Crown of Evil

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

The world parliament has set up guard posts at the border to prevent criminals from fleeing to the world, or to prevent some people from the world from running into the world.

But most of the time nothing happens here.

The stationed personnel patrol and stand guard every day, and some people even plant vegetables in the base, although the harvest is not very good due to environmental problems.

Today, many people have seen sights they have never seen since coming here.

There is a huge upside-down steeple that crashed from the world.

Everyone quickly entered a state of first-level combat readiness, and several theoreticians at the sentry also occupied favorable terrain, and the situation here was also reported to the headquarters of the World Congress.

War is imminent!
But someone soon discovered the anomaly.

That tower. Doesn't seem to mean slowing down?
After the inverted steeple crashed into a cliff, the entire tower began to rotate irregularly.

With a deafening roar, the minaret fell into the wasteland not far from the sentry post. The entire tower body was broken into several sections, and some parts were directly broken into slag.

In order to prevent this from being an earthly trick, the commander sent a small team to check on the situation of the tower.

Several fighters from the World Congress held their guns and spread out around the tower to observe the situation.

At this time, two hands suddenly stretched out from a hole.

"Comrade! Don't shoot! One of our own!"

The muzzles of several guns were aimed there in an instant, and only ghosts would believe such a cheap trick!
"I am the Executive Officer of the World Council! The immediate supervisor is Ethan!" Then the man took out a booklet: "This is my ID!"

After he finished speaking, he saw the booklet being thrown over, and everyone backed away in fright, thinking that the other party took the opportunity to throw some lethal weapon over.

Some team members stepped forward and stabbed it with the barrel of a gun, and it turned out that it was really a document.

Of course the certificate belonged to Rocky, but Ethan might be pissed off if he found out that he carried the executive officer's certificate with him when he was out on missions.

Rocky poked his head out cautiously: "Look, it's me."

At this moment, the ruins of another steeple suddenly exploded, and a pair of transparent wings protruded from it.

Immediately afterwards, Rocky felt that the surrounding ether began to become chaotic, frantically gathering towards the pair of wings.

In the next second, a huge black figure broke through the ground. He was floating in the air, and his wings flapping at high speed made bursts of humming.

A huge fly, the upper body is still a white and fat man.

It was the Worm Baron.

A group of team members fired quickly, but they were all blocked by the barriers around the opponent's body.

The baron roared angrily, and he glared at Rocky angrily, but several ether waves were rapidly approaching here, and the baron could only retreat first.

This is the world, and it would not be surprising that a theoremist would appear in the next second and crush him to death.

"I remember you." The baron left such a sentence to Rocky before leaving.

Rocky didn't care about that.

He didn't want to go to the mortal world again in his life.

"Please help me find a stretcher!" Rocky yelled at his own people, and then got into the ruins again.

He had to find Betty.

According to the news sent back from Apocalypse, Betty's situation is very bad now.

After taking revenge on Megol earlier, Rocky broke into the second floor directly from the outer wall, and fought with the baron's men on the way to the control room.

It may be that the sound of the battle made Betty feel nervous. In order to avoid accidents in the control room, she directly locked the door.

Then an embarrassing situation happened.

Rocky is outside the door with a sickle in his left hand and a gun in his right. With one shot, a Faust is rebellious, and with one knife, he is a mongrel. Occasionally, he will fight fiercely with enemies with good skills.

If you don't consider what Rocky said, this picture is the hero's last stand before victory.

"Open the door, Betty! I can't hold on!"

"Open the door! Why doesn't his grandma open it!"

"Please Betty, open the door."

But sadly, Apocalypse says Betty has passed out.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and the overhanging spire soon fell.

Rocky dug around in the ruins and found Betty's location according to the instructions of the apocalypse.

After digging out a stone slab, the unconscious Betty curled up in a gap, and she was not injured again under the protection of the broken bones.

And she was holding a broken joystick in her hand.

Rocky picked her up and jumped out from the ruins of the minaret, still shouting 'Comrade don't shoot'.

Half an hour later, the two had returned to the border base.

Rocky was holding a large rice bowl to cook rice, while talking to the base commander about his needs.

"Take good care of this girl. By the way, ask which base has someone from Babylon coming. That should be the one to pick her up."

"Book me a plane ticket with the latest time, to the Trian Federation, I still have tasks to finish."

"There should be a blind swordsman in that tower, he's quite powerful, be careful when you go to search, I don't know if he's gone or not."

"Give me another tank at the end, I'm starving to death."

Since entering the federal bunker, Rocky has not eaten a bite of food, and it is already the third day.

He could vaguely feel that Mr. Andrew might miss him very much, and Eugene also missed him very much, so he had to go back quickly.

"Then what should I write when reporting to the headquarters?"

The conductor has a headache for the mess left by Rocky, not only the handover of personnel, there are many living hybrids in the ruins of the steeple, and he has to deal with these after Rocky is gone.

Moreover, an executive officer who was originally on a mission in the Trian Federation suddenly appeared at the border. If this kind of thing is written in the report, what awaits him is endless phone calls.

But Rocky looked indifferent.

Didn't we destroy a Faust branch?
Head work!

There are many rewards!

What's more, Rocky now has more important things waiting for him to do.

The first is to return to the Trian Federation as soon as possible, where there is still a time bomb named 'Duke'; the second is to find out what the 'golden apple' that Mego is talking about is.

 There are two chapters today, one small and one large.

  This is the first TT
(End of this chapter)

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