm in Rocky's mind, and the unprecedented sight made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness and crisis.

"Where did you take me?"

Rocky swallowed and bit his tongue. He wanted to keep himself in the most awake state so that he could think and respond as quickly as possible after getting the answer.

But the other party's answer made him feel a little ridiculous.

"This? This is the edge of the world."

After hearing the answer, Rocky gave up thinking, or his mind became blank.

The thoughts of 'strike the vital point', 'fight to the end', 'false and submissive' all disappeared in an instant.

He wanted to deny the other party, but the sky and strange air in front of him, as well as the unusually rare ether around him, were telling a fact.

This is not the world he is familiar with.

Rocky sat on the ground and began to take a deep breath, but the tingling from his lungs made him very irritable.

"Destroy it." He rested his chin and spoke calmly.

Faced with today's bizarre development, Rocky had a little breakdown, but the instigator of all this didn't care about his emotions.

"People are mostly profit-seeking, and don't care whether to avoid harm or not."

He held out his hand to Rocky, and the dirty orange glow reappeared.

"From now on, I say what you do, and in return I will teach you how to solve this tricky thing."

Upon hearing this, Rocky turned his head and raised his eyebrows, as if saying, 'You seem to understand it very well'.

"Otherwise your end will be death."

Very helpless, the man in black was telling the truth.

The energy of natural disasters not only began to block Rocky's structure, but also continuously ate away the ether in his body, and the speed was constantly accelerating.

It won't be long before this is the only thing left in his body.

At that time, there will only be two results, either turning into a monster in the world, or turning into a corpse.

So Rocky nodded and accepted the conditions promised by the other party.

Then, the man in black pointed to Betty who was still awake.

"As for her, it's up to you."

Rocky certainly wouldn't leave her alone.

In addition to seeing that Betty is a very handsome and fierce girl, Rocky also wants to have a good chat with her, because she is also investigating the expedition.

"My name is Mei Gao." The man in black robe said his name.

After hearing this short self-introduction, Rocky pricked up his ears, waiting to hear a story of bitterness and hatred.

"Thanks to my brother, I'm dying."

Rocky nodded, and waited intently for the other party to say what he needed to do.

"Before I die, I want to go back to my hometown."

 Grandma passed away, the update quality may fluctuate these days, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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