Crown of Evil

Chapter 24 The Spire

Chapter 24 The Spire
Rocky now only hopes that Mei Gao can finish this journey home quickly, and learn how to control the energy of natural disasters on the way.

On the barren wasteland, Rocky bent over Betty, holding a wooden plank in his hand, on which Mego sat.

The influence of the world on the New Testament Counsel is more serious than Lodge imagined.

Betty was hot all over, she couldn't stop sweating, and she was panting heavily.

The whole person is so weak that Rocky is afraid that she may die at any time.

They are now at the fringes of the world, where it is barren and dead, and so is the ether, so even the rulers of the world are unwilling to take a second look at it.

Mei Gao seemed to be fascinated by the scene, and began to tell stories to Rocky.

The Borderlands are also known as the Lands of Exile in some organizations of the world.

Long ago, those organizations would throw those who committed unforgivable sins into the gap between the two worlds, and land here.

Mego is the descendant of the exiles.

When Luo Qi heard it, he thought that there really was a story of bitterness and hatred. Maybe in the exiled land, there would be a protagonist in the novel who despised the world and soared to the sky, and then many years later, he would go all the way to the world to avenge his ancestors. , and finally made great achievements.

However, this novel-like development rarely happens.

As for Mei Gao's own experience, it is more like a rural veteran who was tricked into an expedition in sad online literature. This veteran hated the world that abandoned his ancestors and himself, and chose to stand against them.

And with the stories in Maggie's mouth, Rocky finally learned some truths about the expedition that year.

Back then, a natural disaster formed an army in the mortal world, and crossed the boundary between the two worlds to snatch something from the human world.

Mei Gao gritted his teeth when he talked about this, as if he hated this war extremely, but Rocky could vaguely guess that there was a high probability that that thing was the Apocalypse in his body.

And the task of my parents is nothing more than two possibilities, one is to find and protect the Apocalypse, and the other is to be responsible for fighting the Scourge.

Judging from the attribution of the final apocalypse, the mission of the two of them is likely to be the former.

"Although the battle was tough, we won in the end."

After hearing this, Rocky obviously paused.

Won?Grabbed the Apocalypse?
So what is in my body?
Rocky thought that Mei Gao was lying, maybe he wanted to brag in front of him and satisfy his vanity.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you're dying and bragging.

If this is true, why don’t you mortal Scourge quickly raise your flag to attack the human world and complete the feat of merging the two worlds into one?
Rocky pouted secretly.

Mei Gao, who was behind him, didn't see this small movement, and continued to talk on his own.

"We grabbed the 'golden apple' and brought it back to earth."

A name he had never heard of suddenly appeared, and for a moment, Rocky thought that he had heard it wrong, or that the expedition Megger mentioned had nothing to do with his parents' time.

So Rocky began to call Cicada, hoping to know the truth of Mei Gao's story from the other party's mouth.

But no matter how he called, the cicada did not respond.

"I'm asking you, kid."

The confusion of thoughts made Rocky ignore Maegao's voice, until the other party's ether hit his arm.

"Do you think it's cruel to let soldiers who want to go home stay behind?"

The wound on his arm began to ooze blood, Rocky gritted his teeth and shook his head: "I don't know, but at least you survived."

Mei Gao raised his hand and put it down again, and did not speak again.

Along the way, Rocky thought about whether to leave the old bastard and run towards the 'boundary' many times, but considering Megol's strength and Betty's powerlessness, Rocky finally shelved this idea.

What's more, he also wants to learn from Mei Gao how to control the energy of natural disasters.

There is a stronghold of the World Congress on the side of the boundary that is close to the human world, and if you can reach there, you can escape from danger.

And no matter whether it is the world or the strong in the human world, they cannot cross the boundary at will, which will cause the boundary to be deflected, and then affect the balance of the two worlds.

Some of the things Mego said occasionally later inadvertently deepened Lodge's understanding of the world.

People favored by natural disasters have another name—the duster. Their body structure is different from that of the theorem. While absorbing ether, it will transform it into an extremely unstable energy—the energy of natural disasters.

This kind of energy that is causing Rocky to die is the foundation for the survival of the Dust Swingers.

Well, the useless knowledge has increased again.

Rocky is the theorem, and can only use the method of Mego, who is also the theorem, to control the energy of the natural disaster.

After trekking all night, the three came to a dilapidated market, where Mei Gao was going to get a decent means of transportation.

At least one with wheels.

The residents in the market have already surpassed Lodge's cognition of human beings.

The people here are deformed and indifferent. Many people look like they are stitched together by humans and other creatures. What's more, there are at least three characteristics of non-human creatures on their bodies.

This is the person who lives in the world.

Mei Gao finally took a fancy to a pull cart with not very round wheels.

He stretched out his wrist to the other party, and there was a blue mark on it—an upside-down minaret. The poor stall owner immediately knelt down and held his hands high after seeing the mark, as if worshiping a god.

After taking a more serious vehicle, Mei Gao began to drive Rocky on the road again, and began to cough continuously.

"Is it powerful? This mark?" Mei Gao showed the mark just now and kept looking at it.

"When I first got it, my brother wanted it too, so I figured out how to print one for him too."

"Hahahaha, that idiot back then was forcibly included in the expedition team because of this mark, obviously he was just an ordinary person."

"I protect him on the battlefield and think of him everywhere."

"He actually regarded me as an energy source for researching machinery?"

"Damn him, damn him!"

Mei Gao sat in the car and recalled his brother, and suddenly went crazy. At the same time, Rocky suddenly felt a terrifying ether wave approaching rapidly.

Stronger than Mega!

Just when Rocky was stunned by this fluctuation, Betty on his back suddenly spoke, and Rocky wouldn't have heard it if he hadn't spoken in his ear.

Originally, it should be a good thing to have a cute girl with boxer braids lying in her ear and exhaling orchids, but what Betty said almost scared Rocky and threw her on the ground.

"Inverted. Hanging spire. It is the mark of Faust."

(End of this chapter)

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